Although he’s undergone many changes since his conception, Deadpool only achieved his ultimate form when he was selected to be an avatar of Death, dubbing himself Deathpool. When Death is kidnapped, Deadpool chooses to enlist the only other person obsessed enough with Death as him, the Mad Titan Thanos, to help save her. Traveling through space and even Hell, their search ends with a conflict between the unlikely heroes and Eternity, causing Death to give both paramours a fraction of her power. Deathpool is both a huge power-up for the Merc with a Mouth and the fulfillment of his obsession with Death – both as an avatar and an experience.


In the story by Tim Seeley, Elmo Bondoc, Ruth Redmond and VC’s Joe Sabino, Deadpool’s usual date with Death gets personal when he learns she has been abducted. While the universe descends into chaos without Death, Deadpool enlists the help of Thanos, her other jealous lover who originally cursed him with immortality. Despite their differences, they follow clues left by Death for Wade. Deadpool and Thanos even meet with Mephisto, who ultimately helps them as Death’s absence is affecting his power and domain as well. They travel to the Land of Couldn’t Be Shouldn’t Be where Death is being held prisoner by Eternity, the embodiment of reality.

After Thanos’ jealousy over Death’s affection toward Deapool gets Eternity’s attention in Deadpool vs. Thanos #4, the abstract cosmic entity attacks them. He ignores the effect Death’s absence is having on the universe, as he believes the abduction is necessary to preserve and protect life from her and others like Thanos who have committed mass genocide in her name. To save their lives, Death touches Deadpool and Thanos, making them her undead avatars – or, as Wade puts it, “Deathpool and Deathanos” – so they can both punish Eternity and avenge Death.

Empowered by Death, Wade becomes a gray, bony version of himself who even speaks in black speech bubbles with yellow text. Earlier versions of Wade were obsessed with the embodiment of Death, as after his suffering at the hands of Weapon X, a large part of him simply wanted oblivion. This is what makes Deathpool Wade’s ultimate form, finally embodying the concept of death himself, but for a noble purpose of setting the universe right rather than out of despair. While still rambling on and on, Deathpool is powerful enough to punch Eternity in the face. Upon doing so, Wade realizes he is truly doing Death’s will, as the blow destroys stars and planets. Eternity accuses Wade and Thanos of resisting the will of a billion galaxies, showing how powerful Deadpool has become to be capable of trading blows with this cosmic avatar.

As quickly as he is given this power, Deathpool has it removed when he refuses to help Deathanos kill Eternity, believing they’ve accomplished their mission. When Wade realizes this is part of Death’s plan – as Eternity’s “death” would mean the end of everything – he goes against his lover’s wishes and tries to save the universe. Although Deadpool is no match for Deathanos, he soon returns as Pool Captain, the latest person to wield the Uni-Power as Captain Universe. While he was able to defeat Thanos, save the universe, and maintain Death’s favor, Deadpool‘s ascension to Deathpool is an accomplishment that means the world to him but would scare anyone else who’s ever met him.

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