Pixar premiered its first-ever superhero film in 2004: The Incredibles. Though it took around decade-and-a-half for the sequel to arrive, the original film was met with high praise. While The Incredibles featured an emotion-driven story, hot action sequences, and high-tech animation, not every detail of the film made sense. We’re here to focus on the movie’s issues now.

Before we get started, we’re acknowledging that we’re going to get pretty nit-picky. Because The Incredibles is a fictionalized work, the creators had the freedom to do whatever they wanted with it. However, it’s a lot more entertaining to point out all the little inconsistencies and plot problems, right?

With that said, we’re throwing it back to the superhero-filled ‘60s. Here are 10 things in The Incredibles that don’t make sense.

10 The Movie Can’t Figure Out What Year It’s In

As we just mentioned, The Incredibles is set in an alternate version of the 1960s. However, not all the elements of the film match up with this era.

For one thing, the film’s Newtropolis Tribune is dated September 14, 2003. Additionally, at Mr. Incredible’s day job, employees use computers even though they should be using a typewriter.

Did we mention that Dash’s teacher who videotaped him putting a tack on his chair shouldn’t have been able to tape him until the 1970s? The history is a little off.

9 How Did Syndrome Get So Smart?

We first meet Syndrome as a young child, where he deems himself Mr. Incredible’s biggest fan, Incrediboy. He shows his hero the rocket-powered shoes he invented that allow him to fly. Due to his age, however, it’s surprising he made such advanced equipment. How did he create the shoes, and more importantly, where did he get the money to turn his idea into a reality?

Even when he’s older, it’s hard to believe that Syndrome invented so much high-powered equipment. He’s not the brightest villain. He frequently made sloppy mistakes that, if avoided, would have let him dominate the Incredible family.


8 How Did Mr. Incredible Forget About His Wedding?

Yes, we know he was super caught up fighting crime and all, but really? He’s about the marry the love of his life, and he casually forgot? Even Elastigirl knows its ridiculous.

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The couple then proceeds to have a whispered argument about this at the altar as if no one can hear them. In other words, their wedding had a few flaws.

7 What Happened To All The Supervillians After Superheroes Were Banned?

Early in the film, Mr. Incredible gets sued by a man he saved who was trying to jump from a building. He also gets in trouble with a group of civilians who sustained injuries after he stopped their train from falling off the track. After other supers receive lawsuits of their own, the government decides to force superheroes to resume life as average people. But what then became of all the supervillains?

Even if you outlaw superheroes, supervillains aren’t going to automatically follow some rules put in place. While there might not have been many supervillains left, the random disappearance of the bad guys isn’t explained well.

6 Mr. Incredible Shouldn’t Have Gotten So Close To Lava

The Incredibles features many scenes in which Mr. Incredible gets dangerously close to lava while on the island.

Near the conclusion of his first fight with a robot, he ends up in a volcano filled with the bubbling hot liquid. Later, he tries to sneak through the wall of lava that starts to close in on him. In reality, he should have gotten some severe burns after getting this near.

On that note, he probably should have also suffocated from the black goo that starts enveloping him after the lava wall scene. He is quite lucky.

5 Elastigirl Changes In The Lavatory

Elastigirl decides to chase after Mr. Incredible by flying her friend’s jet to the island. Though she plans to leave the kids at home, they end up sneaking on board — but she doesn’t know that.

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Why then does she choose to change into her super suit in the tiny lavatory when she could do so anywhere on the plane? She has no idea that her kids are hiding.

4 Elastigirl Survives Jet Crash And Rescues Her Bag In The Process

Not long after Elastigirl gets into her super suit, Syndrome shoots a couple of missiles at Elastigirl’s jet. Though she does her best to avoid them, she’s ultimately unable to, and the jet blows up.

Though Elastigirl tries to shield her kids from the explosion, there’s a ton of fire in the sky. It’s kind of shocking they make it. Even more surprising, however, is the fact that she manages to locate her lost bag in the remains of the mess. We don’t see her parachute into the water with her bag, so she had to have found it sometime after the debris came falling down. It would have been a challenge.

3 Syndrome Put Violet In An Electrical Prison

Right before the climax of the movie, Syndrome manages to capture the entire Parr family and put them into an electrical prison. This comes just after his men chase Elastigirl, Dash, and Violet around the island.

Syndrome gloats about his plans and then leaves the family alone. Moments later, Violet uses her forcefields to float out of the trap and release her family from their restraints.

The problem with this isn’t that Syndrome put Violet in the prison so much as it’s an issue that he did this after being made aware of her powers. Had he found an alternate way to keep her from escape, the film might have had a very different ending.

2 Why Is Frozone’s Super Suit Missing?

In one of the most hilarious scenes in The Incredibles, Frozone spies a giant robot ravaging the city outside of his window. In order to fight off the new villain, Frozone tries to access his super suit with a press of a remote. Unfortunately, it’s not in its case.

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Frozone’s wife reveals that she put the suit away, but what better place could she have put it than in the perfectly carved out holder designed for it? Also, if Frozone wasn’t actively fighting crime at the moment, why would his wife feel the need to touch his suit? Shouldn’t it have been waiting there, collecting dust for several years?

1 Why Didn’t The Parr Family Figure Out That Jack-Jack Had Powers?

Though Jack-Jack ends up fighting Syndrome in the sky with his various powers toward the end of the movie, Mr. Incredible has a hard time seeing this from the ground. Therefore, it’s a big surprise to him in Incredibles 2 when Jack-Jack reveals his powers.

With that said, it’s still surprising that the Parr family never figured out that Jack-Jack had super abilities in the first film. His babysitter, Kari, left many frantic messages over the phone to Helen and revealed the baby’s powers to Rick Dicker. Why didn’t Dicker tell the family? Why didn’t the Parrs notice the damage Jack-Jack caused to their house (as revealed in the Jack-Jack Attack short) upon their brief return?

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