There was a time when people considered Dexter to be one of the greatest shows on television. The adventures of an ethical serial killer seemingly might’ve not been for everyone’s tastes, but Dexter managed to be compelling enough to warrant a run of eight seasons… regardless of how varying the quality of these seasons might’ve been.

That being said, there’s no denying the fact that one aspect of Dexter always managed to stay consistent throughout the series — the quality of its main characters. Each and every person in Dexter has their own set of compelling arcs and scenarios that help them feel that much more real and intriguing. But which one would fans say had the best?

11 Thomas Matthews

A member of the Miami PD who ends up being a thorn in the side of his subordinates more often than not, Thomas’ role as the corrupt high-ranking official ends up being rather uninspired and does absolutely nothing to redeem his character.

One can argue that he isn’t even that great of a detective, since he lacks any deductive skills and never really does anything notable to separate himself as a remotely interesting character.

10 Jamie Batista

For what it’s worth, Jamie actually had a pretty promising introduction in Dexter and could have grown a ton as a character. However, the fact that she was introduced so late into the series meant that she never really had the time to fulfill her potential.

Instead, Jamie just ended up being a person who ended up furthering other people’s arcs as opposed to developing her own.


9 Vince Masuka

Masuka serves as the comic relief of the show, but that certainly doesn’t take away from his brilliant skills as a forensics investigator who never really stops until the truth is disclosed.

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However, aside from his work proficiency, there’s really nothing else that is particularly likable about this character. It was clear that his character arc wasn’t really a focus as the series progressed.

8 Maria LaGuerta

Maria LaGuerta might definitely be a great police officer and a great person to boot… but there’s no denying the fact that she got on viewers’ nerves as the series progressed.

The fact that people had a positive reception to her death at the end of Season 7 is indicative of just how unlikable her character really was, with some people even going so far as to say that she should have been out of the picture way sooner.

7 Joey Quinn

Joey Quinn is one of the more interesting characters on the show, simply because of the fact that the things he does throughout Dexter end up being rather mind-boggling for a number of reasons.

While one can certainly understand the motivations behind Quinn’s constantly hampering police work for his own selfish reasons, that still doesn’t change the fact that he isn’t the greatest guy around and never really redeems himself, for the most part.

6 Angel Batista

Angel Batista is an almost-model citizen who doesn’t really develop throughout the series, mostly because he doesn’t need to. Dexter even goes so far as to admit that he would want to be like Batista if he was normal, which speaks volumes when it comes to the ethics and morals of this character.

Sure, there are moments when his character falters and ends up doing the wrong thing. However, for the most part, Angel is exactly the kind of policeman who deserves all his honors and then some.

5 James Doakes

Sergeant Doakes might have been constantly hounding Dexter for the longest time, but that does nothing to belittle his character in anyone’s eyes. If anything, the fact that he’s the only one who can see through Dexter’s facade is proof enough that James Doakes is easily one of the smartest characters on the show.

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In fact, one can argue that his death was somewhat premature due to the fascinating dynamic he had with Dexter. Perhaps there was a better way to explore it than to get rid of this character so early.

4 Rita Bennett

The only point of normalcy in Dexter’s life, Rita Bennett was easily one of the best characters in the entire show due to just how outwardly good and pure she was.

There’s a constant debate in the fanbase about whether Dexter really loved Rita or not, but there’s no denying that even a complete sociopath like Dexter would be a fool to not realize the absolute gem he’d been with. That is until the Trinity Killer ended up halting this love story in the most gruesome manner imaginable.

3 Harry Morgan

Dexter’s adoptive father is easily one of the most fascinating characters on this list, given the fact that he ultimately ended up nurturing the ethical killer that would be Dexter Morgan.

However, in his one-sided need for justice, Harry didn’t realize the monster he had created in the process. After witnessing Dexter proudly showing off his murder to his “mentor,” Harry ended up taking his own life.

2 Debra Morgan

The Morgan family is easily the highlight of Dexter, with Debra being no exception to this golden rule. She’s easily one of the most unique characters on the show, with Jennifer Carpenter being absolutely brilliant in this role.

From her fractured romantic relationships to her strained familial bonds, the manner in which Debra developed as a character is truly brilliant to witness.

1 Dexter Morgan

Of course, it would be impossible to talk about the best character arcs in Dexter and not mention the eponymous character himself. Dexter Morgan is easily one of the most fascinating characters on the entire show, with his serial killing being a major focus of the show and its unique appeal.

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While it’s inherently wrong to root for sociopaths and their actions, there’s no denying the fact that under all the baggage that Dexter carries, there’s actually a sliver of human decency that most people without sociopathic tendencies lack.

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