Fans and audiences always find that one scene that sticks out. A scene that they insist on playing over and over again. While most movies have one or two with which they really connect, with the legendary action series and possible Christmas movie Die Hard, there are simply too many to count.

Following the thrill ride adventures of New York cop John McClane on action-packed, hilarious and over-the-t0p missions, the Die Hard series has plenty of scenes that fans play over and over again, whether it is for the quote, the actual scene, or the badass moment.

10 Yippie Ki Yay

It goes without saying that anytime the words “Yippie Ki Yay Mother F****er” are uttered, audiences know that something epic is about to happen. Over the course of all the Die Hard movies, there are have been plenty of badass moments that utilized this line.

From the likes of shooting electrical wires down on top of a helicopter to jumping off buildings, Yippie ki Yay has become the staple of the Die Hard series, with the first scene becoming a plenty fantastic and rewatchable scene for all to see.

9 Lighting Up The Fuel Line

Out of all the Yippie Ki Yay scenes, two are without a doubt the most rewatched besides the first time it was uttered. In Die Hard 2, John McClane takes on a rogue General and his allies at an airport only to be knocked off the plane as the villains fly off.

However, McClane manages to open the gas tank before being knocked off the plane. Casually flicking open a lighter, McClane says that classic line before tossing the lighter on the gas trail, blowing the plane right out of the sky in an impressive display of visual effects.


8 Shoulder Shot

Leave to John McClane to make the most of an injury. In the fourth installment, Live Free Or Die Hard, John finds himself battling against cyber-terrorists who take his daughter captive. After battling his way across Washington DC and against a jet, McClane comes face to face with the mastermind.

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Getting a hold of John, the mastermind, Gabriel, tries to make him watch his daughter die, shoving a gun into his already fresh shoulder wound. Out of options save for his classic catchphrase, McClane grabs hold of Gabriel’s gun and fires it through his own wound, killing Gabriel in one badass moment.

7 Helicopter Vs Car

Whenever an action hero runs out of bullets, they seemingly magically find their guns reloaded with more ammo. For John McClane, when he runs out of ammo, he simply finds something else to use as a weapon, like a car.

After being cornered by a helicopter in Live Free Or Die Hard, McClane takes drastic measures and uses a police car to ramp into the armed helicopter, blowing it to kingdom come. In a pretty badass scene, and using a car as a weapon stands out in action movies.

6 “Welcome To The Party, Pal!”

As stated before, the quotes of Die Hard, especially the first movie, stick out more than any other. Full of humor and snark, the quotes always hit the mark, sometimes literally like when McClane dropped a guy on Seargent Powell’s car.

In a bid to get Powell’s attention after being locked in the now-iconic Nakatomi Plaza, McClane drops a dead body on Powell’s car. As the desperate Powell calls for backup while bullets whiz by, McClane simply watches it all and welcomes Powel to “the party.”

5 “Come Out to The Coast…”

Being locked in a single building for an entire movie can start to wear on the protagonist. After being shot at, battled numerous villains, and jumped down an elevator shaft, John’s snark starts to show through as he manages to work his way into a nearby vent.

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With seemingly no way out and a dark winding tunnel ahead of him, McClane sarcastically laments his predicament. “Come out to the coast, get together, have a few laughs” is his fantastic response to his terrible situation and works brilliantly.

4 “Ho, Ho, Ho.”

Without a doubt, Hans Gruber is the best villain of the Die Hard series. Being incredibly intelligent, ruthless, and quick on his feet, Gruber spends the first half of the movie in control after taking the building and everyone inside hostage. However, everything starts to fall apart thanks to McClane.

After killing one of his men, John decides to toy with Gruber and writes the words “now I have a machine gun. Ho, Ho, Ho,” on the dead man’s body. Via this line, John breaks the terrorist’s calm resolve, puts the hostages on edge, and shakes the unflappable Hans Gruber.

3 Rooftop Explosion

There are plenty of Die Hard action scenes that can be seen as the greatest, and probably the best has to be when John leaps off a building in the climax of the movie. With Gruber preparing to blow the building sky-high and the FBI mistaking McClane for a terrorist, John finds himself between a rock and a hard place.

Out of options, John wraps a firehose around him and leaps off the building just as Gruber blows the roof, taking the FBI down, resulting in a truly firey and epic explosion. Since that day, the rooftop explosion scene has become an iconic scene of action and spectacle, and it’s one of the best fight scenes of Bruce Willis’s career.

2 Opening The Vault

Villain schemes paying off are always the best. When the FBI plays by the rule book, they kill the power to Nakatomi plaza. Rather than panic, Hans Gruber remains calm, as it all plays into his hands to break into the vault and steal the treasure trove within.

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With the final lock open, Gruber and his men watch in splendor as the safe swings open. Aided by the tune of “Ode to Joy,” fantastic lighting, camerawork, and Theo the hacker’s “Merry Christmas, everyone” seals the deal on one of the best scenes of the movie.

1 Hans Falls

Although villain schemes paying off are wonderful to see, villain’s demises are just as amazing. Following a final showdown with Gruber who holds his wife captive, McClane shoots Gruber out the window, only for Hans to grab hold of Holly, leaving them hanging over a deadly drop.

Managing to free Holly from Gruber’s grasp, Hans falls in slow motion down to the ground far below, killing him. Aided by the behind-the-scenes story of Alan Rickman being dropped on one rather than three and the epic slow-mo death that’s become iconic, the scene is without a doubt one of the most rewatched scenes of all time.

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