Disney films from the end of the 20th century – better known as the Disney Renaissance films – have aged remarkably well over the years, but those aren’t the only ones. Pixar’s earliest offerings have also seen renewed appreciation, especially as the sequels to these films haven’t reached the same quality.

Finding Nemo has emerged as perhaps Pixar’s most successful series after Toy Story, and it is justified as the film can be enjoyed by adults just as much as their kids love it. There are several lessons in the movie for all kinds of generations, and we’re looking at some quotes that most appropriately remind us of these.

15 “On My Honor, Or May I Be Chopped Up and Made Into Soup.” – Bruce

The scene with the sharks is probably the most darkly-humorous sequence of the entire film. Using the clever art of misdirection, the Pixar team set audiences up for a horror scene but delivered one of the most surprisingly funny moments in any Pixar feature. Along with their memorable oath, Bruce delivers this promise that makes quite a quirky jab at shark fin soup. It might go over a few kids’ heads, but older members of the audience will certainly smile.

14 “Fish Aren’t Made To Be In a Box, Kid…” – Gill

For a fish voiced by Willem Defoe, Gill is quite an intense character. Of course, that doesn’t mean he’s not immune to more tender and approachable moments.

This quote from the battle-scarred angelfish doesn’t just apply to the residents of the dentist’s tank, but human beings as well. Whether that means physically or emotionally, no one deserves to be put behind glass forever.


13 “We Are Swimming in Our Own–” – Gurgle

For a colorful Pixar production with a G rating, this one line got it dangerously close to PG territory. It’s one of the funniest lines that only the parents and adults could have caught, but only through some cleverly implied humor. As the tank is getting filthier and filthier, Gurgle the neat freak fish utters this line before being interrupted by Peach with a “Shh!” Does it count if it’s an almost swear?

12 “I’d Say It’s Half-Full.” – Dory

Dory is without a doubt one of the most optimistic characters in Disney history, albeit blissfully so. That being said, no quote epitomizes that concept better than the scene in the whale.

While Marlin is having one of his many freakouts, Dory keeps finding new ways to smile. Even when literally being swallowed alive, she still manages to see the glass half-full (or the whale in this case). Still, she can’t be faulted for it.

11 “It’s Because I Like You I Don’t Want To Be With You. It’s a Complicated Emotion.” – Marlin

This is a rather interesting twist on the “it’s not you, it’s me” speech. But Marlin at least tries to spare Dory’s feelings in the process. It’s not that Dory is unlikable, but she does get the pair into some rather dangerous situations. After all, who else would greet a great white shark with open arms and a smile? Still, it’s practically impossible to just give the poor blue thing such a harsh sentiment. Better let her down easy, right?

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10 “Just Keep Swimming.” – Dory

Easily the most iconic quote to come out of the film, the reason for this quote’s popularity is due to its potential to be applied to any scenario. Whether it’s about soldering through problems in your own life, or if it’s about a fish in the sea, it makes sense to “keep swimming.”

Dory certainly found great happiness by applying this to herself, as she gained friends in Marlin and Nemo while she was literally just swimming. Marlin too was able to bring back his son after realizing that giving it his best was the way he could find happiness, not by sulking about his problems.

9 “…For A Clownfish, He Really Isn’t That Funny.” – Bill

Before he was able to find Nemo, and himself through it, Marlin was particularly anxious about everything. This also extended toward him having social anxiety, and we saw him mess up upon a first impression.

When the other dads at the school figured Marlin would have a good joke for them based on his name, Marlin didn’t capitalize on the opportunity. Instead, he came across as a bumbling weirdo, leading to the character of Bill appropriately calling him out to be such a bore. Happily, though, Marlin was able to turn this situation around by the end of the film.

8 “Thank You-Hooo!” – Marlin

Marlin’s character development really came into being after his and Dory’s encounter with the whale, as Marlin was turned into a believer once he saw that Dory really could speak the whale language. So, once the whale had delivered the two where they needed to go, Marlin said his thanks this way.

It was a light-hearted way of showing how you should never write off anyone’s skills no matter how crazy they might seem. And in that moment, Marlin was more than happy to take in all the crazy he could.

7 “Fish Are Friends. Not Food.” – Bruce

Although this scene was played for laughs for the most part, it was actually a very good message of how someone in a position of power eschewed negative stereotypes. For this reason, Bruce’s attempts at living a vegetarian diet should be applauded.

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It was a wonderful change from the norm where we would expect a character that looked as menacing as Bruce did to be a villain, but he turned out to be more of a sweetheart who still believed in his mantra despite giving into his shark tendencies.

6 “I Shall Call Him Squishy And He Shall Be Mine And He Shall Be My Squishy.” – Dory

It’s impossible to dislike Dory’s character due to her being a ball of positive energy. It was also why Dory and Marlin became “friendship goals” the way some other popular characters have over the years. Marlin came to adore Dory’s innocence, something the audience shares.

In this scene, Dory came across the smallest jellyfish anyone’s ever seen and proceeded to talk to it like a mother would to her newborn child. What followed was a pretty sad scene when the other jellyfish descended, but in that moment we all loved Dory for being so precious.

5 “Sharkbait! Hoo ha ha!” – The Tank Gang

The Tank Gang attempted to come across all cool and calculating, but for the most part they seemed to be a bunch of losers who had no idea how to formulate a plan. One of the bizarre things they had in practice was dressing up for an initiation.

However, we did get a quote out of them that has even been memed by fans way after Finding Nemo came out in 2003. This would be the tendency of the gang to scream the above mentioned quote about every three seconds, making it both annoying and extremely hilarious.

4 “P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney.” – Dory

Credit to Pixar for turning an address into a line that all kids who saw the film at the time of its release will always remember. Seriously, just hearing of this address is guaranteed to hark back children born in the late-80s and early-90s to their childhoods.

It was repeated quite a few times by Dory over the course of the movie, and now remains in our memories as a destination that promises a journey filled with thrills and adventure. We wouldn’t be surprised if people traveled to Australia simply to go to this address.

3 “You So Totally Rock, Squirt! So Gimme Some Fin.” – Crush

Not only was Crush’s portion of the film a delightful change into a breezy sequence, it also was a learning moment for Marlin as a father. It was here that he saw just how deep he’d gone into being protective of Nemo.

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Crush, being both affectionate and carefree with his son highlighted how casual parenting was hardly the worst thing. Father and son were as close as friends, and their familial relationship was only bettered because of it. Eventually, Marlin also injected a fair amount of the flavor of this style of parenting he’d learned from Crush; maybe he even had Nemo give him a “Fin-Five.”

2 “I Promise, I Will Never Let Anything Happen To You…Nemo.”

It’s always nice to see protagonists attempt to be brave, but Pixar went for the realistic approach and had Marlin’s children and wife be devoured by a predator. While that ensured audiences started tearing up right off the bat, it also showed why Marlin loved Nemo so much.

When someone has had their family ripped apart within just a few seconds, there’s really nothing stopping them from promising their whole life to protect the one thing they still have left. It was then that Marlin made Nemo’s well-being his only mission for the rest of his days.

1 “Bye, Son…” – Marlin

In only two words, Pixar completed a U-turn in characterization in the most wonderful way. When we’d first seen Marlin, he had been extremely reluctant to let Nemo go, but by saying this at the film’s end we knew he had changed his mind for the better.

By now, Marlin had the peace of mind that Nemo was mature on his own and would grow up better by making his own decisions. It was also a message to parents watching that giving their children space and allowing themselves a chance to have their own lives was the best way for personal development.

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