As fans of Deadpool already know, the Merc with the Mouth keeps as many steamy secrets as he has let slip over the years. But even his most devoted admirers may be shocked to learn the truth about his… dietary predilections.

Wade Wilson has plenty of things about his character that are super weird but also iconic, like his love for chimichangas. However, there may actually be another delicious food that Wade Wilson loves just as much as chimichangas… if not, dare we say, more than the amazing Mexican dish.


Deadpool has always swung back and forth on the moral compass, and back in 2008’s Deadpool #16, he decided he wanted to do some good. His grand idea? Be an X-Man. Cyclops’ answer? Absolutely not. Angered, Deadpool leaves but Wolverine later convinces Cyclops to give Deadpool a chance. Not because Logan thinks that Wade can be trusted, but that he thinks it would be better to keep an eye on him. Scott agrees, and sends Domino to invite him to the team on a probationary basis. However, Deadpool gets a little suspicious and paranoid, fearing that Scott sent Domino to kill him, not wanting any loose ends. As a result, Deadpool pushes her off and through a glass roof, into a pool below. However, the pool isn’t filled with water. Instead, it’s filled with 372,844 pancakes.

Obviously Domino is pretty freaked out, but Deadpool explains: if it looked like he had killed Domino, he would be able to see if Cyclops had sent to backup team to take him out. However, he hilariously mentions that the pancakes were just coincidental, and that he just really likes them and was bored. If Domino had been sent to take him out, he says that he would have just killed her, eaten a bunch a pancakes, and moved on. However, Wade gets to join Cyclops, Wolverine, and the rest of the X-Men on a probationary basis. He even gets to wear his own X-Man uniform, which he made himself.

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It takes a whole lot of love and dedication to make that many pancakes. Is is possible that Deadpool loves the breakfast food staple just as much as his other preferred food, chimichangas? Chimichangas have long been the synonymous food attached to Merc with a Mouth. However, is there room for another food to go alongside it or even replace it? It’s hard to say. Although, it has become a pretty prevalent moment, even featured as an un-lockable achievement in the Deadpool video game.

Obviously, there’s a crap ton of quirks and craziness going on with Wade Wilson. Why couldn’t he enjoy two foods with an equal insane passion? Whether it’s chimichangas, pancakes, or both, it’s all just a part of his weird charm and split personality. There’s plenty of other things about Deadpool that are just as interesting and wacky besides (like his innate fear of cows and all things cow related).


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