Did Scar break a Predator honor code by killing an injured human in Alien Vs Predator? Alien Vs Predator is a 2004 crossover between the two legendary sci-fi monsters, which had been brewing since a Xenomorph skull found its way into Predator 2 as an easter egg. Regardless of the excitement surrounding such a crossover, the movie languished in development hell for well over a decade. Paul W.S. Anderson eventually took the reins, which saw the two monsters battling in a pyramid beneath the ice in Antarctica – with some unlucky humans caught in the middle.

Alien Vs Predator isn’t quite the disaster some viewers have made it out to be, but it’s undeniably hampered by lame characters and a relatively bloodless PG-13 rating. The movie does at least boost some fun action and it moves at a brisk pace, but there’s a reason it’s one of the lesser regarded entries in either series. The film is way more enjoyable than its 2007 sequel Requiem, which is bafflingly underlit, features unlikeable one-note human characters and is loaded with mean-spirited violence.


The three Predators seen in Alien Vs Predator are Scar, Chopper and Celtic are essentially teenagers in the story, and are undertaking a dangerous hunt to prove their adulthood. While the trio makes short work of a team of mercenaries armed with assault rifles, they’re much less successful with actual Xenomorphs. In fact, Chopper and Celtic are killed within moments by the same Xenomorph “Grid.” Scar at least manages to kill a few, but in more of the film’s more brutal scenes, he’s shown killing the injured, defenseless Rusten Quinn (Carsten Norgaard).

For context, Quinn is a supporting character in Alien Vs Predator who was the leader of a team that was meant to drill to the pyramid under the ice. When they got there, a hole had already been blasted down – via a Predator laser – and Quinn stays on the surface with other mercenaries. That’s when the Predators attack, killing everyone but Quinn. They track him until he finds a pistol and shoots Celtic, and the two engage in a brief fight where Quinn at least gets lands a couple of blows before being knocked down the hole.

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The injured Quinn later sees the Predators arrive, with Scar killing him with his wristblades. In past Predator movies, the hunters are shown to have strict codes around killing, including not engaging with unarmed opponents, like Anna in the first movie. In his final Alien Vs Predator scene, Quinn is wounded and poses no real threat, so Scar’s execution seems harsh. That said, Quinn also engaged Celtic in combat, and even if he didn’t pose much of a problem, that alone shows he was worthy game. This is likely the reason Scar killed him regardless of his condition, and the hunter didn’t break any rules with this kill.

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