The DC Universe has a wide range of crazy villains, many of which have been adapted to screen. However, very rarely are their comic-accurate henchmen also brought into the films and TV shows. More often than not the thugs accompanying a foe are dressed more like ordinary citizens rather than super powered henchmen.

Every now and then though, an interesting design is brought to screen. Something that breaks the mold a little. It’s rare to see brightly colored costumes or other the top suits when it comes to henchmen, especially so they don’t outshine the main villain, but there’s definitely some intimidating and intriguing creations out there.

10 Joker’s Gang (Suicide Squad: 2016)

The Joker has been known to have a huge array of followers, all of which are completely loyal to him. The traditional on-screen approach is to have his henchmen also wear Joker like masks and face paint; a whole crowd of clowns at his disposal.

Suicide Squad went a different way. Instead, the henchmen wore wacky and ridiculous costumes, from a fake Batman suit to a giant eye and a panda. The result is both puzzling and yet equally deranged, so much so that they are somehow more terrifying. The movie may not have gotten everything right but its hard to knock the costume designs.

9 7th Kavalry (Watchmen: 2019)

The 7th Kavalry don’t have particularly complex costumes, and yet they are instantly recognizable. Playing off of a lot of complex political themes, they are the perfect antagonists for the narrative unfolding in HBO’s Watchmen. 

Terrifying and yet designed to carry a message through the clothing, the group have subverted the use of the Rorschach mask to meet their own purposes. Their link to the wider group known as Cyclops is equally troubling and these original characters manage to even darkly parallel the masked cop plot playing out.


8 Zod’s Soldiers (Man Of Steel: 2013)

General Zod has always been one of Superman’s prime villains, but Man of Steel managed to make him an even more menacing threat; thanks in large part to Michael Shannon’s fantastic portrayal of the Kryptonian.

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Zod’s own army of warriors is depleted from what it once was, but these armor clad soldiers are especially threatening thanks to their complex designs. Mimicking Zod’s costume in many ways, they are the polar opposite of Superman’s iconic colors and suit.

7 The League Of Assassins/Shadows (Arrow: 2012-2020)

The League of Assassins (and the group that split from them, the League of Shadows) both have a long history in both martial arts and the mysticism of the DC Universe. They have become both a threat and an ally to Oliver Queen in a number of great story arcs and have now transitioned into the League of Heroes under Thea.

Their costumes match that of the comics, but what’s interesting is that they also play off of their various leaders. With Nyssa, Talia, Ra’s and even characters like the Dark Archer and Prometheus linking their costumes into the same theme as the henchmen, this feels like a well oiled unit thanks to the simple yet sleek design.

6 Scarecrow’s Gang (Gotham: 2014-2019)

Gotham made a great effort in trying to adapt a diverse set of Batman villains. The Scarecrow was one example of this, but there was a bit of a twist brought in for the TV show, where the madman actually had his own gang of Scarecrows.

Each came with an incredibly frightening costume that was sure to create hundreds of nightmares, and these suits were specially designed to both mimic the leader of the group and distract away from him. They were brilliantly designed costumes which added to the narrative of the show.

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5 World Killers (Supergirl: 2015-2021)

Given the backstory of huge antagonists while also acting as henchmen to those who wished to bring back the glory days of Krypton, the World Killers were designed to be the antithesis of of the Girl of Steel.

With Reign’s costume based partially off of Supergirl’s, the other versions of the World Killers had costumes which took inspiration from the famous Kryptonian as well as having unique features that made them stand out amongst the group. It’s a fantastic piece of costume design for three characters who needed to look intimidating in a fight with Supergirl.

4 Black Manta’s Squad (Aquaman: 2018)

Black Manta is a complex character and one with a tragic backstory. As he has grown into the Black Manta role, he has found loyal followers who make up his militarized squad. Their armor is very unique.

It draws from the main Black Manta costume and is ideal for underwater and on land combat. Its striking in its design and also very practical. It feels like a more original design for the movie and will likely play into the future of the franchise when Black Manta returns down the line.

3 Deathstroke Gang (Arrow: 2012-2020)

Deathstroke was beautifully adapted to the small screen when Slade Wilson fought against the Green Arrow. Multiple versions of the character has appeared across the show, and the Deathstroke gang was eventually formed.

Using military equipment, orange and black color schemes, and those iconic masks, the Deathstroke gang is designed to protect the leader of the group, while also turning Deathstroke into a symbol of chaos and bloodshed. It’s an interesting idea for the costume to carry this agenda.

2 Court Of Owls (Gotham: 2014-2019)

The Court of Owls are an incredibly dangerous group in the comics who had not been adapted to screen before. With their big debut facing off against Bruce and the Gotham PD, they needed to be both threatening and evoke their comic book look.

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Their iconic masks were paired with sleek suits which showed they were corrupting influences on every level of Gotham City. The result was something quite different compared to the rest of Batman’s rogues gallery and hopefully something that will be seen again in the future.

1 Ocean Master’s Army (Aquaman: 2018)

Atlantis and indeed the oceans of the DC Universe might be home to a number of different warriors, but Ocean Master has his own elite squad who are prepared to die for him in order to protect his throne.

Their armor is perfect for surviving on land and for underwater skirmishes and it is a huge departure from the traditional costumes of henchmen. These suits make the fighters inside feel genuinely lethal, which means they are doing their job!

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