One of the first announcements at D&D Live was Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons, Dungeons & Dragons newest sourcebook releasing Oct. 19. As the title implies, the book will be a complete compendium of dragons in the Dungeons & Dragons universe. During the D&D Live announcement, project lead James Wyatt gave insight into what fans can expect from the book, including upcoming buffs to Dungeons & Dragons dragonborn race that could make it an even more enticing choice to players.

Currently, in the 5e handbook, the Dungeons & Dragons dragonborn race is the only draconic option for interested players. While this race boasts many features and skills of dragons, including the ability breath weapon, there are surprisingly few options for customizing character builds. Players who choose Dungeons & Dragons’ dragonborn race can choose one of ten ancestral dragons, and one of two subraces. The relative lack of options makes dragonborn a rather lackluster choice, despite their draconic ancestry. Fortunately, Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons will remedy that.


Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons is told from the perspective of Dungeons & Dragons’ Fizban the Fabulous, an elderly human wizard who is actually an avatar for the god Paladine, known in the Forgotten Realms as the platinum dragon Bahamut. The sourcebook is set to expand on existing dragon lore in Dungeons & Dragons, as well as introduce several new dragons to the universe. This is how D&D will improve the dragonborn race, as the new dragon content will improve character stats and expand on subrace options for players to choose from.

What D&D Dragonborn Buffs Could Be Coming

During D&D Live, Wyatt confirmed new draconic ancestry options will be coming to the dragonborn race with Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons. In Dungeons & Dragons character builds, draconic ancestry determines what kind of breath weapon damage a dragonborn can deal, as well as the attack’s shape and range. While most of the 10 current options are fairly expected for dragons, including fire, cold and poison, among others, additions such as Dungeons & Dragons’ Elder Brain Dragon could significantly change options available to players.

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Though it wasn’t discussed during D&D Live, it’s highly possible the slew of dragon content will create new subraces of dragonborn beyond the Ravenite and Draconblood. For example, the gem dragons are being resurrected to Dungeons & Dragons 5e, and could bring their. unique history to dragonborn characters. Additionally, several classes are gaining draconic options, such as a dragon companion for a wizard and dragon-like subclasses for both monks and rangers, which could significantly buff a character’s abilities if they are also a dragonborn. Dungeons & Dragons has also promised draconic feats and spells are incoming with Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons, sure to further buff the dragonborn race.

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