Ever since debuting in September 2021, the first-person shooter game, Deathloop, has earned rave reviews from critics and gamers alike. A huge part of the appeal is the versatile arsenal at a player’s disposal, which includes a wide range of increasingly powerful firearms, explosives, knives, machetes, and the like.

Weapons in Deathloop are subdivided into qualitative tiers marked by colors, which increase in strength from gray (crude), turquoise (sleek), purple (exemplar), and gold (unique). The weapons in the game also come with specific perks and upgraded trinkets that modify the base model and increase the overall effectiveness.

10 Strelak Sapper Charge

The Strelak Sapper Charge is a highly versatile grenade with three distinct modes that allow players various options to combat an enemy at long range. Found in the loop bunker of one of the best characters, Colt, the Sapper Charge includes a grenade mode, a proximity charge, and a trip mine.

Grenades can be launched as timed explosives while the proximity charges and trip mines can be used to lay strategically hidden traps for unsuspecting enemies. The diversity of the sapper charge makes it extremely handy to have in a player’s arsenal.

9 PT-6 Spiker

Although it shoots nails rather than bullets, the PT-6 Spiker is an extremely useful weapon due to its dual-wielding ability and total silence that allows players to sneak up on enemies without a trace. The handgun can be found almost everywhere in the game, making it easy to obtain and use in stealth attacks. However, it is not ideal to use during heavy gunfire.

Loading the weapon is extremely simple, as it does not require a typical magazine, and if a player can add the Lightning Strike and Sure Shot trinkets to the weapon, overall damage and accuracy will be increased.


8 The Fourpounder

A purple version of the Fourpounder handgun can be found by Harriet in “Chaos Theory,” making it one of the most formidable hand-cannons in the game. The name of the firearm refers to the weight of its projectile (.44 Magnum shells), indicating a devastating one-shot death blow.

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The dual-wielding large caliber firearm is louder than many guns, which draws enemy attention, but is still small enough to control with ease. By obtaining the Double Trouble Character Trinket, a player will increase the dual-action accuracy of the Fourpounder. It’s one of the best games to play in the first-person shooter before entering multiplayer mode.

7 MG-1 Pepper Mill

Despite its slower reload time and harsh recoil, the MG-1 Pepper Mill is an extremely powerful submachine gun that requires two hands to hold and fire. It can be used as a rifle to target headshots or mow down large crowds at once. The close-range and long-distance accuracy makes it highly versatile and a great weapon to use early on in the game.

After finding the weapon in Karl’s Bay (and other places), adding the Zero and Open Wounds modifications, the gun will increase its firing rate and accuracy. A Shock Absorber trinket is also a wise idea to soften the kick.

6 Strelak 50-50

Of the two distinct shotguns found in the game, the Strelak 50-50 is the way to go. The fully automatic shotgun fires two shells at a time and comes with a tremendous range in its stock form. Adding the Lightning Strike trinket will increase its overall scope. Players can find the gun on Charlie Montague’s corpse in Updaam or Fristad Rock.

While it takes forever to reload, a Speedloader trinket will solve the problem, while the Hailfire trinket will increase its deadly damage rate.

5 Tribunal

The most practical, dependable, and easy-to-use handgun in Deathloop is the silenced Tribuna (Suppressor Perk), which is nearly akin to GoldenEye 007‘s Golden Gun. It even has a Golden Shot perk that can be found in a safe in Updaam, making the semiautomatic pistol nearly impossible to defeat.

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Bolster the efficacy of the Tribunal by adding the Straight Shooter, Lightning Strike, and Sure Shot perks. By doing so, a player will be protected and able to mow through an entire horde of Visionaries and other scary video game monsters in one clip.

4 Sepulchra Breteira

Of the four superior golden-colored unique weapons found in the game, the Sepulchra Breteira is the one to obtain first. The fancy sniper rifle with a high-tech scope fires a large caliber shell but is limited by its single-round firing output. It’s ideal for bringing down enemies from a safe, far distance.

To increase the overall power of the sniper rifle, add the Big Box, Speedloader, and Hailfire trinkets after obtaining the gun by completing the “Keep on Giving” Arsenal Lead in Updaam.

3 Constancy Automatic

When it comes to the best submachine guns in Deathloop, look no further than Frank’s Constancy Automatic. Never prone to jamming, the high-powered firearm comes with a unique dual-mag system that allows players to reload while simultaneously firing. While this ensures a neverending stream of bullets, it makes it easy to run out of ammo quickly.

The Constancy Automatic also comes with a forceful recoil, so adding the Shock Absorber trinket will help quite a bit. To obtain the gun, strip it off of Frank’s dead body during the “Ballad of Ramblin Frank.”

2 Heritage Gun

Two of Deathloop‘s unique golden-tiered weapons can be transformed into a whole new firearm. The first includes the Heritage Gun, which comes with a shotgun and sniper mode, making it extremely versatile when facing different types of enemies. Find the gun by completing the Super Shifty Arsenal Lead.

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While the Sure Shot and Speedloader trinkets are ideal, if a player can find the Guarantee Inferno Perk, the Heritage Gun will fire slugs that release gas followed by buckshot to detonate the gas and cause a devastating explosion.

1 Strelak Verso

The other transformable golden-tiered unique weapon is the Sterlak Verso, the coolest and best overall firearm in the game. Starting as a pair of twin pistols, the gun can be turned into a three-shot machine gun to increase overall damage. Obtain the gun by completing the In This Together Arsenal Lead.

Used as pistols, the guns can be wielded with one hand apiece. As a machinegun, it can be operated with two hands, making it the most versatile weapon imaginable.

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