Never doubt a casting of a superhero right away. Early on, fans could not have suspected that Gal Gadot would be to Wonder Woman what Robert Downey Jr. was to Iron Man.

Since her debut, Gal Gadot has become the new star of the DC Extended Universe. Currently, Gal Gadot has the most films in the DCEU out of all the recurring characters. With four movies as Wonder Woman, Gal Gadot has provided a plethora of wonderful moments as Princess Diana Of Themyscira.

10 Learning To “Fly” – Wonder Woman 1984

An ambiguous part of Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman has been confusing fans since the start; can she fly or is she just leaping long distances? Well, Patty Jenkins finally answered that question in Wonder Woman 1984 by showing that she kind of fly. After losing Steve Trevor a second time, she leaps into the clouds.

The way the film portrays her flight is unique yet fitting for the character. She uses momentum combined with tricks from her lasso to propel herself forward. So to quote Toy Story: it’s falling with style. The scene also acts as a tribute to Christopher Reeve’s Superman which is always nice.

9 Diana And Alfred – Zack Snyder’s Justice League

One of the strongest fixes Zack Snyder made to his Justice League was giving everyone a chance to shine with some humor. One of Diana’s funniest scenes comes when she and Alfred are working together in the Batcave. Alfred tests the Wonder Woman-inspired Batman gauntlets leading to a witty remark from Diana.

Alfred also micromanages Diana in making tea as a mother would. The banter is cute with Diana’s smiles shining ever so brightly. Of course, Jeremy Irons continued to shine as Alfred Pennyworth. The two deserve more scenes together in the potential sequels.


8 Wonder Woman VS Cheetah – Wonder Woman 1984

Finally, after a whole movie of build-up, fans got to see Wonder Woman’s most famous rival in her final form. Kristen Wiig as Cheetah proved to be a standout character alongside Pedro Pascal’s Maxwell Lord. Wonder Woman in her golden armor faces Cheetah head-on for a genuinely fun fight.

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There is only one problem: even though the fight is very well done, it is over far too soon. Cheetah is Wonder Woman’s nemesis, their fight should have been most of the climax. Instead, Cheetah is defeated and her powers are removed but thankfully, she lives with a chance to return in the future.

7 Bat-Banter – Zack Snyder’s Justice League

Instead of the awkward bickering of the Joss Whedon version, Zack Snyder’s Batman and Wonder Woman have more mature yet fun back and forth dialogue. The two come across more as friends but with a hint of romantic interest for each other.

Ben Affleck is no stranger to comedies so he bounced off Gal Gadot with ease with the two showing great charisma despite both characters being very composed.

6 Becoming Diana Prince – Wonder Woman

A familiar scene about a fish out of water that’s been done in many movies. However, Patty Jenkins and the cast do an excellent job in executing it to still be effective. Diana is going throughout London doing as she pleases without understanding the culture at the time.

Gal Gadot’s charm is undeniable as she goes from wanting to coddle a woman’s baby to clothes shopping; Chris Pine and Lucy Davis playing off of Gal wonderfully. Finally, seeing Diana become Diana Prince to blend in makes for a great reference to the Lynda Carter version.

5 Amazons And Atlanteans – Zack Snyder’s Justice League

A soft and quiet moment of Zack Snyder’s Justice League when Ray Fisher’s Cyborg and Ezra Miller’s Flash are digging up Superman’s grave. Diana and Arthur wait and have a conversation about their people. Amazons and Atlanteans have hated each other for centuries.

However, it turns out that both Themyscira and Atlantis share a saying about returning from the darkness. Aquaman simply says, “How about that?” Showing that one of each race coming together can create harmony and that hatred, as Wonder Woman herself puts it, is useless.

4 Losing Steve – Wonder Woman

Showing just how powerful Wonder Woman can become, the first Wonder Woman movie shows her losing the man she loves. Steve Trevor sacrifices himself to save the world and Wonder Woman in her rage and sadness goes on a killing spree much to Ares’ joy.

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Diana is even about to kill Dr. Poison when she remembers her last words with Steve. It inspires her to keep fighting for good, sparing Dr. Poison and face off against Ares one last time. It’s a powerful final fight with Ares as she embraces her demigod nature and destroys Ares with her bracers.

3 Believe It – Zack Snyder’s Justice League

The extended bank scene in Zack Snyder’s Justice League is a perfect re-introduction to Wonder Woman. This fight is less watered down with Diana completely demolishing the terrorists. The R-rating allowing her brutality as a warrior to shine as she kills them all. Even the way she kills their leader is extended and actually shows she kills him in a similar fashion to Ares.

The terrorist is disintegrated by a blast from Wonder Woman’s bracers. However, it’s not just a fun fight because it ends showing the warm nature of Diana as she saves and comforts the hostages. She even gives her best line when she inspires a young girl with her words to be whatever she wants to be.

2 One Hell Of An Entrance – Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice

All doubt of Gal Gadot went out the window when Wonder Woman made her movie debut. Just as Doomsday fires his lasers at Batman, Wonder Woman drops down and takes all that energy into her braces. Audiences cheered when her now-iconic theme song blasted over the scene.

Though the movie is about Batman and Superman, the climax became Wonder Woman’s show. Even both Batman and Superman are taken aback by how awesome she is. Fans were now ready to see Gal Gadot get her own movie.

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1 No Man’s Land – Wonder Woman

In the Wonder Woman movie’s defining action sequence, Diana marches right into No Man’s Land and draws the fire of the enemy. The slow-motion, the cinematography, the choreography, and Gal Gadot’s passionate performance make this Wonder Woman’s quintessential scene.

It doesn’t even stop there as she continues to fight in the town, taking on the Germans herself. After a lot of build-ups, Wonder Woman’s theme kicks in and plays over the fight making the scene even better. This ten-minute war sequence has become iconic in comic book movie history.

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