Warning! Spoilers ahead for Titans United #3

In DC Comics’ new issue of Titans United, Jason Todd’s Red Hood proves he’s the most badass Titan by far. Having uncovered a secret plot where seemingly normal humans are actually sleeper agents wielding the powers of the Titans themselves, the team of heroes is trying to take down the villain known as Lady Vic, a skilled assassin in connection with Cadmus Laboratories (the lab responsible for the replicating their powers). However, Jason Todd’s determination in this new issue sees him channeling his inner Tom Cruise during their latest mission.

In Titans United #3 from writer Cavan Scott and artist Jose Luis, the majority of the Titans are set to intercept Lady Vic as she prepares to leave the country. Being attacked by two of her guards possessing Beast Boy’s powers, it’s all the confirmation they need that she’s a part of the program started by Cadmus to create their own sleeper metahumans to counteract natural metas should they ever go rogue.


While Lady Vic is about to make her escape on her private jet, Jason Todd decides to be incredibly rash and impulsive, firing a grappling hook at the plane and hanging on for deal life as it takes off. Carrying quite the resemblance to Tom Cruise’s Ethan Hunt in Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation, Jason finds himself struggling to get inside the plane from the outside as its already taken off, proving his skills and prowess as the Titans’ resident badass while earning equal parts respect and exasperation from his fellow heroes.

While Jason ultimately makes his way inside the jet after some help from Wonder Girl and Raven, he still has to face Lady Vic herself. However, after an intense but brief battle, Lady Vic surprisingly teleports away while casting doubt that Cadmus has been working alone in their sleeper-meta project. Likewise, Superboy’s Conner Kent has been taken captive by Starfire’s evil sister Blackfire, and it seems as though she’s involved in the power replication as well.

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In any case, the fact that Jason Todd’s Red Hood literally leaped into an incredibly dangerous situation despite having no powers of his own is pretty cool (if not objectively dumb). There wasn’t much need to grapple onto a plane and hang on for dear life when Red Hood’s backup was Wonder Girl and Raven, both of whom can fly. Regardless, it was still a pretty badass move for the Titans’ newest member all the same.

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