It’s safe to say that Wade Wilson, the infamous Deadpool, has had more misadventures and crazy days than probably any other character in the Marvel Universe. However, one of Deadpool’s most wild moments was with Old Man Logan, where one of DP’s biggest dreams came true: he got to use Wolverine’s claws for himself and save the day. Bur how did Deadpool, who has mutant powers and skills of his own, manage to get Logan’s signature adamantium claws as well?

This insane and epic moment comes in Deadpool vs. Old Man Logan #3, from writer Declan Shalvey with art by Mike Henderson. In the miniseries, Deadpool and Logan initially have some beef and fight, but they soon come together to save a young mutant teen from being turned into a Living Weapon by the group known as Geneform. Preventing any other mutants from having to go through what both Wade and Logan went through is definitely something they can see eye-to-eye on, so naturally a team-up is in order. However, as they try to save the mutant, who goes by the name Maddie, they both end up getting taken out while traversing an outdoor test site, due to Genform agents dropping an entire 747 right on top of them.


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When they both heal and wake up in the the third issue, Old Man Logan and Wade find themselves trapped in a cell with Maddie. However, Geneform can’t resist the opportunity to examine Weapon X, so they quickly remove Logan, and start to run tests and experiments on him. However, this is where Deadpool gets his craziest idea yet, using Maddie’s mutant powers. While she supposedly can’t teleport anything living, she can teleport inanimate objects. As a result, Wade has Maddie teleport Logan’s claws into Deadpool’s body (which couldn’t have been a very comfortable experience for all parties involved).

Regardless of the pain, Deadpool goes to work on the Geneform agents, cutting them to pieces and seemingly living his best life with his new claws. Seeing as how Logan and Wade were both turned into living weapons and have accelerated healing factors, Deadpool has always felt connected to Wolverine, seeing a kinship between the two of them (at least when he’s not trying to upstage him). Therefore, borrowing Logan’s claws, even if only temporarily, is absolutely a dream come true for the Merc with a Mouth. Wolverine, for his part, has always been pretty annoyed with Deadpool and his antics (though who hasn’t been irritated by Wade at one point in the Marvel Universe?) and this move is no different.

When all is said in done in the miniseries, Wade only got the claws for a few minutes before Logan has Maddie return them to him. Even so, seeing Deadpool with Logan’s claws is a pretty epic moment for the character, even if it was short lived. In the end, Logan and Wade realize that Maddie isn’t exactly as innocent as she seems, and she ends up becoming a bigger threat than they first thought toward the series’ end. Even so, Deadpool can always look back on the time he was Wolverine (for like two minutes).

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