For Deep Rock Galactic players, the game reaches a new level once they begin to unlock Weapon Overclocks, endgame modifications to class weapons that offer new and varied playstyles. These upgrades add one final flair of customization to a system that already supports many different playstyles through its weapon choices and modifications. The catch is that Overclocks can be tricky to get, requiring players to complete the game’s greatest challenges to acquire them. Even once miners have acquired a few, deciding which one is best for a given class weapon can be difficult as well. Here’s how to get Overclocks in Deep Rock Galactic, and the best ones for each class.


There is no shortage of methods to acquire Overclocks, which players can begin to pursue once they’ve promoted at least one class, Driller, Engineer, Gunner, or Scout. After promoting and completing the “Breach the Core” assignment, miners gain access to Deep Dives, which are longer and more difficult missions for the most skilled employees of Deep Rock Galactic. The first method of grabbing Overclocks is completing Deep Dives, which reward a random Overclock per week. The second method is through Weekly Core Hunts, which are three-mission-long assignments that provide a Weapon Overclock after completing the second mission. Lastly, players can grab new Overclocks either by completing randomly generated Machine Events that sometimes spawn during missions or by leveling up their Forge Mastery. Every five times they forge a Matrix Core, players reach a new Forge Mastery level and receive alternating rewards, either Weapon Cores for Overclocks or Cosmetic Cores for skins.

When choosing between the various Weapon Overclocks in Deep Rock Galactic, it’s important to understand the three different types of Overclocks. Clean Overclocks simply provide a small boost to the weapon, with no negative side effects. Balanced Overclocks provide an ample boost, but also introduce an equivalent penalty to the weapon. Finally, Unstable Overclocks min-max the weapon, providing a huge bonus with an equally devastating hindrance. Players have to decide whether they wish to simply enhance base game playstyles and don’t want to deal with weapon penalties, or if they wish to play with a new challenging weapon limitation to make it much more powerful.

The Best Weapon Overclocks in Deep Rock Galactic

The optimal Weapon Overclocks in Deep Rock Galactic will always be a personal choice, depending on a miner’s desired playstyle, as well as whether the mission involves a lot of traveling versus defending a single point, as in On-Site Refinement missions. That said, there are some Overclocks for each weapon that provide a truly unique experience and make fighting the insects of Hoxxes IV easier.

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Driller Weapons

CRSPR Flamethrower: Sticky Fuel. While this Unstable Overclock reduces fuel tank size and max fuel, it causes the weapon’s “sticky flames,” the path of fire it leaves behind, to last six seconds longer and deal much higher damage. This creates a fiery wall that enemies must walk through, making it excellent for defensive missions such as Salvage Operations.

Cryo Cannon: Tuned Cooler. Tuned Cooler allows the Driller to freeze creatures faster, which enables allies to finish them more quickly. This Overclock does increase the time it takes the Cryo Cannon to fire, however.

Subata 120: Automatic Fire. Considering this powerful pistol’s biggest weakness was its fire rate, fully automatic fire is useful. The catch is that its recoil increases, making it best-suited for mid-range targets.

Experimental Plasma Charger: Overcharger. This Overclock simply boosts charged shot damage and explosion radius, with a penalty to ammo use and cooling rate.

Engineer Weapons

“Warthog” Auto 210: Mini Shells. While it lowers the shotgun’s damage, Mini Shells ensure the Engineer has a solid primary weapon with increased max ammo and magazine, allowing players to focus on dealing with hordes while their DPS-focused allies take out the bigger threats.

“Stubby” Voltaic SMG: EM Refire Booster. This Overclock substantially improves the Stubby’s DPS output, which is the weapon’s biggest weakness. It imposes a notable loss of accuracy, however.

Deepcore 40mm PGL: Fat Boy. This nuclear payload can synergize with the above Overclocks for a stronger primary, and its massive damage output will compensate for how infrequently Engineers can fire it.

Breach Cutter: Return to Sender. If the Engineer can deal with a substantial decrease in maximum ammo, the Breach Cutter’s already impressive damage is doubled from this Overclock, which functionally turns its plasma bolt into a boomerang.

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Gunner Weapons

“Lead Storm” Powered Minigun: Lead Storm. With this Overclock, a massive damage boost is offset by the inability to move while firing. However, since most Gunners will often be firing from ziplines, this mod is still the best option for DPS output.

“Thunderhead” Heavy Autocannon: Neurotoxin Payload. With a reduction in damage, Neurotoxin Payload provides incredible utility to the entire squad by crowd-controlling hordes and dealing high damage over time, making it a great option to set up the team for easy kills.

“Bulldog” Heavy Revolver: Elephant Rounds. The revolver won’t be viable at long-range after applying this Overclock, but Elephant Rounds gives the Gunner incredible single-target DPS with a secondary weapon.

BRT7 Burst Fire Gun: Micro Flechettes. For Gunners who use their primary weapon for the majority of their damage output, this Overclock makes the BRT7 a great option for clearing Swarmers and other annoying, smaller threats that spawn in large numbers during Mining Expeditions and beyond.

Scout Weapons

Deepcore GK2: Bullets of Mercy. If the Scout is running with a squad that is igniting, electrocuting, or poisoning targets, this Overclock allows the GK2 to do 33% more damage to those targets at the cost of slightly less ammunition.

M1000 Classic: Supercooling Chamber. It may reduce movement speed to zero and make the gun’s use much more specialized, but Supercooling Rounds turns the Scout into Deep Rock Galactic’s true sniper.

Jury-Rigged Boomstick: Compact Shells. For times when the Scout is cornered, the Boomstick helps take care of enemies up-close. Players can keep it simple by increasing the gun’s max ammunition and reducing its reload time with this Overclock.

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Zhukov NUK17: Cryo Minelets. At the cost of greatly reduced clip size, this Unstable Overclock pairs extremely well with Bullets of Mercy, allowing the Scout to freeze and decimate hordes without needing allies to apply the status effects first.

Ultimately, having just one Overclock for a given weapon may not be enough. Different missions present varied threats to Deep Rock Galactic’s miners, and having the right tool for the job could be the difference between a successful haul and a squad wipe. Alongside the various perk builds, testing out Weapon Overclocks and finding the best ones for a preferred playstyle can keep players coming back and diving deep, over and over again.

Deep Rock Galactic is available for PC and Xbox.

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