When Doctor Who made its triumphant return in 2005, there were a  lot of questions that it had to answer. Who would be the new Doctor? Would it be part of the same show that started in 1963 or a whole new series? And what would the new companion be like?

Thankfully all these questions, and more besides, were answered in full. Rose Tyler was the Doctor’s newest companion, and she proved to be incredibly popular. However, Rose was only human after all, and so she did possess some less desirable characteristics as the show progressed.

10 She Became More And More Selfish

All of the Doctor’s companions are chosen by the Doctor because they remind them to be better, and Rose was no exception. Throughout the series, she remained a kind and caring individual, who delighted in the wonders of the universe.

Unfortunately, Rose was also a little bit selfish, as most humans are. This wasn’t to say that she was a bad person, but her selfishness did come out a lot more in her second season, especially when she had to choose between her family or the Doctor.

9 She Fell In Love With The Doctor

Travelling with the Doctor must be amazing. To go whizzing through time and space, visiting other planets and universes, it sounds incredibly thrilling. And to do all that with a funny, charming Time Lord who makes you feel good about yourself is just an added bonus.

Rose got whisked away by the Ninth Doctor just as she was becoming disillusioned with her life. She travelled with him for a long time, and they soon fell in love with each other. However, loving the Doctor is difficult, because he wouldn’t be able to grow old with Rose, or die alongside her.


8 She Was Jealous Of Other Companions

Before Rose met Sarah Jane Smith, she was unaware that the Doctor had travelled with anyone else before meeting her. She assumed she was the only one, which is why she was so taken aback when she encountered Sarah Jane.

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Here was living proof that the Doctor had had a life before her, and Rose did not like that one bit. While she eventually became good friends with Sarah Jane, she still remained jealous of Martha Jones, who was the Doctor’s next companion after Rose left the TARDIS.

7 She Always Found Something To Complain About

In all fairness, Rose was one of the best companions the Doctor had, as she was able to share in his sense of adventure, and the two clearly shared a special connection. They appreciated each other and so their travels were all the better for it.

However, despite being an adventurous and open-minded person, Rose seemed to always find something to complain about, which continued into Season 2. Whether it was the fact they had landed in Cardiff or the temperature was too hot, Rose nitpicked with the best of them.

6 She Was Embarrassed By Mickey

Mickey Smith was Rose’s boyfriend before she met the Doctor. He was a nice guy, and clearly cared for Rose very much, but he was easily satisfied and didn’t have a need to find adventure, unlike Rose and the Doctor.

Mickey was happy just chilling in the Powell Estate. However, over time, he grew accustomed to aliens and time travel, and so he asked if he could join the Doctor and Rose on their travels. Rose was not happy about this, as was massively clear from her extremely moody facial expression.

5 She Didn’t Appear In The 50th Anniversary Episode

This technically wasn’t Rose’s fault but when “The Day Of The Doctor” was first announced, fans were promised a whole host of returning faces, two of which were the Tenth Doctor and Rose. The couple hadn’t been seen together since 2010, so it’s fair to say that viewers were very excited.

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However, while the Tenth Doctor appeared in all his wonderful glory, Rose was a different matter. In fact, the Rose that fans knew never appeared at all. Instead, Billie Piper played the Moment, a sentient weapon that manifested using Rose’s physical form. This was a massive let down.

4 She Left Her Family For The Doctor

By the time the Season 2 finale came around, Rose had been travelling with the Doctor for a long time, so it was only right that her last episodes as a series regular were totally epic. The Doctor and Rose arrived back on Earth, only to be thrust into a battle between the Cybermen and the Daleks.

The Doctor realized that the only way to defeat both aliens was to open the breach and they’d all be sucked back in. To prevent themselves from being sucked through as well, the Doctor sent Rose’s family to a parallel Earth, but Rose decided to stay, leaving her family behind forever.

3 She Became Enigmatic

Being enigmatic is not a bad thing, especially in television dramas. However, that just wasn’t who Rose was. Rose was the Doctor’s best friend and the woman he loved. Admittedly it had been a few years, and Rose was wiser, but it still felt awkward.

Essentially, Donna Noble had become trapped in a parallel world by a Time Beetle, one where the Doctor was dead. Along the way, Rose kept on popping up to give Donna vague words of advice. However, Rose was being deliberately ambiguous, and nobody really knew why.

2 She Didn’t Want To Be With The Human Doctor

By the time Doctor Who aired its fourth season, Rose had been gone for almost 2 years. However, she made a very welcome comeback in the season’s eleventh episode, followed by the two-part finale, in which she and the Doctor’s other companions faced off against Davros and the Daleks.

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At the end of the adventure, the Doctor took her back to the parallel Earth, to live out her life with his half-human clone. The clone Doctor only had a human life span, and so he was perfect for Rose. However, she wasn’t fully happy and clearly wanted to be with her Doctor.

1 She Left Jackie All On Her Own

Over the course of two seasons, Rose grew an awful lot but she wasn’t the only one. Both Mickey and Jackie became better people just by being close to the Doctor. They learned to cope on their own, and eventually formed their own friendships with the Doctor.

However, when the Doctor and Rose weren’t around, they were incredibly lonely. Jackie felt that aloneness more keenly, especially when Mickey left. Rose never really thought of her mom before leaving with the Doctor, and Jackie’s pain, while rarely shown, was extremely heartbreaking.

NextOnce Upon A Time: Things From Season 1 That Haven’t Aged Well

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