Doctor Strange is about to enter the Multiverse of Madness in the MCU, and his ultimate form is the perfect showcase for reality-hopping adventures. The Sorcerer Supreme’s strongest form was when he became the leader of the Black Priests, a group of mighty Multiversal beings who destroyed different realities to ensure the Multiverse survived. Strange joined them so he could prevent more Earths from being wiped away.

The Black Priests effectively acted like Galactus, but instead of devouring worlds in the name of hunger, they destroyed entire Earths to prevent incursions and damage to the multiverse in the name of balance. Most famously, Black Swan was the sole survivor of the Black Priests obliterating her world. Described as the “field surgeons of the Multiverse,” the Black Priests destroyed the Earths to prevent the universe’s collapse. They believed that eliminating enough Earths would stabilize reality and prevent the pending death of the universe.


In the New Avengers by Jonathan Hickman, Szymon Kudranski, and Joe Caramgna, the Avengers seek answers about the true nature of the Black Priests. They are stunned to find Doctor Strange making their home his sanctuary. He explains the Black Priests are attempting to save the Multiverse in their actions – and previously worked together by creating a word that allowed them to distort reality. Before Strange, the Black Priests were only capable of saying one letter at a time to shape reality, but with the hero on their side, they knew all of the words.

While Doctor Strange’s time as the Eye of the Black Priests was relatively short-lived – as the group was wiped out by Doctor Doom and the Black Swans – the hero had never possessed as much power as he did when he led the reality-destroying beings. Strange was capable of destroying entire Earths simply by uttering the word “life.” Considering the MCU is about feature Doctor Strange hopping across realities, it would make a lot of sense if he were doing so in the name of trying to save his reality. With the power of the Black Priests, he could pick and choose which parts of the Multiverse to destroy to save the entire thing. It would be true madness and quite the heavy responsibility.

However, it’s unlikely the MCU wants to give Doctor Strange to his ultimate form already, even if it would be incredible to see him have the powers of the Black Priests. The Multiverse is a dangerous, terrifying place. The Black Priests brought balance in the only way they knew how. If the Multiverse is collapsing on itself in the MCU, Doctor Strange would be the perfect hero to try to fix it.

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