The latest expansion for Destiny 2Beyond Light has a few precursor characters and events that players might need to understand in order to digest the meat of the story. Barring Uldren Sov’s return within the seasonal content, Beyond Light takes Guardians to the icy moon of Europa, with Variks and the Exo Stranger acting as the primary vendors and story contacts for the expansion. With plenty of newcomers to the game, especially with Destiny 2 free-to-play, players may not know these characters or their history. The villain, Eramis, has had some previous mentions in Destiny, but not to the degree of the other two.


Some pretext to the storyline will assist with understanding what’s going on in Europa and with the Darkness as well. When Bungie began doing seasons with story continuity in mind, Destiny 2 saw a prelude to the Darkness in Destiny 2: Season of Arrivals that made the threat real. For the first time, Destiny fans engaged with the Darkness, personified by the pyramid ships, which is the antithesis to the Traveler.

To understand Beyond Light‘s story, some of the happenings with the enemy race known as the Fallen needs to be brought forward. In Beyond Light, guardians face down Eramis, a Fallen leader known as a “Kell” who wishes to wield the Darkness’ power in the form of Stasis. Variks and Eramis were friends once upon a time and both seek to unite the Fallen. However, Variks has more noble intentions of reaching that goal than Eramis. Where Eramis wishes to unite the Fallen through wielding Stasis as absolute ruler over the currently-divided factions, Variks intends to unite the Fallen with the intent of rebuilding what they lost from their destroyed homeworld and live in peace.

Destiny 2: Beyond Light – The Story So Far

Then there’s the Exo Stranger located on Europa. The Exo Stranger is a time traveler who made their debut in Destiny 1 and returned in Beyond Light with some startling information. In other timelines, Guardians failed to successfully wield the Darkness and became corrupted by it. Before, the Exo Stranger tried to keep guardians from it. Now, the Exo Stranger is here to guide the Guardians in how to wield the power without falling to its influence.

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As mentioned earlier, the Darkness was an elusive boogeyman throughout much of Destiny‘s history, but only recently has the enemy become personified by the black pyramid ships. The Darkness is blamed for humanity’s downfall and is identified as the Traveler’s enemy. Since the Traveler was viewed by Guardians and citizens of the Last City as a beacon of hope and good, it’s natural for the Darkness to have been viewed in such a negative light. For Guardians to wield Stasis, a power born from the Darkness, it represents a rather large paradigm shift within Destiny‘s story beats each update.

Since Eramis is at the heart of the storyline, going a little deeper into the relationship between Eramis and Variks can help make sense of the story. Both Fallen characters endured the destruction of their homeworld when the Traveler fled a chaotic time of destruction, known as the Whirlwind. Like most Fallen, Eramis blamed the Traveler (which the Fallen refer to as The Great Machine) for abandoning the planet, and will do anything to exact revenge. While Eramis turns to the Darkness, Variks is wary of Stasis, believing the Fallen should abandon the vendetta and work toward reuniting as the Eliksni – the Fallen’s true name – and has even allied with humans and guardians.

In Destiny 2 Beyond Light, the arrival of the Darkness, Eramis’ usage of Stasis, and the Exo Stranger’s involvement led to Guardians taking a first step into a larger world. While there is plenty more story elements to delve into to further explain what happens in Bungie’s latest expansion, players should have a greater understanding of the story by simply knowing Eramis’ motives, her relationship with Variks, and what it means for Guardians to begin wielding power from a source that was greatly believed to be wholly evil. Bungie opened the doors to some potentially exciting story elements, and what’s to come will be very interesting to watch.

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