DCeased could be making its return sometime soon, as teased by writer Tom Taylor. The virus that caused DC’s world to head into this apocalyptic reality was originally from Cyborg. It started with the Justice League facing off against Darkseid, who was somehow able to put the Anti-Life equation in Cyborg. Through his systems, Cyborg’s body reacts to the Anti-Life equation causing it to become a technology-based virus. Playing off society’s worries about modern technology, the virus spreads through the internet and makes every computer into undead zombies.

That is the initial basis for DCeased. Since the first part, there have been different series’ which tackle aspects of the world’s atrocities. Whether it be exploring what Earth’s heroes were doing before evacuating the planet or showing the initial outburst of DC’s zombies, DCeased has everything. It’s a prime story that allows constant expansion as there are so many tiny aspects that can be explored.


Recently, DC Comics just finishing releasing DCeased: Dead Planet by Tom Taylor and Trevor Hairsine this March. However, it seems that Taylor’s dark universe never rests. As Taylor took to Twitter to reply to a fan eager for more DCeased. Taylor’s tweet said “That’s the thing about anything undead. It’s hard to stop it from rising again.” It’s pretty obvious what Taylor wants fans to infer from his Tweet, that there is potential for DCeased to return again.

It’s likely that there could be talks happening behind the scenes that fans aren’t privy to as why would Taylor tweet something as specific as he did? If this isn’t the case, maybe Taylor is trying to get the publisher’s attention to revive and greenlight a continuation? Either way, as Taylor has suggested, it’s hard to keep the undead actually dead and a story like this is primed for expansion. The fact that almost every single hero in DC’s universe died to the virus or the Anti-Living allows for a new set of heroes to try and rebuild. Imagine if the survivors, generations from now, are able to build a new working society in their own image. What would that look like and who would be in it?

It’s clear that DC’s darkest alternate universe hasn’t gone past its sell-by date just yet and Tom Taylor knows it. Not to mention that there are a few dangling threads that were left unanswered. This includes what happened in between the actual events showcased, but also what happens next after the events of DCeased: Dead Planet #7. Whether DC Comics will pull through and expand on the already-established continuity of DCeased remains to be seen. Readers can pick up their copies of DCeased in comic book stores and on digital platforms.

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