Deadpool is one of the more inquisitive heroes in the Marvel Universe. He’s called the Merc with a Mouth for good reason, as he’s not afraid to say something inappropriate or ask awkward questions when he should be focusing on something else. Deadpool even once asked Ghost Rider if he still had to brush his teeth when he transformed – and the answer left him grossed out.

Deadpool’s lack of a filter fits his personality to a tee. The fourth-wall-breaking hero has been in some insane situations, yet, no matter how difficult things get, he’s always ready to get a one-liner in and let his irreverent mindset shine. Once, Deadpool and Ghost Rider ended up getting sent to hell, where Wade Wilson asked the man with a flaming skull whether he kept up with his dental hygiene.


In Thunderbolts #21 (2014) by Charles Soule, Carlo Barberi, Israel Silva, James Campbell, Thomas Mason, and Joe Sabino, the team, Deadpool, Venom, Red Leader, Red Hulk, and Ghost Rider find themselves in Hell. As Red Leader attempts to negotiate a way out with Mephisto, Deadpool, Venom, and Ghost Rider have a friendly conversation off to the side. Wade asks Ghost Rider “can you turn your head off?” “Not down here,” he responds. “Then how do you brush your teeth?” Deadpool bizarrely asks. “I don’t,” Ghost Rider says, to which Wade says “That’s nasty bro.”

If you’ve ever wondered if Ghost Rider needs to brush his teeth when he’s in Hell, the answer is, he doesn’t. There are certainly questions on whether Johnny Blaze would even have access to a toothbrush down there, and if it would just instantly melt if he tried to use it on his burning face. Regardless, Deadpool isn’t impressed. As Wade checks out of the conversation, Johnny asks Venom “what is with that guy?” and he gets a perfect response: “No idea. He’s nuts, but he’s good at what he does. You don’t think he’s going to come through, and then somehow he does. Sometimes.” Has there ever been a better description of Deadpool? He’s unpredictable, but he tends to come through… most of the time.

It’s a funny bit of banter in an excellent team-up comic. Only Deadpool would be put in that situation and find it appropriate to ask Ghost Rider of all people how he brushes his teeth when he’s the Spirit of Vengeance. Love him or hate him, Deadpool remained seriously on-brand at the moment.

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