Warning! Spoilers ahead for Action Comics 2021 Annual #1!

Superman could potentially be saved from his future by DC’s newest Kryptonians. Introduced recently, the new Kryptonian Thao-La could be holding critical information that could change Superman’s future drastically. The recently-debuted Kryptonian refugees from Warworld have made their way to Earth, where Superman and Superboy discovered them. This led Superman to recruit Supergirl, who assisted in investigating them. They were able to deduce that Thao-La, the old Kryptonian-speaking refugee, and her friends are from Krypton, but not from modern times. Their people left Krypton eons ago, so how are they still alive?


It seems that a faction of old Krypton’s refugees found their way into Mongul’s grasp, leaving them trapped in Warworld. It’s likely that they bred and continued their society through their children and grandchildren, which eventually led to the birth of Thao-La. As a child, Thao-La was obsessed with tales of Superman and his family. As revealed in previous issues, Thao-La and her people waited for Superman’s arrival to save them from Warworld, but he never came.

However, in Action Comics 2021 Annual #1 by Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Siya Oum, and Hi-Fi, the story flashes back to Thao-La as a child. Surrounded by other old Kryptonian refugees, the children are told stories by an elder refugee and the issue’s narrator. These are no ordinary stories, but ones that tell of Superman’s Future State events. The big reveal is that the tales that Thao-La grew up on were one of Superman’s future acts. With this story being linked to Action Comics‘ normal run, it’s implied that the events described are canon. In Future State, Superman dies while fighting Darkseid after his return from the edges of DC’s known universe. So Thao-La could tell Superman of all his future moves, including the ones that lead to his death.

Obviously, the information that Thao-La possesses is extremely valuable as the Man of Steel’s death could be stopped. But whether she uses it remains to be seen, even though it could literally change Superman – and the entire DC Universe’s – history. As of now, it looks like Thao-La knows of the Future State timeline, meaning the universe could be saved from becoming anything like the dystopic world seen in that event.

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In this issue, the Phaelosians of Warworld seem to really be the new Kryptonians that Superman discovered. So if the events of this issue are seen as canon, they have insight that will prove endlessly valuable if shared. It must be mentioned that these tales were told when Thao-La was a child, so it’s possible that she may have forgotten all about them. Nevertheless, if she is able to remember and share at least a bit of those tales, she could be the person that saves Superman from his eventual death. Action Comics 2021 Annual #1 is available in comic book stores and on digital platforms now.

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