When it was released in the fall of 2008, EA’s Dead Space became the talk of the gaming town. While it was not an immediate commercial success, Dead Space enjoyed a slow burn of commendation and is now regarded extremely highly among horror games.

For a game released nearly fifteen years ago, Dead Space holds up exceptionally well. Whether it was ahead of its time or the gaming landscape has stagnated in recent years, Dead Space feels just as fresh and just as fun in 2022 as it did in 2008.

The Lighting

Lighting goes a long way in a horror video game, and Dead Space is a fantastic example of how lighting helps generate atmosphere. For a game released in 2008, Dead Space still looks exceptional when it comes to lighting.


The darkness presents an inky blackness that is hard to penetrate, and the flashlight provides just the right amount of illumination. The shadow work is also exceptional. It all comes together in a wonderful package, and it still looks fantastic to this day.


The graphics have not aged quite as well as the lighting, but it still looks great for a game released almost fifteen years ago. Nearly everything about this game still looks solid and detailed. Isaac’s suit has a fair amount of intricacy to it, as do all the surroundings.

Perhaps the greatest example of upstanding graphics is the monsters themselves. They are grotesque and highly detailed, and they still have more than enough power to generate discomfort in players.

Level Design

In many ways, Dead Space is a spiritual successor to Resident Evil 4. Before RE4, survival horror games were mostly confusing affairs with elaborate maps and complicated level design. RE4 streamlined the whole process, and Dead Space perfected it. The levels are straightforward, and the map is not confusing to use.

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Furthermore, the game literally shows players the way to go via a line on the ground. There are no outdated aspects to the game’s design, and it flows exceptionally well to this day.

RPG Elements

It seems like every game nowadays features RPG elements in some capacity. While this is not the type of RPG where players forge their own paths, it still features a good deal of individual customization. Luckily, it has helped keep Dead Space up to date.

The power nodes allow players to customize their character however they want, whether it is putting power into the weapons themselves or certain aspects of Isaac (like his health, endurance, or air supply). It is a survival horror with small elements of RPG, and it is still wonderful to behold.

Weapon Selection

Dead Space is still very fun to play, and that is thanks to a strong selection of inventive weapons. There are some bizarre sci-fi weapons, like pulse rifles that shoot lasers and a gun that fires charged balls of energy. Some weapons are also a bit more grounded in reality, though, like the default plasma cutter and a gun that shoots rotating saw blades.

Not only is every weapon fun and unique in its own ways, but each also contains a “secondary” mode that completely changes how the weapon is used. It keeps the gameplay fresh and exciting, and it allows for a wide range of experimentation in play styles.

“Shoot The Limbs” Gimmick

The main gimmick of Dead Space is shooting the limbs off of the monsters. Unlike other survival horrors in which players simply pump enemies full of bullets, Dead Space requires some planning and accuracy. The only way to defeat enemies is by shooting their elongated limbs. Shooting their bodies will not do anything.

Not only that, but enemies also require multiple limbs to be shot off, whether it is their arms, legs, or heads. It is a gimmick that remains fresh to this day, and surprisingly, it has not been copied by many.

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Monster Design

Some of the scariest video game monsters can be found in Dead Space. The problem with inventing new types of monsters is that everyone aims to copy them. Zombies were once a fresh inclusion, but they are now, ironically, walking shells of their once-inventive selves.

Luckily, very few have attempted to emulate the type of grotesquery found within Dead Space, and it has helped keep the game scary throughout the years. These monsters are still disgusting, still hellish, and still very, very scary.


If anything, the controls of Dead Space have aged the worst. At times, the game can be a little clunky to play, and some sections may prove frustrating because of the controls. However, it is by no means impossible to play.

Dead Space may take a while to get used to, but muscle memory eventually kicks in and allows players to enjoy the game without thinking too much about what they are doing and how they are doing it. The controls are responsive, and they still feel natural and inviting. It should not take long at all for modern players to pick them up.


Movement can make or break a video game. Many older games have terrible movement and camera control, and it has made certain games (Resident Evil) virtually unplayable today. Luckily, Dead Space essentially borrows the movement and camera placement from Resident Evil 4, and it proves just as fluid and natural.

The game’s movement does not feel clunky or awkward, and speed is just right. Unlike some of the more frustrating third-person shooters of old, Dead Space still moves, literally, exceptionally well, and this element contributes to it being one of the best survival horror games ever made.

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There is nothing worse than a horror game aging poorly. What was once scary and effective is now frustrating and laughable, and the once-tantalizing atmosphere is tarnished. This is especially hurtful when older generations try sharing their games with the younger gamers of today, only to be met with derision.

Luckily, Dead Space does not have this problem. The atmosphere is every bit as effective and oppressive as it seemed in 2008, and the game still has the power to scare. It is a masterpiece of horror for a reason.

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