The most powerful telepath in the Marvel Universe is not who fans think: Doctor Strange has proved time and time again that his mastery of the mind’s power is much greater than the skills of the world’s most renowned telepath, the founder of the X-Men, Charles Xavier.

The Marvel Universe is full of powerful telepaths who can pry open minds with ease or control the actions of someone with a mere word. Many of these are mutants, with Charles Xavier, Emma Frost, and Jean Grey being the most prominent. Doctor Strange, on the other hand, is a master of the mystic arts and the Sorcerer Supreme of Earth, tasked with defending Earth-616 from hostile forces. His mastery of magic gives him a wide array of powers, as Strange can manipulate the mystic forces to almost any effect. However, not many fans know that Strange is also a very powerful telepath, having displayed this ability on several occasions. Contrary to the mutants, Strange’s telepathy is not a natural gift but is a mix of spells and mental discipline born from meditation. Despite that, he’s proved time and time again that he is superior even to Xavier, who is considered the most skilled mutant telepath in the world.


One of the best indicators of the difference between the two is how they clashed with amateur wielders of the Mind Gem – one of the Infinity Stones. Xavier fought the criminal Parker Robbins, aka the Hood, while he was gathering the stones, and was utterly defeated (in Avengers vol. 4 #11). This was despite Hood having no previous experience with telepathy, and very limited control over the power of the stones. Strange, on the other hand, confronted Turk Barrett, a small-time crook who was in possession of the Mind Stone for a time. The doctor easily brushed aside Turk’s attempt to invade his mind, even causing him physical damage in return (in Infinity Countdown #5). Strange also fought Adam Warlock, a cosmic-level telepath who wielded the power of the Infinity Gauntlet with expertise (in Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #36). Once again, Strange resisted any attempts to violate his mind by a master of the Mind Gem, while Xavier lost against someone who did not know how to use the powerful item to the best of its capabilities.

Another common foe that Professor X and the Sorcerer supreme both faced is the Hulk. Xavier was never able to tame the Jade Giant (for example, in Savage Hulkvol. 2 #4), whose overflowing rage and multiple, fractured personas proved too much to overcome. On the other hand, Strange was able to deal with Hulk many times, especially during their time as part of the Defenders, when he had to use the power of his mind to calm the brute during his fits of rage. The final proof of Strange’s superiority, however, comes from an unlikely source: Deadpool. When the Red Skull stole Xavier’s brain and started brainwashing heroes (in Uncanny Avengers vol. 2), Deadpool, who was immune, immediately went to Strange’s mansion to get help. Wade knows Xavier and Strange and what they’re capable of, and his first and only idea to counter Xavier’s telepathy (which was further augmented by the Red Skull) was to enlist the help of the Sorcerer Supreme.

All these examples prove that Strange is a superior telepath to Xavier. The two are usually on the same side and were even members of the secret cabal of the Illuminati, but if the day ever comes when Doctor Strange and Professor X will have to fight against each other, readers already know who’ll come out on top.

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