Corvo Attano, the protagonist of Arkane Studio’s beloved Dishonored series, sneaks his way into Weird West for a humorous Easter egg. The recently-released role-playing game is developed by WolfEye Studios, a team of creators led by former Arkane Studios creative director Raphael Colantonio. While the games are very different, Screen Rant’s review of Weird West suggests that WolfEye Studios’ debut title captures much of Dishonored’s magic and style.

Like DishonoredWeird West is an “immersive sim” action role-playing game that gives players the freedom to carve their own path through a highly responsive world. However, Dishonored fans stalked the gothic streets of Dunwall from a first-person view while Weird West’s titular setting is explored from a top-down perspective. The WolfEye Studios title uses a unique five-act structure, with each act putting players in control of a different playable protagonist. Combat is similar to a twin-stick shooter, but each character also has access to their own suite of supernatural powers. A Weird West developer commentary video gave players a glimpse of the action before launch, but the exciting indie title is now finally available.


While playing through Weird West, Reddit user SoxxoxSmox discovered a clear reference to Raphael Colantonio’s work on Dishonored. The Arkane Studios series features multiple different protagonists, but Royal Protector Corvo Attano is the series’ first and most recognizable hero. To honor the supernatural assassin saga, Weird West includes a dead character named Corvo Attano at the bottom of a pit of rats. The corpse’s dark attire mirrors Corvo’s design, and he is even armed with a pistol and machete that clearly reference the typical Dishonored loadout a pistol and Corvo’s folding sword. Even the pit of rats references Dunwall and its infamous rat plague.

While 2017’s Dishonored: Death of the Outsider seemed to close the book on the franchise, Arkane Studios’ latest game is actually a secret successor to the series. Connections between Dishonored and Deathloop suggest that the time-warping first-person shooter is actually a sequel to the Dishonored games, apparently taking place many years after the events in Death of the Outsider. Subtle references to the rat-infested role-playing games include whale oil pistols and Tyvian military signs, and one of Deathloop’s endings even suggests that an apocalyptic event has ravaged the shared universe.

Weird West takes clear cues from Raphael Colantonio’s work on Dishonored, so an Easter egg referencing the beloved series seems appropriate. It is unfortunate that Corvo Attano is found dead in the harsh American frontier, though, since the mark of the Outsider would make him a useful ally in a shootout. Weird West just recently released, so it seems likely that the game contains hidden references to other Arkane Studios titles still waiting to be discovered.

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Weird West is available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.

Source: SoxxoxSmox/Reddit

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