Before the appearance of Dexter Morgan on our screens in 2006, it was hard to think of a loveable serial killer. Set in the seedy, neon-lit streets of Miami, Dexter was a show which set a new bar for the serial killer genre, as well as one for an endearing yet dangerous anti-hero. Michael C. Hall’s iconic inner monologue describing his “Dark Passenger” propelled the show and gave audiences a look into the inner workings of a sociopath.

The show had a largely successful run, however, its last season angered audiences with its completely unexpected ending (Dexter becoming a lumberjack didn’t sit well with his fans at all). Since its 2013 finale, showrunners have announced that they will be filming a new, final season for the series beginning in 2021. It only seems fitting to walk down memory lane and relook at some of the iconic dialogue in honor of the revival of everybody’s favorite serial killer.

10 “Dexter, you’ve been working such killer hours lately.”

Rita, Dexter’s clueless and unfailingly sweet girlfriend/wife was uncannily right when she said these words to Dexter. She had no idea through her relationship that she was in love with a serial killer, but she met a shocking end at the hands of the Trinity Killer.

Fans never knew if he disclosed Dexter’s secret nightly missions (aka his killer hours) before he killed her, but one can’t help but wonder if she was more perceptive than fans thought she was.

9 “There are many ways to stop the heart. Electric shock, bad diet… Sever the aorta – my personal favorite.”

Dexter’s “Dark Passenger” was rooted in evil and had a perpetual need to kill, but it also had the best sense of humor. Clever, subtle, and on the nose, the show writers made Michael C. Hall’s voiceover not only welcome but also immensely enjoyable.

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Being a blood-spatter analyst, Dexter had the anatomical know-how to kill a person quietly and efficiently, or splashily and enjoyably — whichever way he pleased. Severing an aorta was a favorite, clearly. 


8 “The pressure’s f***ing redonkulous.”

Audiences either loved or hated Dexter’s lab companion Vince Masuka, who had the rare talent to turn any conversation into a perverted and innuendo-laden one. Masuka’s interactions with Debra were especially funny and kept things light in an otherwise dark show.

Masuka definitely had some hilarious (and inappropriate) dialogue through the series, but “redonkulous” became his most familiar catchphrase which fans adopted very quickly.

7 “Do I see sheets of plastic in your future?”

The world’s favorite serial killer had a strict moral code for his homicidal tendencies which he had developed with Harry, but he had to also stay meticulously clean and careful physically to avoid detection by the very police force he worked with.

This led to the creation of Dexter’s plastic sheet-filled “kill rooms” and tons of cling film to keep his kills tidy. Hence, when he saw someone who would potentially fit into his code, he humorously wondered if they had plastic sheets in their near future.

6 “My psycho-killer fiancé? Please, I’ve had worse. At least he paid for my meals.”

Debra Morgan’s dating history was a messy one right from the start. In season 1 of the show, fans saw her attracted to Rudy Cooper, aka Brian Moser, Dexter’s real (and equally murderous) brother. Their relationship went from zero to hundred with Rudy proposing to her, and immediately attempting to kill her right after that.

Being engaged to the Ice Truck Killer was not only dangerous but also traumatic for Deb and fans saw her coping with this using humor and sarcasm through season 2.

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5 “You’re what makes me real. I want us to always go out for banana splits. And replant the lemon tree that keeps dying. And I never, ever want to miss a pizza night. And that’s how I know I want to marry you.”

Fans were repeatedly informed by Dexter’s inner monologue that he was incapable of feelings through the first couple of seasons of the show. He didn’t understand human emotion, attraction, and struggled the hardest to blend in and appear “normal”, even though some characters caught onto his act.

However, he realized during season 3 and 4 that he was more than capable of feeling a certain kind of love, which he felt for Rita and her children. This led him to make the most heartwarming and honest proposal to Rita, making fans fall for the killer just a little more.

4 “A baby!? A motherf***ing roly-poly, chubby-cheeked sh**-machine?! Are you kidding me?”

If Debra was known for anything, it was her colorful language and interesting descriptions of most people and things. She rarely filtered her thoughts or words, and when Dexter broke the news of his and Rita’s pregnancy, Debra reacted in the most Debra-esque way ever.

She also turned out to be a fabulous aunt to little Harrison. It’s safe to say that Debra’s reaction was probably up there with the best reactions to baby-related news in the whole world.

3 “I can kill a man, dismember his body, and be home in time for Letterman. But knowing what to say when my girlfriend’s feeling insecure…I’m totally lost.”

Dexter’s struggles weren’t ever normal. After watching his mother being killed, he developed sociopathic tendencies which made it difficult for him to react “normally” to human situations.

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He could murder someone and dispose of them in his sleep, but when Rita feels insecure about their relationship on a double date with Deb and her then-boyfriend Sean, Dexter is at a loss of how to console his sad girlfriend.

2 “Jesus Christ, Morgan. Jesus f**king Christ, you’re the Bay Harbor Butcher!”

Sergeant Doakes was one of the few characters who saw right through Dexter’s “guy next door” act. Whether it was his keen instinct or just a prejudice against the mild-mannered lab tech, he was always hostile to the secret killer.

However, even Doakes didn’t realize just how depraved Dexter really was, until season 2 of the show. He knew deep down that something was off about Dexter, but never in his wildest dreams did he think that he was a killer, let alone the Bay Harbor Butcher. It was weirdly enjoyable for fans to watch the Sergeant struggle as this realization dawned on him.

1 “Tonight’s the night.”

One would think that hearing the same line over and over would tire fans out, but the recurrence of these three simple words signified a lot more for Dexter and audiences too.

The vigilante killer said these words when he had decided who his next target would be, and die-hard fans of the show can’t wait to hear this iconic line again in the Dexter reboot!

Next10 Jaw Dropping Betrayals That Happened In The Vampire Diaries

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