When it originally aired, Dawson’s Creek received quite a bit of flak from critics because its teenagers didn’t always talk like teenagers. Dialogue was a huge part of the series because so many of the characters were prone to monologuing their feelings about situations. Whether they used six-syllable words or not though, the show always pushed its characters to develop in interesting ways.

That’s why it’s so interesting to compare the first and last moments for the main characters. Despite all of that development, so many of them are right back where they started with their final lines in the series.

10 Jen

– Hey, there. – I want her to belong. I feel like I never really did.

Jen’s first line in the series is a simple one; it’s the accompanying visuals that make it stand out. She enters Capeside in a yellow cab and walks in slow motion across the yard to talk to Dawson Leery, making a big impression on him which leads to his infatuation. It also leads to the slow reveal of all of Jen’s secrets to this new group of friends.

When Jen enters Capeside, she’s very much an outsider continually trying to find a place to belong. That’s why her last words to Jack are so powerful. She doesn’t want her daughter to spend her formative years feeling out of place, and she entrusts that job to Jack since she won’t get to see her grow up. It’s such a sad moment for Jen, despite her having found a place with the first people who greeted her in Capeside.

9 Jack

– Hi… I’m Jack. – That’s the Dudleys, right there.

Jack spends so much time on the show trying not to stand out and be who people need him to be; even from his first moment introducing himself to Joey. Jack’s quiet and unassuming while she and Dawson argue. Jack just wants to get to his job interview, but he also doesn’t want to make waves.

That eventually changes as he becomes more comfortable with himself and his sexuality, but he’s aware everyone’s experience is different. Jack’s last line in the show is to remind Doug that there are other people on the beach after Doug kisses him; Pacey’s older brother isn’t out to the rest Capeside. Despite Doug having just professed that he wants to help Jack raise Jen’s daughter, Jack still tries to give Doug space to hide.


8 Andie

– Oh, my God. – As long as I need to.

For most of her time on the show, Andie’s character is used to develop Pacey, which is unfortunate, because she’s an incredibly compelling young woman. Both her first and last moments in the show revolve around Pacey.

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In her first, she hits his father’s police cruiser, mistaking Pacey for an officer, and it doesn’t lead to the best first interactions between them. In her last, which actually occurs in a DVD-only scene in the series finale, she and Pacey discuss Jen’s declining health. She maintains that she’ll stay in Capeside as long as necessary, but it’s her only scene that makes it into the DVD, making it seem like she was never there at all.

7 Audrey

– Joey, can I ask my favorite roommate in the whole world for the hugest of all possible favors? – Absolutely.

Audrey has to deal with some serious issues. She learns to love herself and works through substance abuse, but her first and last scenes in the show tell the audience that she’s still looking for love.

The favor Audrey asks Joey for in her first appearance is to leave their dorm room so she can have some time with her new boyfriend. Her last line is Audrey agreeing to go to Todd’s, a director friend of Dawson’s, room after they spent the day working together. Audrey just wants to find someone who makes her happy, though the audience never finds out if Todd is the one to do that.

6 Grams

– What are you doing? – I’ll see you soon, child. Soon.

Grams is one tough woman who isn’t so sure about her granddaughter’s behavior when Jen first arrives. She relaxes her strict ways over the series, but her primary motivation is always to look out for Jen.

Her first line occurs when Jen is checking on her ailing grandfather before her first day of school. The last is her line when she wakes up to find that Jen’s heart has stopped beating in the series finale. Though Grams has more scenes with other characters, she doesn’t have any more audible lines in the show as her work with Jen is done.

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5 Gail

– At five o’clock this morning, all of the airline’s scheduled flights were canceled. – I love you both.

The audience introduction to Gail in the pilot episode isn’t as Dawson’s mom, but as the local news anchor. It’s not until after Dawson and Joey discuss her that her identity is revealed.

What’s interesting about Gail is that her final line in the series isn’t with her son, but in talking to Pacey and Joey. She interrupts a serious conversation between them in the series finale to get plates from the kitchen at Pacey’s restaurant; which Pacey opens to friends and family only after Jen’s death. Though Gail has her difficulties with both characters earlier in the show, it’s their love story that she helps close out, not her son’s ambitions, for the audience.

4 Mitch

– Oh, hi, son, your mother and I were just discussing… – Need some help?

Dawson and his dad butt heads a lot, but Mitch’s central conflict isn’t with his son, but his wife. He and Gail have a seemingly healthy relationship when Dawson and Pacey walk in on them in the pilot episode, but eventually, they separate after Gail has an affair.

Though they reconcile, they don’t get their happy ending. Not long after the birth of their daughter, Mitch dies in a car accident, and his final line is actually part of a flashback. He offers to help Gail feed their daughter. It’s a light final moment for him as Dawson struggles to cope with his father’s loss.

3 Pacey

– What was that all about? – Look at you, you big Hollywood player.

Pacey’s first and last lines in the show see him right where the show always puts him: between Dawson and Joey. As Dawson’s best friend and the love of Joey’s life, that’s not a huge surprise for Pacey.

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His first line is a result of Joey pulling him back into the water to get out first while they work on Dawson’s movie. She’s not thrilled about having to act opposite him, though that certainly changes. Pacey’s last line, however, is still said right next to Joey while the two talk to Dawson about his big upcoming meeting with his idol Steven Spielberg.

2 Joey

– I’ll be right here… – What are you going to say; what are you going to wear?

Though Joey’s romantic interests veer from Dawson after the first season, the crux of the show is always their friendship. Both her first and last lines are said to him and reference Steven Spielberg, in keeping with bringing the show full circle.

Joey’s first line is quoting E.T. while watching the movie with Dawson. As the girl next door, Joey knows firsthand how much Dawson loves Spielberg, so she’s rightfully excited for him when she discovers that he’s got a meeting with the very man who inspired him to make movies.

1 Dawson

– Ghandi. Spielberg was robbed. – I have no idea.

Dawson opens the series by lamenting the fact that Spielberg didn’t get an Oscar for his work on E.T. He remains obsessed with Spielberg through his young adult years, and even has a touch of Peter Pan syndrome when it comes to creating a rich fantasy world. The audience can forgive Dawson for that, however, because through all of the drama, he ends the show with his dreams coming true.

Not only does Dawson become the showrunner for a series based on his high school years in Capeside, but he also gets to meet his hero. That’s a seriously happy ending for the guy who spent most of his teen years trying to figure out if he was in love with Joey or not.

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