With DC’s recent announcement that the new Superman is bisexual, Justice League Queer could have a bright future ahead. The team was featured in DC Pride #1, led by Extraño, DC’s first openly gay superhero. However, a leadership change could be in order if the team is going to become a legitimate operator within DC Comics.

Justice League Queer (JLQ) was one of many books competing in DC’s Round Robin tournament – a fan vote to determine a six-issue series. This competition was won by Robins and JLQ was the first title to face up against it, being eliminated in round one. This was perceived as being unfair by DC fans, but the demand for the team was high enough to warrant it debuting in DC Pride #1 in June. Now, it seems like there could be potential for the team to step out on its own.


Recently, DC announced that Clark Kent’s son, Jonathan Kent, is bisexual. Jon is also in the process of stepping into his father’s role as Superman. With two Supermen protecting the Omniverse, there’s room for both to stake their claims and have different paths. One path that Jon could take could involve Justice League Queer. While he is potentially going to be heading up the future Justice League in Future State, there’s no reason why he can’t be part of multiple teams – and even lead them to combine their efforts.

Justice League Queer is currently comprised of Aqualad, Midnighter, Apollo, Batwoman, Steel, Aerie, Wink, the Ray, Bunker, Crush, Extraño, Tasmanian Devil, Shining Knight, Traci Thirteen, Tremor, and Syl. Aqualad has recently been taking a similar trajectory to Jon, as he is about to take on Aquaman’s mantle – and does so in Future State. He has recently been the lead character of Aquaman: The Becoming. Crush has also been at the center of her own series, Crush & Lobo. Many of these heroes have experience being part of teams and major team-ups, so it wouldn’t be out of the realm of possibility to pull a few of them together. Midnighter and Apollo have roles to play in Future State, so combining either of them with Crush, Jackson Hyde, and Jon would be a big move towards placing JLQ in a bigger spotlight.

Jon himself has been part of several teams and Crush was part of Teen Titans. DC’s new Superman has already proven himself as a hero and he is likely to be playing a larger role in the near future. He definitely seems to be forging his way as a big name as a legacy hero and heir to Superman, which can only grow as he has more adventures. The Super Son is also bound to be a much more recognizable character than some of the others thanks to his title. Batwoman already has a large profile considering her association with Batman and show, but Superman’s popularity definitely supersedes her. Jonathan Kent would be the perfect hero to make Justice League Queer a regular part of DC Comics. The team has a wide array of powers available, a broad range of experience, and lots of history. All they need is a leader to propel them further in the future and should Superman and Aquaman join forces, they could be well on their way.

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