Though Doctor Doom may have a few words to exchange with the Fantastic Four’s hot-headed and impulsive Human Torch, the feared monarch of Latveria still has a mighty bone to pick with the romantic partner of his arch-enemy Reed Richards.

Marvel Comics’ premiere writer Dan Slott (The Superior Spider-Man, Silver Surfer) and artist R.B. Silva (Powers of X, Nova)’s Fantastic Four #33 finally brings the long-awaited wedding of the team’s most hated enemy to fruition. Entangling with his most respected warrior and herald Zora Vukovic a.k.a. Victorious, Doctor Victor Von Doom’s historic endeavor has instilled the self-proclaimed savior with a new lease on life. As part of Doom’s ceremonial moment, Victor has seemingly promised to pardon a variety of his past foes, including the Fantastic Four. Given his past failures and mere humiliation at the hands of Marvel’s most famous explorers, Doom’s initial animosity towards Reed has broadened to Richard’s extended family of heroes. While Reed and Ben have perhaps enabled Doom greatly in his descent into “villainy”, Victor harbors a more personal vengeance towards Susan Richards.


Slott and Silva’s Fantastic Four #33 represents not only the wedding between Latverian heroes Doom and Victorious but the wedding anniversary of Reed and Sue Richards. Doom’s nemesis has remained Fantastic Four leader Mr. Fantastic for decades, but the armored one actually loathes the Invisible Woman just as much, if not more so. Doom’s abrasive attitude towards Sue stems from a scandalous public unmasking at the hands of Richards and her ability to render one’s clothing undetectable. This full transparency body unveiling which transpired not only in front of several Earth telecasts but neighboring planets occurred in 2019’s Fantastic Four #8, the team’s first encounter with Doctor Doom during Slott’s current run of comics. Though a mutual act, Invisible Woman additionally removed Doom’s mask in former Fantastic Four writer Jonathan Hickman (X-Men, Avengers) and artist Esad Ribic (Eternals, Thor)’s modern incarnation of Marvel’s Secret Wars comic event. However heinous Doom’s past quibble surrounding his other wedding guests may be, Doom’s discord with Sue proves so severe that the villain even carries the vengeance into the future of the Marvel Universe, far beyond his tense rivalry with Reed.

Given Sue’s past transgressions directed toward Doctor Doom, it would be difficult to see an antagonist as narcissistic as Victor ever grant the Invisible Woman a complete pass. If there is anything that Victor has proven in the past, it’s that the man does not forgive and forget. Even more, Doom has amassed a reputation of having a far deadlier agenda under his sleeve, ready to dish out at any moment. Doom is a villain that rests his laurels on pride and so long as Sue or any hero for that matter exists, Victor is allowing his own humility to rein free. While Doom himself is not incapable of change, the archvillain has constantly proven his ego to be his ultimate downfall in the end. As proven with recent revelations,  Doctor Doom‘s hatred toward the Fantastic Four and Invisible Woman specifically will only continue to flourish.

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