Doctor Who fans have a lot of opinions about Matt Smith’s Eleventh Doctor, and a good place to find some of the more unpopular opinions is Reddit. Whovians have a wide variety of views on the series, the Doctors, and every other detail imaginable. But some of these opinions aren’t widely shared.

These unpopular opinions can include the Eleventh Doctor’s personality, his episodes, and Matt Smith’s tenure overall. Various Doctor Who Subreddits reveal many of these thoughts from fans.

The Eleventh Doctor’s Showboating And Monologues Were Too Much

In the Subreddit “Gallifrey,” Carminero says of the Eleventh Doctor, “I disliked all the showboating and monologues.” The user still stresses they liked Matt Smith’s acting.


But each Doctor’s differing personalities are a part of what makes Doctor Who. And the showboating, monologue style of Eleven is part of who he is. He isn’t arrogant, but he does have a unique way of communicating. His Pandorica speech is evidence of that. His showboating leads to one of Eleven’s wisest quotes in Doctor Who in “A Christmas Carol,” where he says, “I’ve never met anyone who wasn’t important before.”

Season 7 Was The Eleventh Doctor’s Best

While season 7 is understandably popular, most fans listed season 5, or especially season 6, as the best of the Eleventh Doctor. MasterHandSSBU says, “Series 7 was Smith’s best season.” This was the season that ended Amy and Rory’s time as companions and began Clara’s. The Redditor also says the plot of season 5 and certain well-liked season 6 episodes weren’t good.

But other fans responded with love for various episodes and with support for seasons 5 and 6, in general. These two seasons were also the ones to give the show its peak popularity in America, complete with beloved episodes like “Vincent and the Doctor” and “The Girl Who Waited.” While Redditors on the thread expressed enjoyment of season 7, none agreed that it was the best.

Season 5 Was The Eleventh Doctor’s Only Good Season

Redditor CodPolish says, “Series 5 is the only good 11 season.” The user goes on to bash many popular episodes, even ones from season 5. Much like the opinion about season 7 above, this opinion is proved unpopular by the majority of fan reactions.

MasterHandSSBU responded with, “Oooooohhhh, it hurts. I disagree with SO MUCH of what you just said.” CodPolish’s oddest opinion is that certain season 5 episodes aren’t even good, but that “All the 10/10s in Smith’s run are in the first 16 episodes.” The Reddit user doesn’t specify how many 10/10s there are, and their breakdown in season 5, the season they claim is the best. But fans stuck with Matt Smith and he remained extremely popular, proving that the show’s good episodes didn’t end with season 5.

The Pandorica Speech Wasn’t Good

In “Doctor Who,” Stolendoorknobs says, “I didn’t care for Eleven’s Pandorica speech. Some love the bombast; others don’t go for speeches generally. But I was embarrassed — in context, it played like someone [confidently] dancing around in front of everyone in a big show only to discover they’re not wearing any pants.” Eleven gave this speech at Stone Henge when multiple enemies came for the Pandorica at once.

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The moment is a little silly, but that’s part of the point. The Doctor is talking a big game. He has the history and skills to back it up, but probably not against all those enemies. He’s just laying it all on the line, and that’s what makes it epic. Reddit user HotsuSama points out that these things are what they actually like about the speech.

The Eleventh Doctor Is Emotionless

In “Gallifrey,” an anonymous user says, “If you’re like me… you hate Eleven because he’s an emotionless freakazoid.” In response, Treacy says, “Emotionless is definitely the opposite of how I’d describe Eleven… He was really emotionally attached to Amy and Rory which he explicitly expressed many times, and then you have River, the woman he’d be willing to marry.”

But Eleven truly does continue the tradition of the Doctor showing a wide array of emotions. There’s his goofier side in “The Lodger,” his heartbroken side in “The Angels Take Manhattan” (one of his saddest moments), and his loyal side in “The Time of the Doctor.” Between all his sadness, rage, happiness, and wonder, he’s anything but emotionless.

River Song Isn’t A Good Character

In “Doctor Who,” Harley-rose says, “I didn’t like River Song or that story arc at all.” River is a character who meets the Doctor throughout time in the reverse direction that he meets her. River briefly spends time with the Tenth and Twelfth Doctors, but most of her time is with the Eleventh Doctor. They eventually marry.

River is a very popular character, which makes this one unpopular opinion. She throws a lot of sass at the Doctor, who is usually the sassy one. She has great catchphrases like “Hello, Sweetie” and “Spoilers.” And she’s a great adventurer herself, as seen in “The Impossible Astronaut.”

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The Eleventh Doctor Is Too Silly

In “Doctor Who,” Vivicurl says, “11 just made me feel like he was just being silly for silly’s sake.” TheSilverNoble responds, “I think you’re right in that he was being silly for its own sake. [But] I think that was the point. Eleven decided that, rather than brood over his past, he would try to distract himself from it, try to act like it didn’t bother him. As they said in the 50th, he’s the man who forgets.”

As TheSilverNoble puts it, Eleven has the right amount of silliness. The Ninth Doctor and even the Tenth carried the weight of the Time War with them. But Eleven tries his best to move on, and part of that is his upbeat attitude and child-like behavior.

The Eleventh Doctor Was Too Cool

In “Doctor Who,” an anonymous user says, “I don’t really enjoy Amy or Eleven, though I get why people do. I can’t put my finger on why … they both just seemed a little too cool for school?” It could be argued that Amy is cool, but Eleven is a complete dork through and through, and that’s why people love him.

There’s the obvious “bow ties are cool,” one of his best characteristics. There’s also the love for a good fez. Eleven’s definition of “cool” is what most people would consider uncool. In “The Lodger,” the Doctor gets a flatmate. He says, “Now all I’ve got to do is pass as an ordinary human being. Simple. What could possibly go wrong?” Amy responds, “Have you seen you?”

“Vincent And The Doctor” Is Overrated

In “Doctor Who,” CodPolish shares another unpopular opinion by saying, “Vincent and the Doctor is supremely overrated… people base everything on the last ten minutes.” The episode famously shows Vincent Van Gogh seeing how loved his work is in the present day, but he still takes his own life when returned to the past.

As mentioned before, CodPolish thought season 5 was Matt Smith’s only good season, but “Vincent and the Doctor” is often considered the best episode of season 5. Website TheMarySue even called it the best episode of television of the decade. The episode also ranks as the second best Doctor Who episode with the Eleventh Doctor on IMDb. Tony Curran, in particular, was given top remarks for his performance as Van Gogh.

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The Eleventh Doctor Is Overrated

Redditor FarrowtheEdgehog15 says, “I really think that the Eleventh Doctor and his era get way too much love and praise… He constantly switched between being a childish buffoon and a hot-headed jerk.” The user stressed that they liked the Eleventh Doctor, but that he didn’t match up to any other Doctor for them.

The responses were mostly respectful, but everyone in the thread disagreed with the original post. The OP listed episodes that “weren’t good,” and fans retorted by saying those were some of their favorite episodes. Others pointed out that perhaps Eleven was childish, but every Doctor has a different personality, and none of them are perfect. Eleven is a massively popular Doctor, not just among New Who, but overall. The show’s peak popularity in America came when Matt Smith played the Eleventh Doctor, and as with any great Doctor, fans often lament that he’s not the star anymore.

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