Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse is a new Dungeons & Dragons book that features updated versions of over two hundred monsters that have appeared in other 5e books. Wizards of the Coast previously revealed that the high-level monsters have been upgraded in Monsters of the Multiverse, as a response to player feedback. This means many of the monsters have been buffed and are now even stronger.

The reason why some high-level monsters were weaker than their initial Challenge Rating was due to an error in how monsters were tested. It was discovered that some monsters only equaled their Challenge Rating when using certain optimal chains of actions. If DMs weren’t stumbling across this information themselves, then the monsters might not be as challenging as they should be. This has been addressed in the updated versions of the creatures in Monsters of the Multiverse.


The new Monsters of the Multiverses is currently available as part of the D&D Rules Expansion Gift Set, with a standalone release planned for May 17. There have been some sweeping changes made to many of the creatures of the book, in terms of how stats are laid out, in order to make it easier for DMs to process the information during play. A number of the stronger monsters have been boosted so that they will be more challenging in battle.

Nearly All D&D Spell Lists Have Been Changed In Monsters of the Multiverse

One change that has affected nearly all of the high-level creatures in Monsters of the Multiverse is that most of the spell lists have been changed. This is part of a larger initiative to make monsters as easy to run for DMs as possible, with spell levels and slots being replaced with every individual spell having one or two uses. A lot of monsters have had their spell lists trimmed, either through the removal of attack cantrips (because they wouldn’t be used, due to the monster’s regular attacks being stronger), or some of the high-level spells that deal a ton of damage being removed.

D&D Demons That Have Been Buffed In Monsters of the Multiverse

There are several D&D Demon Lords in Monsters of the Multiverse that have been changed since their original printing.

  • Baphomet – Baphomet now has 319 hit points and can use Frightful Presence as part of his Multiattack action, rather than as a separate action. Baphomet no longer has the Reckless trait.
  • Demogorgon – Demogorgon now has 464 hit points and he can replace one of his Tentacle attacks with a Gaze. Demogorgon can now cast a spell by burning two Legendary Actions.
  • Fraz-Urb’Luu – Fraz-Urb’Luu now has an attack called Phantasmal Terror, which is like a slightly weaker phantasmal killer. The difference is that it can use Phantasmal Terror every round as part of its Multiattack action, and by burning two Legendary Actions.
  • Graz’zt – Graz’zt ‘s Wave of Sorrow attack now deals 4d6 acid damage. He can use Change Shape as a bonus action instead of an action. Graz’zt now has a reaction called Negate Spell (recharge 5-6), which functions in a similar manner to counterspell. Graz’zt can now use Legendary Action to cast any spell, not just crown of madness or dissonant whispers.
  • Molydeus – Molydeus’ Demonic Weapon now deals 4d12+9 force damage, Wolf Bite now deals 3d10+9 necrotic damage, and Snakebite is now 2d6+9 poison damage. However, the Cast a Spell Legendary Action now costs two actions instead of one.
  • Nabassu – Nabassu’s Claws now deal 4d10+6 force damage and Bite deals 5d12+6 necrotic damage.
  • Orcus – Orcus now has three attacks per round as part of Multiattack, including a new ranged attack, called Necrotic Bolt, which deals 5d8+7 necrotic damage. He can also use Necrotic Bolt as part of his Attack Legendary Action.
  • Yeenoghu – Rampage now takes a bonus action to use.

D&D Devils That Have Been Buffed In Monsters of the Multiverse

The archdevils and their allies have been buffed in Monsters of the Multiverse, including a certain fallen angel from Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus.

  • Amnizu – Amnizu’s Forgetfulness action now deals 4d12 psychic damage.
  • Bael – Bael can now use a Legendary Action to cast any spell on his list, not just charm person or major image.
  • Hutijin – Hutijin’s Infernal Despair now has a range of 30ft instead of 15ft. His Legendary Action can be used to make another attack with one of his three attacks (Claw, Mace, or Tail), not just Mace.
  • Moloch – Moloch’s Legendary Actions have been improved. He can now use one charge to do use of his attacks (not just his Whip) and can burn two charges to cast any spell on his list.
  • Titivilus – Titivilus now has 150 hit points.
  • Zariel – Now can now make three attacks per round as part of the Multiattack action. However, she has lost a ton of hit points from her maximum total, dropping to 420.
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High-Level D&D Monsters That Have Been Buffed In Monsters of the Multiverse

It’s not just the fiends that are stronger in Monsters of the Multiverse, as there are plenty of high Challenge Rating monsters that have received a boost.

  • Alhoon – Alhoon now have 150 hit points. Chilling Grasp now deals 4d6 cold damage and heals 14 hit points. Alhoon now have Negate Spell as a reaction that can be used three times a day, which acts in a similar manner to counterspell. They have a powerful new ranged attack called Arcane Blast which deals 8d6 force damage.
  • Astral Dreadnought- The Psychic Projection Legendary Action now deals 4d10+4 psychic damage.
  • Drow Favored Consort – The Drow Favored Consort now has 240 hit points, the Scimitar’s poison damage is now 6d8. It now has the Protective Shield reaction that can be used three times a day, where it can give +5 AC to an ally within 10ft. They have a powerful new Arcane Eruption attack, which can be used as an option in Multiattack. Arcane Eruption has a range of 120ft, deals 8d8 force damage, and can push enemies 10ft away. However, they have fewer spells,  the Scimitar no longer gives disadvantage on spell saving throws to the target, and they no longer have a hand crossbow.
  • Drow Matron Mother – The Drow Matron Mother has Lair Actions, Summon Servant can now be used as a bonus action, and they have a powerful new AoE ability called Divine Flame. The Compel Demon Legendary Action now costs one action and Cast a Spell costs two, regardless of spell level. However, they have fewer hit points and have lost their magic resistance.
  • Leviathan –Leviathan’s Slam now deals 2d12+8 bludgeoning and 2d12 acid damage. Tail now does 2d10+8 bludgeoning and 3d6 acid damage. Tidal Wave now deals 7d12 bludgeoning damage.
  • Nagpa – Nagpa now have 203 hit points and a new Deathly Ray ranged attack that can deal 7d6+6 necrotic damage. Nagpa now have the Multiattack action, with three uses of Staff or Deadly Ray, with one swappable for a spell per round.
  • Nightwalker – Nightwalker now have 337 hit points., Annihilating Aura can now deal 6d6 necrotic damage, while Finger of Doom deals 6d12 necrotic damage.
  • Skull Lord – Skull Lord now have 112 hit points, as well as a ranged attack called Deathly Ray that can deal 5d8+5 necrotic damage. Deathly Ray can be used as part of its Multiattack action. Skull Lord’s Legendary Actions now only cost one to perform an additional attack and two to use Summon Undead.
  • Star Spawn Larva Mage – Star Spawn Larva Mage can now perform three attacks per turn as part of a Multiattack action and it has a new ranged attack called Eldritch Bolt, which deal 3d10+3 force damage.
  • Steel Predator – Steel Predator’s Bite now deals 2d10+7 lightning damage and Stunning Roar now deals 6d10 thunder.

Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse is available now as part of the D&D Rules Expansion Gift Set and will receive a standalone release on May 17, 2022.

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