This article contains spoilers for Green Lantern #2.

DC Comics has just destroyed the Green Lantern Corps. For millennia, the Green Lanterns have served as the universe’s greatest protectors. Wielding Power Rings provided by the Guardians of the Universe, the Green Lanterns have long stood against the forces of evil that would ravage the cosmos. Sometimes they serve as something of a police force hunting criminals, sometimes as soldiers going to war.

Only those with the strongest of wills, those able to conquer their own fear, can count themselves among the ranks of the Green Lanterns. “In brightest day, in blackest night,” the Green Lanterns say as they charge their ring from their Power Battery, “No evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil’s might beware my power – Green Lantern’s light.” And yet, in Green Lantern #2 by Geoffrey Thorne, Marco Santucci, and Dexter Soy, the proud tradition of the Green Lanterns comes to a horrific and spectacular end.


One of the Guardians of the Universe, Koyos, was assassinated by mysterious villains who seek to restore magic to the galaxy. In Green Lantern #2, the Guardians hold their version of a funeral ceremony, consigning Koyos’ body to the heart of the Power Core. But several hours later, the tragedy escalates when the Power Core itself detonates. The energy sweeps across the entire planet of Oa, destroying almost all life, and across the galaxy, every single Green Lantern’s ring loses its charge. Some are in space at the time, and lose the protective fields that allow them to survive; others will have been in flight, and fall to their deaths. The Power Core is gone, and there are effectively no longer any Green Lanterns.

This, of course, is the nightmarish world DC recently revealed in the “Future State” initiative, in which they gave readers a glimpse of the future of the DC universe. It’s reasonable to assume the enemies of the Guardians planned all this, with their magic somehow corrupting the body of Koyos. By placing his body inside the Power Core, the Guardians of the Universe introduced a destructive new element that ultimately caused the Core to blow.

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The Green Lantern Corps may be gone, but that doesn’t mean there is no way back. DC has recently introduced Keli Quintela, AKA Teen Lantern, who possesses a strange gauntlet that is a duplicate of Oan technology – but does not derive its power from the Power Core on Oa. If the surviving Green Lanterns can possibly find the source of Keli’s power, then they may well be able to find another source of power for a restored Green Lantern Corps.

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