Doctor Who has been a source of fan art for years and with every regeneration comes more fans and more fan art. The truth of this article is that these fan art pieces will create a range of emotions including but not limited to, heartache, awe, nostalgia, and joy. The Tenth Doctor’s difficult past coupled with David Tennant’s acting skills provides artists with creative stimuli upon which they can feast.

There is no end to the artistic mediums used and no doubt that fans will continue to make brilliant art in the future. These 10 pieces of fan art are simply the tip of the paintbrush in the creative world of Doctor Who fan art.

10 Etched To Perfection

Via: 10th – LKBurke29 

His hair defies gravity and continues to do so in this incredibly intricate fan art. There’s no color, only the stark contrast between the light and dark with the image scratched to perfection.

The details of the artwork haven’t been spared from the use of the interesting and imaginative medium, from his neck creases to his mouth lines, and of course, the classic Tenth Doctor pose.

9 You Going My Way, Doll?

Via:  viria13

The times when companions dress for the time period are few and far between, but when they do, it’s sure to be amazing. When The Ninth Doctor first went into the past with Rose, she was told to dress for the occasion from the TARDIS wardrobe.

It is in “The Idiot’s Lantern” where audience members get another glimpse into the fashion provided by the TARDIS. It was also an episode that had The Tenth Doctor and Rose shippers swooning.


8 Time Lord Victorious

Via: SoniaMatas

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The Tenth Doctor is marked on fans’ hearts. He’s the Doctor who cracked under the pressure of time. He is the Doctor who lost his love to a parallel universe and returned her to live happily with his half-human duplicate. This Doctor wiped his best friend’s memories and lost his savior, his stability, in the process.

He’s the Doctor who was set up to crash and burn, born into a world of love and friendship only for the inevitable tragic end. He died alone with the knowledge that he must go even if his whole being begged not to die.

7 Tim Burton Style

Via: Kenilem

This artist has succeeded in bringing the Doctor’s crazy to the surface. The telltale aspects of the Tenth Doctor’s persona have been brought to life and skewed for the ultimate Tim Burton twist.

Donna’s comment that the Doctor is “too skinny for words. You give him a hug you get a paper cut,” couldn’t be more true than in this instance. His suit corners have a Dracula feel to them while his signature hair spikes reach unchartered heights.

6 The Curse Of The Time Lords

Via: BrianAW

Pain, anguish, despair, heartache, this artist has beautifully captured them all. The story behind the art is that the Doctor is trapped inside a living painting in an art gallery on the moon. The Doctor’s tortured hearts are close to breaking and his past only continues to haunt him.

All his past selves with their shared history always have a presence regardless of the incarnation of the Doctor. Rose is the color, the spark, and the brightness that is painted on his hearts.

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5 Caricature

Via: AlexandraBowmanArt

Flaws are what make humans so human. They are also an essential part of Time Lords. This artist’s work shows the rougher side of the Doctor with his messy hair and mischievous face. The Tenth Doctor could raise his eyebrows and wink with charm, and make his companions fall in love with being alive, but he also had his days when he ran away and yelled and hit tables in frustration.

There were days when reason was lost to emotion and his death wasn’t such a high price to save the woman who whispered his name in his ear, or days when he relied on a lei and sunhat as sufficient shields to his inevitable destiny.

4 Brainy Specs

Via:  viria13

He doesn’t need brainy specs, just like the Fifth Doctor who came before him didn’t need them, and the Eleventh Doctor after him didn’t. The Doctor wears them because it makes his incarnations look clever.

He even admitted it to the Fifth Doctor in the BBC Children In Need mini-episode “Time Crash.” This is different in the case of The Twelfth Doctor who wears his sonic sunglasses and can actually use them with the added bonus of aesthetic appeal.

3 I Don’t Want To Go

Via:  Momiji95

The moment the Tenth Doctor braces himself to face his demise has been captured in all its sorrow in this artist’s alluring artwork. The warm lighting replicates the blast of gold regenerative energy that surrounds the Doctor in the seconds before his death and as it slowly rewrites his every cell.

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The colors in the background are the rich and rusted colors of the grungy TARDIS that will soon also reach its end.

2 Battered, Broken

Via:  LicieOIC

This artist has a collection of art dedicated to the Tenth Doctor and it’s worth a look. Every stroke has been done by the artist, and every aspect of emotion conveyed with brilliance.

This particular piece is a homage to David Tennant’s acting. LicieOIC is in awe of his ability to go from “determined to heartbroken with just a tiny shift.” This is a Time Lord in a precarious position, and it’s tearing him apart.

1 That Old Planet

Via: Girl-on-the-Moon

The Tenth Doctor once reminisced about his old home of Gallifrey before the Time War, saying, “Ah, you should have seen it, that old planet. The second sun would rise in the south and the mountains would shine. The leaves on the trees were silver. When they caught the light every morning it looked like a forest on fire.” This is one of the times he clearly regretted whipping out his own race for the sake of defeating the Daleks.

But then the 50th Anniversary “The Day Of The Doctor,” came around. But the Tenth Doctor didn’t know that at the time, and he reminisced and let it all out. He no longer hid from his past and acknowledged the impact of the Time War.

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