One of the most intensely competitive online experiences, Dead by Daylight pits a group of survivors against a player-controlled horror villain. The goal of these survivors, as their name implies, is to survive as long as possible from the killer that is hunting them down. The game features a cast of iconic horror archetypes and a select few of recognizable killers. From Ghost Face to Freddy, Dead by Daylight evokes the raw fear that would be found by some of the best horror films ever made. Oozing intensity and fear in its player base, the title combines two seemingly incombinable genres and creates one of the most addicting titles on the market now.


The latest addition to Dead by Daylights roster of bloodthirsty villains is the intimidating Deathslinger. A mix of murder-hungry cowboy and Scorpion from Mortal Kombat, the Deathslinger makes use of a powerful harpoon rifle to snatch up unsuspecting survivors and reel them in to meet their death. The character combines an interesting design and unique gameplay style to create one of the coolest killers in the title’s roster. This guide will provide some essential tips to excel with the character and take out survivors in no time.

The Deathslinger’s Skills in Dead by Daylight

The Deathslinger possesses one of the few ranged threats within Dead by Daylight His powerful harpoon makes running from the western-themed killer a near impossibility. Making the vast spaces of Dead by Daylight less of a weakness and more of a strength for the killer cowboy.

Deathslinger’s The Redeemer is a powerful long-ranged harpoon that allows the killer to launch a spear attached to a chain in an enemy’s body. Once launched the Deathslinger can reel the survivor in and dish out a powerful blow downing the player. This makes the Deathslinger one of the few ranged killers within the cast. Making avoiding the character a near impossibility.

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After every shot from his rifle, the Deathslinger must reload his weapon. This will perform a reload animation which will make the skill useless for a few seconds. So it is important that aspiring Deathslinger mains be sure to pick and choose their shots, to avoid missing their target. Due to the Deathslinger’s long reloading animation making him a large hulking figure with little to worry about.

Even when the villain shoots a Survivor, his ability to reel that Survivor is not guaranteed. For if a Survivor makes use of their environment or resists the action for long enough, the Deathslinger’s chain will break and it will leave the killer stunned and allow the survivor the opportunity to escape.

So it is important for a Deathslinger player to pick and choose when he launches a harpoon at a given victim. Due to the skills immense high risk and high reward.

Making Use of the Deathslinger’s Harpoon Wisely in Dead by Daylight

The allure of this killer’s harpoon is extremely prevalent for a new player. The idea that this killer can snatch a survivor and dish out extreme damage is one which any killer player would be head over heels for. But given the skills large punishment for a missed or broken harpoon shot, it is important that the technique is not used recklessly.

When playing Deathslinger, players should use his rifle as less of a way to initiate an attack but a way to finish off weakened Survivors. Given their slower walk speed, they make for easier to shoot targets for the slow and intimidating figure. Rather than trying to shoot a fresh Survivor using the harpoon to down hurt players is a smarter use of the ability and guarantees that players will receive mileage out of it.

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A smart Deathslinger player will dish out damage with his powerful melee attack and then use his harpoon to clean up the already weakened player. This will ensure a hooked player if not a dead Survivor. Spamming this harpoon will waste time that could have been spent stalking or hunting down a survivor with unnecessary reload time or stunned time due to a broken chain.

Be Sure to Work on Your Aim in Dead by Daylight

To truly become a master with Deathslinger, players must first practice and develop solid aim. Although, the title does not require first-person shooter accuracy, being able to take pinpoint accurate shots will make your Deathslinger play much more efficient and solid.

Good Survivor players are slippery and elusive targets. They will zip in and out of windows, hide behind trees, use pallets to stop a killer in their tracks, and countless other tactics. So using a killer who revolves around landing accurate and efficient shots on these evasive targets is a difficult task for even the best killer. So developing a solid aim is a must for aspiring Deathslinger players.

A common tactic that Survivors will use is the “serpentine” pattern in their running. This serpentine pattern revolves around players running side to side in a slither like pattern to avoid being hit or shot. So being able to read this pattern and leading your harpoon shot to their path is a must for success.

One of the most important lessons to be learned as a Deathslinger player is to “lead” your shots ahead of a survivor. Rather than keeping your reticle on a Survivor at all times learning how to aim a little further ahead of the fleeing character will ensure you land a deadly blow on the Survivor. Not only will this tactic increase your success rate with the character but there is a sense of satisfaction in landing a well-timed shot with the character.

To become a successful Deathslinger player must practice and develop a solid aim. This will mitigate any unnecessary reload time and allow for some easy and solid kills and downs. So stay diligent and work on your aim to become a truly terrifying killer in Dead by Daylight.

Dead by Daylight is available on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

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