What is Doctor Who without its companions? They give The Doctor someone to travel with, explain the universe and the workings of his mind to, someone The Doctor can bond to, lose, learn, and grow with. As the show advances, so do the companions.

They are given stronger storylines with a depth of character, no longer just there, but involved with the action. As the companions continue to evolve and change, they stay in The Doctor and the audience’s hearts, making for some very impressive works of art.

10 Clara Oswald

Via: Margaw

This feel-good, retro vibe fan art features the one and only, even though she’s duplicated herself through the Doctor’s timeline, Clara Oswald. Clara came to be a close friend to The Eleventh and Twelfth Doctors, even interacting with The Doctor’s past selves all through space and time.

Her relationship with The Twelfth Doctor reached dangerous levels of affection and loyalty. The Doctor even killed for her. To save them both, he forgot her for some time, and she went on to travel with fellow immortal, Ashildr.

9 My Sarah Jane

Via: MJasonReed

Sarah Jane Smith was a Doctor Who companion season 11 through to 14 on Classic Who. She traveled the universe with The Third Doctor and The Fourth Doctor, quickly becoming a fan favorite. After The Doctor was summoned to Gallifrey, he left her in South Croydon, which was actually Aberdeen. Sarah returned in New Who during the second season episode “School Reunion,” deep in investigative journalism and meeting The Doctor once more. She was loved and iconic, warm and strong-minded, witty, and charming. The Tenth Doctor called her “my Sarah Jane.”


8 Bad Wolf

Via: Jasric

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Bad Wolf. The form The Moment chose to take when activated by The War Doctor to end The Time War. Rose Tyler became Bad Wolf after staring into the heart of the TARDIS and absorbing the Time Vortex. “The sun and the moon, the day and night. Why do they hurt? I can see everything, all that is, all that was, all that ever could be.” Rose was able to experience what The Doctor feels and sees every moment of his existence. She created Bad Wolf, taking the words, scattering them in time and space to lead her to Satellite Five to protect her Doctor.

7 Rory Williams

Via: alicexz

Rory Williams is The Last Centurion. The man who waited outside Pandorica’s Box and loved Amelia Pond. He was brave, awkward, funny, and wasn’t afraid to stand up to The Doctor. He died on several occasions, loved two versions of his wife, and was even forgotten by Amy when he touched the crack in time and space. But Rory endured, even starting a family, albeit a complicated timey-wimey affair. He, Amy and The Doctor made for one of the most entertaining Doctor and companion interactions of Doctor Who.

6 Martha Jones

Via: S-von-P

Martha Jones. The woman who walked the earth and saved humanity from the grips of The Master. She protected a human Doctor from the clutches of The Family Of Blood, took control in a hostage situation, explored the sewer tunnels of New York searching for the unknown, and became a Medical Doctor and a part of UNIT. She knew her worth and looked after those in need.

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5 Donna Noble – There Is No End

Via: Vongue

Here are two people so in sync with each other that at one point, they even shared the same mind. The Tenth Doctor and The Doctor Donna were best friends and remain so in the memory of The Doctor.

They saved Christmas, solved the mystery of Agatha Christie, fought shadows, corrupt businessmen, and saved planet earth from a Dalek invasion. The Doctor just wanted a mate, and that’s what he got in Donna Noble.

4 River Song – Among The Stars

Via: Saimain

River Song is The Doctor’s wife. She’s his support. His savior. A fellow psychopath. When The Doctor lost himself to grief after losing Amy and Rory, River remained calm and kept the Weeping Angel at bay. She was programmed to kill him since she was young but fell in love with him instead.

She sacrificed her life in The Library to save their future and says The Doctor’s name at Trenzalore so he won’t have to. She was more than a love interest. She was his savior.

3 Rose Tyler

Via: LKBurke29

Sleeping, eating, working, chips, and spending time with Mickey. That was Rose Tyler’s life before she met The Doctor. After, it looked more like: unemployment, meeting her father, traveling in space and time, saving alien races, slowly falling in love with The Doctor, saying goodbye to Mickey who turned into a hero, reuniting her family, excruciating separation, becoming defender of the earth and a future with a meta-crisis Doctor. Rose changed The Doctor who had eyes haunted by the Time War into a Time Lord optimistic for the future.

2 New Who

Via: janey-jane

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The Doctor Who revival brought with it some amazing new actors and characters. This piece celebrates The Ninth Doctor and Rose, The Tenth Doctor with Donna and Martha, and The Eleventh Doctor with Amy and Rory. The Doctors with their primary companions, all together and leaping through time and space from one of their TARDIS interiors. Because who can choose a favorite with so many amazing options?

1 Amelia Pond

Via: kittrose

Amy Pond. The girl who waited. When The Doctor crashed into her backyard, she was a young and lonely girl. He came inside and food, making silly reactions to how they tasted as if he was having them for the first time. And then he disappeared. When he returned, time had flown by and both their lives were never the same again. She was his family and losing her made him lose himself for a long time. She was the first face The Eleventh Doctor saw, and she was there in his memory just moments before he regenerated.

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