Divinity Original Sin 2 is one of the richest roleplaying experiences. Not only does the game have mechanics that offer new ways of play, but Larian Studios is also very active about adding in new quests and characters. In any playthrough, it is important to make a balanced and compatible party. Players might build up a team of healers, snipers, and mages. But one of the more classic roles is the front line warrior that can engage melee units and guard their teammates.

While the term Knight might conjure up chivalry or grace, the ones in Divinity Original Sin 2 are much more brute shock troops. They will prioritize a large heavy or long-reaching weapon, a bit of armor, and nothing much else. A first-level Knight probably won’t have any form of magic. But, one can work towards more combat-focused schools like death spells or metamorphosis at high levels. Still, the Knight’s role is to charge into the thick of battle, chop up enemies, and withstand enough damage to keep going.


Knight Creation in Divinity Original Sin 2

When making a level 1 Knight, players will first need to decide if they will be Strength or Finesse based. Strength weapons like two-handed swords and axes are more common, but the few rare spears have added range, making them great for wider area attacks. It also determines which type of armor is worn: heavy plate that offers amazing physical armor, but power magical armor; or leather gear that balances the two armor types.

For starting stats go with +3 in either Strength or Finesse, +1 Warfare, +1 Scoundrel, and a Civil Ability that fits your character, like Thievery for Fane or Persuasion for Red Prince. Initial skills should include Crippling Blow for strong close-range damage, Battle Stomp to clear out areas and knockdown enemies, and Adrenaline to get bonus AP on your first action. Because the main Knight weapon is two-handed, they will have access to All In, which deals additional damage for 3 AP. If playing a human Knight, use Encourage at the start of a turn before attacks, not after as a means of spending unused AP. The same should be done for elf Knights and Flesh Sacrifice.

The handiest first Talent is The Pawn (from having that Scoundrel point) which grants free extra movement, though it is mutually exclusive with Executioner. Other great candidates include Living Armor for much needed magical armor recovery, Hothead for more critical hot chance, Opportunist to prevent enemy movement, and What a Rush to punish enemies that manage to damage health directly.

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Progression of a Knight in Divinity Original Sin 2

Two-handed weapons work a bit differently than other attacks in the game: there is a greater emphasis on criticals as the Two-Handed combat skills increases the critical damage multiplier. This means one will want to aim for Strength/Finesse to Wits at around a 3:1 ratio. Constitution is rather unhelpful; leave it at 10 unless there is a surplus of points at higher levels. Take Memory only when there is a desperate need for more skill slots, likely when arriving at Reaper’s Coast.

Combat ability-wise, Warfare should be taken first to boost Physical damage by a multiplicative amount. Two-Handed will be next as it grants additive damage (of all elements), and as previously mentioned also boosts the critical multiplier. Once those are maxed, consider putting a few points into Scoundrel for even more critical damage, Polymorph for more stat points, and Perseverance to restore armor.

If using Gift Bags, Indomitable can be a great Talent at second level to reduce the duration of nasty status effects. This can be further paired with Walk It Off, though this second ability also reduces beneficial stats as well. Bigger and Better and All Skilled Up are also always good Talent options for more combat skills and Civil Abilities.

Key Knight Skills

  • Battering Ram (1 Warfare): charge in a line and knock down an enemy on impact
  • Blitz Attack (2 Warfare): jump between two enemies, dealing reduced damage to both
  • Enrage (2 Warfare): silences the target, but allows them to land 100% critical rate. Amazing when you want to melee attack instead of cast spells
  • Phoenix Dive (2 Warfare): leap up and smash into the ground, leaving a circle of fire
  • Provoke (2 Warfare): entice the target to come and attack. Doesn’t always work
  • Whirlwind (2 Warfare): attack all nearby foes
  • Challenge (3 Warfare): goad a single target. If they die in three turns, receive healing and a damage bonus. If they survive they restore to full and you suffer damage
  • Onslaught (3 Warfare): attack a target five times, each dealing around half damage
  • Thick of the Fight (3 Warfare): gain bonus damage for the amount of nearby characters
  • Overpower (5 Warfare): dish out 150% bonus damage. Destroys all Physical armor if the target has less than you. Can also knockdown

Knight Skills from other disciplines

  • Tentacle Lash (1 Polymorph): cast a spell to grow a tentacle and strike with physical damage. Can prevent the target from using skills (but not spells)
  • Heart of Steel (2 Polymorph): gain a small amount of Physical Armor every turn
  • Spider Legs (2 Polymorph): sprout legs that can fire webs. Webbing prevents movement and can be ignited
  • Forced Exchange (3 Polymorph): swap health pools with the target when they lack Physical Armor
  • Bone Cage (2 Necromancer): restore Physical Armor based on the amount of nearby bodies
  • Living on the Edge (2 Necromancer): for two turns the target cannot drop below 1 vitality, making them immortal
  • Death Wish (2 Necromancer): gain bonus damage based on lost vitality
  • Shackles of Pain (2 Necromancer): if the caster is attacked, the chained target will suffer equal damage
  • Haste (1 Pyrokinetic): target gains more AP and increased movement
  • Peace of Mind (1 Pyrokinetic): removes and prevents mental status effects like Charm and Sleep. Also grants Strength, Finesse, Intelligence, and Wits based on level.
  • Corpse Explosion (1 Pyrokinetic, 1 Necromancer): detonate a corpse, dealing Physical damage to everyone nearby
  • Corrosive Touch (1 Geomancer, 1 Necromancer): set Acid on an enemy, dealing small amounts of Physical Armor damage (but not vitality damage) every turn
  • Vampiric Hunger (1 Hydrosophist, 1 Scoundrel): gains Life Steal, restoring health when directly damaging a target’s vitality

Unique Knight Items in Divinity Original Sin 2

Every chapter in the game features Unique level items that can be helpful for a build. They are even more useful with Gift Bags, as one can refurbish them with enough gold and time.

  • Hildur’s Plate (Body): bought (or stolen) from Hilde in Fort Joy. Decent armor with Fire resist and will reflect back Fire damage when hit
  • Whithermoore’s Girdle (Belt): find Whithermoore’s Soul Jar inside the Fort Joy keep and destroy it. Go into the Elf Cave and head to the basement (need either high Wits or have a Dwarf to enter the hole). The belt has free Memory
  • Sundering Cleaver (Two-Handed Axe): bought (or stolen) from Zaleskar in Fort Joy. Grants Thick of the Fight for free
  • Lohar’s Two-Handed Source Hammer (Two-Handed Mace): rewarded by Lohar for defeating Mordus in Reaper’s Coast. Deals good damage, can Knock Down, and grants Onslaught
  • Antique Armor (Body): found inside a chest at Reaper’s Coast X: 630, Y: 410. Lowers movement, but prevents being teleported by the enemy
  • Reaver’s Axe (Two-Handed Axe): looted from a body on Bloodmoon Island at X: 375, Y: 415. Decent damage and will hit in a cleave motion
  • Voor d’lamas (Two-Handed Axe): bought from Fionola in Arx at X: 275, Y: 280. This strong axe has bonus Warfare and grants Challenge for free
  • Ancient Belt (Belt): bought from Adam in Arx at X: 210, Y: 273. Great resistances, will heal the living but damages Undead characters

Knights might not be the most tactful profession, but they will easily help the party by rushing to the frontlines, dispatching light infantry, and protecting their weaker allies. With a little more magic support, a Knight will turn into an unstoppable juggernaut.

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Divinity Original Sin 2 is available on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and the Nintendo Switch.

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