A year after Animal Crossing: New Horizons first shone its bright and adorable light on the world, many dedicated players may begin to experience what happens when they leave their islands and villagers for an extended period of time. Will the player be missed? Will their Animal Crossing island be well maintained? Who will collect the fossils still waiting to be discovered?

There is no doubt that Animal Crossing: New Horizons came out at a truly opportune time for Nintendo. The wholesome and cheery life simulation game was a much-needed antidote for the real world in 2020. When the news got too heavy, a quick trip to catch a rare bug or fish was enough to soothe the souls of the weary, as well as raise many smiles when players connected with friends and family via Animal Crossing‘s the island-hopping mechanics.


However, things are finally starting to look more promising in the real world, as of late. News of several successful vaccines and an easing of various lockdown measures have preceded a greater sense of hope and optimism in many. While Earth may not ever be at the same level of calm as an Animal Crossing island, fans are still likely starting to venture out of their virtual lives and more confidently back into their real ones. So, where exactly does that leave Tom Nook, Isabelle, and Marshall?

What Happens To Villages When Players Leave Animal Crossing For Too Long

If a player returns to their Animal Crossing: New Horizons island after being inactive for a prolonged period of time, they will notice several changes. For one, their avatar will be delightfully disheveled after their long slumber, with a cliché bedhead look. This is swiftly rectified, as the islander will shake themselves back into a more presentable state. Another, less welcome change (and yet one somehow still oddly cute – this is Animal Crossing, after all) is that there will be cockroaches in the player’s house. A quick stomp on these little critters will eradicate them, and a ghostly cockroach mirage will silently float away. Then, the player will need to get weeding, as there will almost certainly be some unwelcome flora scattered across their island.

But what of Animal Crossing‘s island residents themselves? To put it nicely, villagers can be a touch salty when players have been inactive, shaming and guilting players for their absence. Animal Crossing villagers will inquire as to where the player has been and why they are no longer talking to their neighbors. Some will even “accidently” forget the player’s name, claiming it to be a joke but still commenting that it has “been a while.” These brush-offs are clearly a not-so-subtle way of letting the player know that, yes, they have been missed.

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Players shouldn’t be disheartened, however, as this animosity does not last long. Before anyone can say “Turnips,” island peace will be successfully restored – at least until the player’s next extended period of absence from Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

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