Out of the new skills in Division 2 the Shock Trap is the newest addition to the field. The Shock Trap allows a small trap that will shock any enemy within its vicinity and with multiple traps at once, a little shock minefield can come between agents and the NPCs. This new skill can be gotten from killing Javier Kajika and he uses shock traps like they’re going out of style. The shock trap comes in handy for dealing with a large number of enemies in a fairly large area.

With the Shock Trap being added to the agent’s arsenal, a quick tip on the trap itself is that it acts much like the Hive Skill where when thrown, it encompasses a circular area and multiple traps go out at once. Using the trap will show not only the radius but also where the traps will land. This can be advantageous if the traps need to be at multiple levels at the same time. Although let’s head off to Pathway Park and get Kajika down for the count.


Pathway Park in Division 2

Pathway Park in Battery Park is another home to the cleaners and this area doesn’t have a true mini-boss like the other story areas, excluding Liberty Island. With the cleaners at full force in this mission, there will be a ton of flame tanks to burst and a few Flamethrower heavy NPCs that will ruin agents if not careful. Unlike most missions and areas, being passive is a way of life but this mission is all about being aggressive. Running with skills such as Cluster Seekers, Assault Turrets, and Striker Drone tend to lend well in this mission. There are not many areas to stay in cover or have any relative safety so dealing damage on the go is a must.

Unlike other missions, there is a lack of Lieutenants here so the enemies won’t be as tanky. This mission will also have Shock Traps in the mission that can be identified by the shocks coming from them and they also look like small lanterns. The easiest way they can be diffused is by shooting them.  For the section where the drill needs to be stopped, sticking with the aggressive theme can be successful as well although keeping a fair amount of distance against the Flamethrower heavy NPC will be still be recommended.

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How to Kill Javier Kajika in Division 2

This fight is done in four stages and each stage raises the difficulty of the fight in different ways. The first stage is fighting Kajika on his own. After lowering his armor enough he will trigger a poisonous gas that will chip away at the agent’s health bar. This is the point where a switch needs to be triggered to get to the next area. Once at the next area Kajika will get other NPCs to join in the fight. This is where things ramp up not only with the NPCs but the area makes a slight change where the areas with poisonous gas will stay gassed the remainder of the fight. Once lowering Kajika’s armor enough, he will trigger the gas again and another switch needs to be pulled. Pulling that switch will make it so the lower portion of the map opens up.

In this last area, there will not only be the boss and the NPCs, but there will be Shock Traps throughout the area. A good reminder is they can be shot to be destroyed with no consequences but Kajika will continue throwing them. Getting shocked means almost instant death as it gives the NPCs easy shots. Two good places to be in this area are to the left of the platform the boss is on, at the far back wall, there’s a staircase that most everything can be taken from. The other location is to the right of the same platform is an alcove that gives good cover from most angles. When enough damage has been done to Kajika, he will drop to the platform and attack with a sword. Keep distance as best as possible navigating through the traps and if needed, go up into the gas where there is a health hit, the alternative is worse if his sword makes contact. Keep at him and the Shock Trap will come off him nicely.

Division 2 is available for Playstation 4, Xbox One and PC.

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