While many shows have large ensemble casts, Doctor Who has a small main cast that changes on a fairly regular basis. The show primarily focuses on The Doctor and their companion(s) as they travel through time and space in The TARDIS.

With the main character’s ability to regenerate and the changing of producers, there have been many different dynamics in The TARDIS since the show was revived in 2005. From the original team of Nine and Rose to the upcoming trio of Thirteen, Yaz and Dan, many teams have been central to Doctor Who.

10 Ten And Martha Jones

Martha had the difficult job of being the second permanent companion in “New Who” and that was a key problem with this duo. Ten was still hung up on Rose throughout Martha’s time in The TARDIS and he unwittingly overlooked her and compared her to his former companion on several occasions. After the strong romantic connection between Ten and Rose, it was a little tiresome to see Martha pining after the Timelord as well.

That being said, Martha proved herself far more than many other companions have, taking care of the human Doctor and saving the world from The Master. Martha’s ability to test The Doctor and put him in his place is what makes this team one of the more interesting ones.

9 Ten And Rose Tyler

Rose is one of only a few companions who has traveled with multiple incarnations of The Doctor. Ten and Rose’s relationship very nearly became romantic and she did eventually settle down with a human clone version of The Timelord.

One of the best Doctor and Rose episodes was actually her dramatic first departure when she became trapped in the parallel world. However, the will-they-won’t-they dynamic of their relationship seemed misplaced in a sci-fi show and Rose’s simpering boarded on overbearing at times. Romantic undertones aside though, Ten and Rose had a truly fun and carefree dynamic.


8 Eleven And Amy Pond

Eleven’s relationship with Amy is unique in that he met her as a child before she traveled in The TARDIS as an adult. Eleven and Amy became true best friends during their time traveling together.

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One of the worst things Amy ever did, though, was trying to kiss The Doctor on the night before her would-be wedding (sort of), but luckily any hints of romance were quickly brushed under the carpet. Eleven and Amy only traveled alone for a short time, but they had a strong rapport right from the start. The two made a great team, but it wasn’t quite complete until they became three.

7 Ten And Wilf Mott

Wilf was never really a companion, as such, but he did briefly step into this role in The Tenth Doctor’s final story. Wilf appeared in a few stories prior to this, as he was Donna’s grandfather, but he really gets a chance to shine during his brief stint in the “companion role.”

It was refreshing to see an older man opposite The Doctor, as well as a family member to a former companion. Wilf is, of course, inadvertently responsible for Ten’s demise, and the scenes where he realizes this are truly heartbreaking. Ten’s final story does leave fans wanting more from this duo and wondering what might have been if Wilf had become a permanent resident of the TARDIS.

6 Ten, Martha Jones And Jack Harkness

For the last three episodes of season 3, Jack joined Martha and The Doctor. Right from the off, Jack seems to recognize Martha’s brilliance and the three feel more like a team than when she was going it alone with The Doctor.

As the stakes are so high, the three don’t get that much time to naturally interact, but Jack seems to be just what these two were missing. And while Jack does mention Rose, leading to more jealousy from Martha, this is brief. The three bounce off each other perfectly and it’s a shame Jack wasn’t around for more of the season.

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5 Twelve, Bill Potts And Nardole

In his first two seasons, The Twelfth Doctor was slightly overpowered by his companion, Clara, who was determined to become his equal. That being said, in season 10, a new and exciting TARDIS team formed around Twelve.

When Bill came along, she was a breath of fresh air and asked all the right (and hilariously relatable) questions. After the power struggle with Clara, it was refreshing to see Twelve firmly in a mentorship role. With the added comedic value of Nardole, this was one of the most fun teams the TARDIS has ever seen.

4 Nine And Rose Tyler

New Who began with the Ninth Doctor and Rose traveling in The TARDIS. While there were some hints of romance between the two, it was much more subtle than later on with Ten and Rose.

Nine and Rose might have only been together for a brief time, but they soon formed a solid bond. When The Doctor sends Rose home in the season one finale, she does everything she can to get back to him and he eventually saves her life. This relationship set the precedent for all The Doctor/companion relationships that were to follow.

3 Eleven, Amy Pond And Rory Williams

Many of the best Eleventh Doctor moments were during his time with Amy and Rory. Having a married couple traveling alongside The Doctor was surprising but innovative.

While it took Rory a little time to overcome his jealousy and warm up to The Doctor, the two soon became firm friends. Amy and Rory actually made history when they conceived a child in The TARDIS, leading to the creation of River Song. The three worked perfectly together and it was beyond heartbreaking when they were broken apart.

2 Nine, Rose Tyler And Jack Harkness

Although Nine and Rose worked well together, Jack was a great addition to their dynamic. Even though they didn’t get off to the best start, Nine and Jack eventually found a rapport.

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Jack’s habit of flirting with everyone he comes into contact with created a great sense of fun aboard The TARDIS. The Doctor did eventually leave Jack behind, though, which ended the team’s time together on a slightly sour note. However, the three had great banter together and none of them got sidelined, which can happen sometimes when there are multiple companions at one time.

1 Ten And Donna Noble

When Donna returned to the show, fans couldn’t have predicted just how great she’d be as a companion. While romance, both reciprocated and unrequited, played a huge part in the previous two Doctor/companion relationships, Donna and Ten were strictly best friends.

Ten and Donna were the perfect comedic duo right from their first meeting. But even though they made a hilarious pair, their travels weren’t without hardship and Donna’s time in The Tardis ended in tragedy. Donna was never afraid to challenge The Doctor and often encouraged him to be better, first seen all the way back in her first story, which is what made this team so compelling.

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