In the new Disney+ and Disney Chanel Original Movie, Christmas Again, a holiday time loop teaches young Rowena to appreciate the time she gets with her growing family.

While Rowena herself begins as a fairly unlikeable character before maturing into a more selfless and compassionate version of herself, some of the characters begin the film kind and endearing, like her parents, Mike and Carolina. Other members of the extended family become more likable as they show their unique personality quirks, like Uncle Gerry’s love for standup comedy.

9 Louie

As Rowena’s soon-to-be step-brother, Louie is one of the worst siblings in any Disney movie, constantly annoying and pestering her. He takes joy in pranking her such as when he dresses like a ghost to scare her when she wakes up and turns the television off and on while she is trying to watch the hockey game.

Louie is an intentionally unlikable character and his tormenting Rowena only makes her more frustrated by the way her family has changed since her parents split up. While she comes to love and accept him, her initial dislike for Louie is more than justified.

8 Uncle Bruce

Because of the Clybourne family’s size, some of the characters only get limited screen time to show their personalities. Uncle Bruce does not have a large role in the film, but he does get a couple of fun moments that help establish his likability.

He nearly saves the day when he catches the bowl that has been in the family for generations but he slips and ends up breaking it. He also teaches Rowena martial arts, which she uses to beat up a bully. In the process, Uncle Bruce teaches Rowena the lesson that the goal of Judo is not to be better than anyone else but to be a better version of yourself, encapsulating one of the messages of the movie.


7 Gabby

For most of the movie, Gabby is a fairly minor character who is often annoyed with her sister Rowena. However, she has an impactful heart to heart with Rowena in which she brings some perspective to the situation and helps Rowena see how the family changing is not necessarily a bad thing.

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Christmas Again is far from a modern Christmas classic, but it has some genuinely effective moments and Gabby’s conversation with Rowena is a highlight. Gabby may not be given as much time to shine as some of the other characters, but this one moment is enough to give the audience a reason to like her.

6 Diane

Although Rowena spends much of the film disliking Diane and trying to remove her from the picture so she can get her parents back together, Diane never does anything to deserve this disdain. Even though her information is outdated, she tries to use what she knows about Rowena to give her a thoughtful Christmas gift.

Diane is a kind and loving character who is just trying to form a connection with her future step-daughter. Her warm and welcoming demeanor eventually wins over Rowena, proving her likability.

5 Uncle Gerry

Uncle Gerry is a sweet and funny dog-lover who has some odd and endearing personality quirks such as his habit of wearing the same pair of underwear for multiple days and a desire to get into standup comedy.

Despite being uncomfortable and visibly nervous, Uncle Gerry allows the family to pressure him into performing his standup routine for them. The vulnerability he demonstrates helps make him relatable and sympathetic. He may not be the best comedian, but his dream of pursuing his passion and willingness to put himself out there make the audience root for him.

4 Carolina

Rowena’s mom, Carolina, is a sweet and caring character who never shows any bitterness or animosity towards Mike or Diane, welcoming them into her home so that her daughters can spend the holidays with both of their parents.

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Gabby reveals that Carolina and Mike’s marriage was unhealthy and filled with yelling, but despite this, she is still willing to maintain a friendly relationship with Mike for the kids’ sake. Carolina is a generous and hospitable character who is willing to do whatever it takes for her family.

3 Mike

Mike is a charming and engaging presence in the family whom Rowena is afraid of losing. When he arrives at the house, she lights up in a way that’s a stark contrast to when the rest of the extended family shows up.

Mike is a handyman who is always willing to use his skills to help others, especially Carolina. He is a fun-loving character who loves spending time with his family, whether that means talking about sports with Rowena or dancing with the girls by candlelight when the power goes out.

2 Tall Santa

Arguably one of the best movie Santa Clauses in recent history, Tall Santa goes against many stereotypical depictions of the character. He is funny and intriguing, constantly working random side jobs throughout the movie. He is also wise and compassionate as he dispenses wisdom to Rowena in order to help guide her.

Tall Santa uses the time loop to give Rowena a second chance to get off of the naughty list and become a better person. He is a different kind of Santa who uses unconventional methods, but he is still shown to be a jolly and kind character.

1 Rowena

Because Christmas Again uses an approach similar to Groundhog Day, Rowena begins the movie fairly unlikeable but grows into a mature and selfless character after her experience in the time loop.

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Her motivation for wanting to keep things the same is relatable and sympathetic as it is rooted in her love for her family and fear of change. By the end of the film, she becomes an incredibly likable person who endears herself to everyone around her through selfless acts of kindness. She also learns to embrace her new family, making an intentional effort to make sure that Diane knows she is welcome. This growth and self-improvement convince Santa to take Rowena off the naughty list and make her the most likable character in Christmas Again.

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