The new Destiny 2 expansion, The Witch Queen, is right on the horizon, which will explore some of the most influential characters in the universe. Throughout both the games and the lore, there is a wide variety of powerful enemies and allies with an equally diverse set of abilities.

While some characters derive their power from a traditional sense of combat prowess, others show their influence through more subtle means. However they choose to wield such abilities and skills, there is no question that these characters possess a level of power unmatched by most of the Destiny universe.



Formerly known as “Lord Shaxx” in his days as an Iron Lord, Shaxx now oversees the famed Crucible in Destiny 2. While he is often heard only as a voiceover for PvP matches, it’s easy to forget just how deadly he can be against the enemies of humanity.

Shax is a powerful titan with a heart of gold, putting himself on the line time and time again for The Last City. He and his fireteam successfully turned the tides of the Battle of Six Fronts, thus saving the city from certain death. Despite his cheery demeanor, it’s clear from the lore that he is not a guardian to be messed with.

Shin Malphur

Otherwise known as “The Man With The Golden Gun”, Shin Malphur is a gunslinger hunter from the Dark Ages. He specializes in hunting down those corrupted by the darkness, wielding a famous weapon known to guardians as “The Last Word”.

Shin is powerful not only due to the strength of his light, but the wisdom he brings with it. By single-handedly taking down Dredgen Yor and his Shadows, he established himself as a moral compass between good and evil. Guardians must be careful not to cross that line, or they can be sure that Shin will come for them soon enough.

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Mara Sov

As the Queen of the Awoken, Mara Sov’s journey through this dimension and several of her own has given her all kinds of abilities. She’s a powerful diplomat, expert strategist, and ruthless in her ruling.

Not only does she command an advanced civilization, but she does so by pulling on the strings of others. She was able to wipe out Oryx’s fleet with the help of her powerful Techeuns, and even after her death, was one of the few mortal beings to create her throne world. Now that she’s back with the living, it is exciting to see how Mara plans to deal with the Witch Queen.


Zavala acts as the spearhead of the Vanguard, speaking on behalf of both The Tower and guardians around the system. While his responsibilities are much more tempered now, he remains an incredible force on the battlefield.

In the lore book “The Dark Future” that debuted alongside Beyond Light, it was revealed just how much destruction Zavala is capable of. With a single thunder crash, he has the potential to level the entire Scarlet Keep and wipe out an entire legion’s worth of foes. His strength is not quite needed in the present timeline, but knowing what he can do as a last resort ranks him among the most powerful guardians.


As the once-proclaimed “Greatest Titan Who Ever Lived”, Saint-14 is a legend of the battlefield fighting back Vex across the system. His taste for battle is now used to oversee fireteams duke it out in the Trials of Osiris.

With Season of Dawn, guardians learned that Saint-14 has spent countless years bouncing from timeline to timeline, absolutely decimating once-unstoppable Vex minds. Through the inspiration of The Guardian, Saint-14 pushed back their entire race until finally being pulled from the Infinite Forest. Without his might, there might not have been anything for him to come back to.

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Serving alongside Zavala as the head of the Vanguard, Ikora is responsible for protecting humanity and unlocking the secrets of the enemy. She is widely regarded as the most powerful Voidwalker ever, with the ability to shift her abilities on the fly.

Among many other achievements, Ikora has successfully led humanity deep into Hive territory, rooted out a conspiracy to take over the Last City, and is the only guardian to ever conquer Shaxx in his Crucible. With the Witch Queen making plans to take the light, her unmatched power will certainly be needed.

The Nine

Not much is known about The Nine’s backstory, but it is clear that they are one of the most powerful presences across the Sol system. While they are technically a group of minds, they act and communicate as a single, mysterious force of influence.

Given the name and their nature, it would seem that the Nine are tied to the planets of the system themselves. Thus, it would seem that they have certain control over the events that take place within, with the ability to reveal to certain characters a plane of existence known simply as “Unknown Space”. They have been influencing the minds and actions of many, so it will be interesting to see what ends they pursue in The Witch Queen.

Xivu Arath

Xivu Arath is the Hive God of War and the youngest sibling of the Hive god trio. Having made a deal with the Worms of Fundament, she uses the abilities bestowed upon her to wage war across the universe and become the ultimate warrior.

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In Season of the Hunt, guardians saw just how powerful of a foe Xivu Arath is. She can not only possess and control other enemy races, but she is responsible for the fall of the Cabal’s homeworld, Torabatl. She even killed Osiris’ ghost, Sagira, defeating the most powerful warlock in existence. There’s no doubt that in the coming seasons, she will make some major moves against her sister, Savathun.


As the subject of the newest expansion, The Witch Queen, Savathun is the Hive God of cunning and deception. However, guardians have known for quite some time what a major threat she poses to the entire Destiny universe.

Savathun’s power does not come from traditional strength, but her ability to outsmart and outmaneuver everyone who opposes her. She has created a frightening throne world for The Witch Queen expansion, openly opposing the forces of the darkness and taking advantage of the Traveler’s light. Nothing has been able to pull off such a feat before, which will make her the most powerful foe guardians have ever faced.

The Guardian

The Guardian is the player character itself, but it is referenced in the lore that he/she/they are considered a character. The Guardian has been the center of the last seven years of Destiny’s events, moving about the system and defending humanity against its enemies.

From slaying the Hive God Oryx, defeating Ghaul, unlocking the secrets of the Dreaming City, and many other accomplishments, it’s quite obvious that no character comes close to the power of The Guardian. No matter what challenges exist throughout history or in the years to come, there’s no doubt that The Guardian will find a way to overcome them.

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