Pixar released its latest computer-animated film — Onward — into theaters on Feb 21. However, due to movie theater closures caused by the coronavirus pandemic, it was pulled and sent to Disney+ on March 6. Because of this, viewers are able to watch it from their living rooms much faster than planned. While Onward will give you a magical story about two elf brothers who attempt to bring their father back to life for a day, it’ll also present a few details that don’t make sense. We’re here to focus on these now.

Warning: We’re going to get picky, but that’s half the fun. It’s time to head to one magical suburban destination. Here are ten things that don’t make sense about Onward.

10 How Did Magic Fade So Easily?

The movie explains that the world in which brothers Ian and Barley live in has always been filled with mythical creatures. Though magic was once everywhere, it was abandoned after technology took over.

While this explanation makes basic sense, it’s still hard to figure out why introducing technology would make the magic disappear. Wouldn’t it have made more sense for the technology to add to the magic, not push it away? There are certain things technology can’t do like, as seen in the movie, bring a loved one back from the dead. Sure, not everyone had the gift of magic. But some creatures did…

9 Why Does Ian Have Magic?

The movie poorly explains why Ian has magic but his brother, Barley, does not. When Barley tries to bring his dad back from the dead with a visitation spell, he is unsuccessful despite having vast knowledge in this area. However, when Ian, who knows little about historical magic gives it a go, he manages to get his dad’s legs back. Additionally, throughout the adventure, he’s the only one who is able to wield the magical staff.

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Ian and Barley have the same parents, so why wouldn’t they both have a little magic inside of them?


8 Why Did Laurel Hold Out On Her Boys?

Laurel was technically honoring her husband by not giving his gifts to the boys until they were both over 16. That being said, 16 years is a long time to hide something from their father, especially considering how much they missed him.

Was it that easy to stow away a magical staff without them realizing it? Did she never curiously peek at the objects herself?

7 Why Didn’t The Boys Tell Their Mom They Were Reviving Their Dad?

Laurel is hopeful that she’ll be able to see her former husband again at first, but after Barley continually fails to complete the spell, she resigns herself to the idea that it just won’t happen. Because of this, you’d think Ian would have told their mother in excitement after he got his dad’s legs to appear. You’d also think he would have mentioned that he was about to embark on a grand overnight adventure to fully revive his father.

Yes, he should have taken his cellphone along, even if it was broken.

6 How Did The Police Officers Not See Through The Disguise Spell?

Ian and Barley use a disguise spell to take on the appearance of Colt Bronco. They do this after other police officers show up and get curious about the legs with a fake body on top.

While it’s shocking the police don’t realize that the dad is a pair of legs, it’s even more surprising that they don’t realize Colt Bronco isn’t actually Colt Bronco. As Ian tells more lies, he starts to turn back into himself. The officers were highly unobservant.

5 The Legs Can’t Hear But Act Like It

Ian and Barley bring their dad’s legs along for their adventure. They acknowledge early on that because it’s “just legs” and not ears, too, their dad is unable to hear them. The legs feel vibrations and use touch in order to communicate.

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For not being able to hear, however, the legs seem to be able to accomplish a whole lot. They know when to sit, they know when to walk, and they know when it’s an okay time to dance. Ian and Barley’s dad has no idea that they were bringing him on some epic adventure because they can’t communicate this to him. Yet somehow, he has a sense of when to do the right things at all the right times.

4 Why Was Barley Reckless With The Rope?

Barley teaches Ian to cast a spell that will let him walk on an invisible bridge. The catch? He has to believe it’s there or else he will plummet to his death. Ian insists on being attached to a rope just in case, and this proves to be handy after he falls down the cliffside for not believing hard enough.

While Barley is known to have an adventurous personality, it’s still surprising that he doesn’t hold onto the rope tighter when Ian goes falling. He knows his brother is a nervous wreck, so why did he expect something different to happen? Why was he ready to let his brother walk across a chasm without a rope? Later, Barley realizes mid-bridge-walk that the rope wasn’t long enough. Once again, Barley just didn’t use many smarts during this scene.

3 Where Did All The Police Cars Come From?

Officer Colt Bronco finds the boys partway through their quest and tries to convince them to go home. They get into their van to comply, but Ian jams his foot on the gas pedal, which sends the car flying forward.

Colt Bronco calls for backup, and in a matter of seconds, a whole group of cop cars speeds after Barley’s van. The cars come out of nowhere. The boys are in a remote location away from the suburbs; There should have been no way four other police cars were just hiding in the fields, especially when there are actual criminals to catch.

2 How Did The Manhole Lead To The High School?

Barley and Ian go on an epic adventure all across the lands, only to finally arrive in a room full of booby traps. When they finally escape the dangerous location, they climb out only to discover they’ve emerged from a manhole outside of their neighborhood high school.

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Why would all these traps have been underground in the first place? What are the chances that everything would lead back there? It’s comical but far too convenient.

1 How Did Ian Not Get Crushed By The Dragon?

At the climax of the film, Ian, Barley, Laurel, and Corey fight off a dragon that is formed out of the walls of the high school. Ian uses the magic scepter to throw a sword at the power source of the dragon, thus causing it to turn into rubble.

As the dragon dismantles, its heavy walls come crashing toward the ground. Yet somehow, they all fall perfectly around Ian, who lays in the center motionless. He really should have gotten crushed in that mess.

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