While it is common for villains to be associated with drugs in the comic book world, DC Comics once took that to the next level by creating a drug dealing supervillain who was fueled by cocaine. Snowflame, drug dealer extraordinaire, uses the booger sugar to gain superhuman abilities. That’s right, DC’s other speedster dealt blow after blow, literally.

First appearing in 1988, Snowflame made his debut in New Guardians #2, in a story appropriately named Jungle Snow. He was created by Steve Englehart and Cary Bates and served as the New Guardians foe upon their visit to Columbia. Yes, you read that correctly, the cocaine powered villain comes from Columbia. Running a massive cartel, cocaine is never in short supply for this drug-fueled baddy.


Wearing an outfit of bright red and chrome, Snowflame looks like he got dressed while having a manic episode from cocaine after listening to a bit too much Elton John, but this doesn’t make him any less menacing. Surprisingly, Snowflame actually defeated the New Guardians in their first encounter, however, the next time they met he wasn’t so lucky, ultimately ending up in a chemical shed explosion.

Snorting lines and committing crimes, Snowflame’s source of power is quite literally cocaine. Doing cocaine is what activates and gives him his super abilities, which are honestly pretty wild in their own right. The first of his abilities are pretty standard, starting off with the typical superhuman strength and speed, plus an inability to feel pain, almost parodying the way cocaine makes a person feel. Beyond these typical boilerplate powers is where Snowflame gets his name; his power of pyrokinesis. For some bizarre reason, inhaling cocaine gives him the ability to shoot and control fire, so in a way, you could call him a “fire” drug plug. If this wasn’t weird enough, his final power tops the list of whacky abilities. Snowflame actually possesses the ability of instant contact high, meaning that simply touching him will send someone into a cocaine frenzy. In fact, the Floronic Man once suffered this fate by barely touching Snowflame, spiraling him out of control with an intense coke high. Don’t fret, this cartel running, coked-out criminal does have a weakness, and if you couldn’t already guess it, his weakness is the same as his strength, drugs. He is simply addicted to cocaine on a level like no other, leaving him vulnerable for intense cravings and the ability to bend his will with a little powder. It’s not a superpower one would actively wish for.

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