The Tenth Doctor was a dream role for David Tennant, and the man who dreamed of being The Doctor became the favorite Doctor for millions of viewers. Doctor Who started strong in the 1960s and is still continuing to this day with a variety of personalities becoming the role of The Doctor and giving it their own spin.

The Tenth Doctor first appeared on viewers’ screens at the end of the episode, “The Parting Of The Ways,” when The Ninth Doctor saved Rose after she looked into the heart of the TARDIS and destroyed the Daleks. He stole the hearts of audience members ever since. Here are 10 memes that any fan of The Tenth Doctor will love.

10 Ten’s Vanity Issues

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Stolen Earth/Journey’s End are the best NuWho episodes. Can’t say otherwise… #doctorwho #whovian #nine #ten #eleven #twelve #thirteen #christophereccleston #davidtennant #mattsmith #petercapaldi #jodiewhittaker #rosetyler #billiepiper #marthajones #freemaageyman #donnanoble #catherinetate #amypond #karengillan #rorywillian #arthurdarvill #claraoswald #jennacoleman #billpotts #pearlmackie #nardole #mattlucas #tardis #timelord

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In the words of The Eleventh Doctor, “Number ten once regenerated and kept the same face. I had vanity issues at the time.” At the end of season 4 episode “The Stolen Earth,” The Doctor was zapped by a Dalek as he ran to reunite with Rose after seeing her for the first time since “Doomsday.”

The Doctor was taken into the TARDIS and used his regeneration energy to heal himself, transferring the remainder of the energy into his severed hand, which he kept in a tank after his fight with the Sycorax. He had just seen Rose again and he wasn’t ready to say goodbye yet.

9 The Ultimate Title Sequence

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2008 good times #doctorwho #whovian #nine #ten #eleven #twelve #thirteen #christophereccleston #davidtennant #mattsmith #petercapaldi #jodiewhittaker #rosetyler #billiepiper #marthajones #freemaageyman #donnanoble #catherinetate #amypond #karengillan #rorywillian #arthurdarvill #claraoswald #jennacoleman #billpotts #pearlmackie #nardole #mattlucas #tardis #timelordstatus creds to the peep on the subreddit- Haider

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It was a wild time to be a Doctor Who fan. The Tenth Doctor had made many friendships during his 3 season run and “The Stolen Earth,” and “Journey’s End,” was one big family reunion. Rose, Donna, Martha, Jackie, Sarah Jane, Pete, Mickey, Captain Jack, the list goes on. Sarah Jane Smith says to Ten, “You act like such a lonely man, but you’ve got the biggest family on Earth!”

So, when the title sequence played and the names kept appearing, fans’ faces couldn’t be more similar to this meme. But like all reunions, everyone went back to their daily lives, while The Doctor watched them go and lost his best friend, all at the same time.


8 The Casanova Long Coats

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Captain Jack and The Doctor. Long coats and time travel. Every time Jack said “hello”, The Doctor was quick to remind him that he doesn’t have to flirt with everyone he meets.

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And even though Jack manages to flirt with everyone, Donna’s the one who points him out first in “The Stolen Earth“. Of course, The Doctor put an end to that as soon as he could. But The Tenth Doctor has had his fair share of romance, including with Rose, Madame de Pompadour, and Astrid, to name a few.

7 Rose Tyler, I …

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“I’m burning up a sun just to say goodbye.” The Doctor can say that he loves his sonic screwdriver, but he can’t say it to Rose. “Doomsday” was an episode that broke the hearts of fans all over the world. The inseparable duo grew from the loving sacrifice of The Ninth Doctor and blossomed into a friendship and love that neither The Doctor or Rose thought could ever end.

But when the connection broke between the TARDIS and the parallel Earth and The Doctor faded away, with a single tear falling down his cheek, he knew he had lost the one person he thought that maybe, just maybe, he wouldn’t have to lose.

6 Not His Best Moment

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stoopid. . . . . Tags #doctorwhomemes #doctorwhomeme #doctorwhoshitposting #doctorwho #doctorwhoshitpost #thedoctor #thetardis #tardis #doctorwhocosplay #1stdoctor ##2nddoctor #3rddoctor #4thdoctor #5thdoctor #7thdoctor #8thdoctor #9thdoctor #10thdoctor #11thdoctor #12thdoctor #13thdoctor #rosetyler #classicdoctorwho #newwho #donnanoble #amypond #ameliapond #marthajones #tenthdoctor

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Unfortunately for Martha, her timing as a companion who fell for The Doctor couldn’t have been worse. On their first meeting, The Doctor kissed her as a part of his plan to save the hospital from the Plasmavore and the Judoon. Lonely from his companionless TARDIS, Martha went on adventures with him on a trip into the past and a trip into the future, eventually traveling with The Time Lord as a full-time companion.

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Time and time again Martha showed The Doctor that she was amazing and brilliant — the woman who saved the Earth. But he put her family in danger and treated her in a way that was embarrassing for a genius. Martha left, providing the content for this hilarious meme.

5 The Curse Of The Time Lords

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Do not befriend the Doctor.

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When Astrid died to save the Earth and The Doctor in “Voyage Of The Damned“, The Doctor rejected Mr. Copper and prevented him from joining him in the TARDIS, saying he travels alone. Rose was left in a parallel universe, Martha’s family was traumatized and she left him, Astrid dies, and Donna forgot him.

His interaction with Lady Christina had chemistry and even the office worker in “Partners In Crime” found The Doctor to be attractive. The Doctor does indeed have an effect on women, which also includes their desire to smack him in the face and a series of unfortunate events to occur through their interaction with him.

4 The Tenth Doctor And Donna’s Friendship Summarized

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[timidly sasses] • cyber-tags: #doctorwho #dw #meme #dwmeme #doctorwhomeme #doctorwhomemes #bbc #whovian #fandom #thedoctor #ninthdoctor #tenthdoctor #eleventhdoctor #twelvethdoctor #christophereccleson #davidtennant #mattsmith #petercapaldi #wholocked #superwho #superlocked #superwholocked

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The Tenth Doctor calls Donna his best friend. It was established from the first moment they met that this would be a different dynamic than what the audience had been used to for The Tenth Doctor. The Doctor who had previously been a lover was now a friend. He told Donna that he just wanted a mate and after some confusion between “to” and “a”, Donna agreed.

Their chemistry as friends crossed into sibling territory and the sass was strong. The moment Donna realized she was about to lose her memory was a gutwrenching experience for viewers. The Doctor stood in the rain with tears in his eyes having saved Earth at the cost of losing his best friend.

3 The Romance That Wasn’t To Be

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The Doctor immortalized Rose. When The War Doctor was faced with The Moment, it took the form of Rose. Rose took The Doctor from his scared, damaged, scarred self and traveled with him. She helped him to open up again and love the universe, showing him that he wasn’t alone anymore.

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They laughed and joked until they were eventually ghostbusting their way into a battle that would separate them forever. The Eleventh Doctor might have married River Song, but The Tenth Doctor was in love with a shop-girl who ate chips and went on to defend the world.

2 What! What? What!?

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ten is this close to breaking down

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With two hearts, The Doctor’s grieving period isn’t very forgiving. It’s a pain felt twice as hard. But his time to mourn the loss of Rose was nonexistent. As soon as he disappeared from the parallel Earth, or as he likes to call it, “Pete’s World”, Donna materialized in the TARDIS and called him “dumbo.”

She yelled at him for working with Nerys. A mystery had found him and he was pulled straight into investigative mode. But The Doctor didn’t treat Donna as well as she deserved, calling her unimportant, and he found himself making up for it in all their travels together.

1 A Love Lost Too Soon

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Sorry Spiderman but 10 did it first. #doctorwho #whovian #nine #ten #eleven #twelve #thirteen #christophereccleston #davidtennant #mattsmith #petercapaldi #jodiewhittaker #rosetyler #billiepiper #marthajones #freemaageyman #donnanoble #catherinetate #amypond #karengillan #rorywillian #arthurdarvill #claraoswald #jennacoleman #billpotts #pearlmackie #nardole #mattlucas #tardis #timelordstatus – Haider

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It’s impossible to think that time has taken The Tenth Time Lord and given viewers three more since his departure. His famous phrase, “I don’t want to go”, was iconic and waterworks were a given.

His French phrase of “Allons-y” was turned on its head and The Doctor who was ready to go on his adventures wasn’t ready for one last venture into the unknown. So what is there to do when faced with this realization? Lie down, try not to cry, and cry a lot.

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