When The Walking Dead finally united Eugene with his beloved Stephanie, most viewers assumed she was a fake. New evidence from season 11, episode 10 might’ve just debunked that theory. Ever since her voice first floated through Alexandria’s radio system, The Walking Dead‘s audience has been almost as excited to meet Stephanie as Eugene himself, and their moment finally came in The Walking Dead season 11. Alas, any romance has been sucked from the air by heavy suspicion over Stephanie’s identity. Everything about Stephanie – as Eugene himself would likely admit – is too good to be true, and she remains weirdly distant, whilst also coming across way too keen to hear about Alexandria.


Having already decided Eugene’s Stephoney (played by Chelle Ramos) wasn’t the real deal, attention turned toward Pamela Milton’s unnamed assistant, who met Eugene briefly at the Commonwealth’s ice cream truck. The pair shared more of a spark in those few seconds than Eugene and the fake Stephanie in a few episodes, and even more convincingly, the assistant is played by Margot Bingham – the actress who voiced Stephanie’s radio conversations. If Eugene’s current companion is the real Stephanie, one must also question The Walking Dead‘s decision to cast a white actress as a Black comic character.

Given that dossier of evidence, The Walking Dead‘s audience has been working on the assumption that Pamela’s assistant is Stephanie, and the woman parading around with Eugene is a spy for the Commonwealth. Annoyingly, The Walking Dead season 11’s “New Haunts” openly contradicts this idea. In the episode’s centerpiece scene, an agitated Commonwealth resistance member calls out Pamela’s hypocrisy during the Halloween masquerade ball, and takes her poor assistant hostage. Attempting to diffuse the situation, Pamela tells the rebel, “Let my assistant go… her name is Max.” Wait… come again? Mercer than rams home the point, asking, “Max, are you okay?

Stephanie is actually called Max, then. Does this mean The Walking Dead‘s Stephanie theory was wrong all along? After all, it never really made sense that Pamela Milton’s PA would’ve been operating a Commonwealth radio. Don’t tear up those “fake Stephanie” rumors just yet – there are two ways the theory could still hold true, despite recent Max-themed developments. Firstly, it’s possible Stephanie has been given a pseudonym as part of the Commonwealth’s efforts to deceive Eugene. Rarely ones to do things by halves, perhaps the Commonwealth forced the real Stephanie to adopt a new moniker, thereby avoiding suspicion should Eugene ever hear about another Stephanie at the Commonwealth. Mercer would obviously be privy to that information, and it’d explain why “Max” now works by Pamela’s side – so the boss can keep an eye on her.

Alternatively, Stephanie was only ever a fake name for the purposes of radio, and Max is the woman Eugene spent so long talking to. During her conversations with Eugene, Stephanie was meticulous in not exposing the Commonwealth, so no one should be surprised if she gave a false name from the very beginning. Once the Commonwealth found out what Max had done, they manufactured a “Stephanie” that could feed information back about Alexandria and the newcomers. This might account for why Max tells her attacker, “I’m like you.” The line implies she’s a fellow resistance member which, if the Commonwealth stole her identity and prevented her from making contact with Eugene, makes total sense. The Walking Dead might’ve cast doubt over Stephoney – but don’t send the theory to join Sebastian’s training sessions just yet.

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