The creator of Dexter, Clyde Phillips, says that the original series finale failed to satisfy fans of the show. The beloved crime-drama series aired on Showtime from 2006 to 2013 for eight seasons and was a gigantic hit for the television network. The Dexter cast was lead by Michael C. Hall, and he was joined by a supporting cast that included the likes of John Lithgow, Jennifer Carpenter, James Remar, David Zayas, Erik King, Julie Benz and Lauren Velez. The show received positive reviews for most of its run and earned multiple accolades on the way, too, including Golden Globe wins for Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor for Hall and Lithgow, respectively.


The story follows Dexter Morgan (Hall), a forensic technician working for the Miami Metro Police Department. Dexter moonlights as a vigilante serial killer to take down murderers who abscond legal punishment. The show received glowingly positive reviews for the first four seasons. However, the ratings declined over the latter half of its run, and even though the Dexter season 8 finale was the most-watched episode in the network’s history, it was scrutinized by critics and audiences and dubbed one of the worst finales of all time.

Now, with Dexter: New Blood set to debut later this week, Phillips sat down for an exclusive interview with Screen Rant to discuss how the original Dexter season 8 finale lacked closure, and what the upcoming revival series can do to redeem the legacy of the show. The showrunner didn’t hold back while giving his thoughts about Dexter‘s final episode, mentioning that it “failed to satisfy” as the “trust that was built up with the audience” in the early seasons of the show was discarded, which as a result detached them from the likeable protagonist. Read Phillips’ full comments below:

Exclusive: “I feel the same way Michael does and the way most people do. I think it failed to satisfy. It also, I think, broke a certain trust with the audience that we had built up in the early years. And I think it was a little coy and not successful. Let’s just be blunt. If you Google “The Top 10 Worst Series Finales Ever,” Dexter is going to be on every list. People were so disappointed. And so, we have, in a non-religious sense here, a chance for redemption. I think that’s one of the reasons, to go back to your original question, why people are so excited about this as well.”

The final few moments of the show saw Dexter bury his sister Debra at sea, fake his death, and end up in Oregon working as a lumberjack. All of these events left an air of dissatisfaction amongst viewers, which Phillips, and even Hall has acknowledged the finale’s shortcomings. However, Phillips looks to have taken all of the negative feedback from the Dexter season 8 ending into account. He has set out to recapture some of the lost magic of the highly-popular series, and justify the excitement of the fanbase for the upcoming miniseries in the process.

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Phillips was the showrunner for the first four seasons of Dexter during its time on-air, which were also the most universally acclaimed. If there was anybody who could bring back the glory days of the original series, it would be him. Revival series have faired quite decently in recent times with the likes of Prison Break and David Lynch’s Twin Peaks return garnering a mostly positive reception. Dexter: New Blood will be looking to tread on a similar path, and give the loyal fans of the show the finale they deserve.

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