Amy Pond is one of the Doctor’s longest-running companions. He expresses much adoration for her and is meant to share a unique bond with her because she is the “first face this face saw,” as he puts it. Amy is a character who is easy to laugh along with and also easy to get annoyed by.

She has a sense of humor and is a nice mix-up to the Doctor’s companions in throwing in some Scottish representation – even if it is one of the most mellow accents. Many love to hate Amy, and many simply love her. But with that much screentime, there a moments when things about her don’t add up. Here are 10 things about Amy Pond that just don’t make sense.

9 Amy Was A Kiss-O-Gram

The Doctor comes back for Amy, as promised, but messes up the time. He returns to her not when she’s the small red-headed child he shared fish sticks and custard with, but instead to a full-grown adult who is now – although he doesn’t immediately realize it – a kiss-o-gram.

Where is Amy’s aunt, and why is she living in the huge house all alone with such a small-time job?

8 Amy Almost Divorced Rory

Amy and Rory have proven their undying love for each other. Whether viewers find it ridiculous or not, the characters are supposed to genuinely be willing to go to the world’s end for the sake of the other.

Rory guards Amy for literally thousands of years while she’s trapped in a time-sealed box and yet, she’s still insecure that he won’t want her because she thinks she can’t have children. Why?


7 Amy Hits On The Doctor

On the eve of Amy’s wedding, she has just returned from an intergalactic adventure with the Doctor. The episode shows her using this opportunity to work out some pre-wedding jitters, but Amy goes beyond that.

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When they return to her room she – and in a notably rarer PG-13 moment of the show – makes a move on the Doctor. He ultimately rejects her, but she never shows regret for doing this.

6 Amy Got Herself Trapped

In “The Girl Who Waited,” Amy finds herself trapped in a separate time stream from the Doctor and Rory. This is because the Tardis landed on a mysterious planet, and Amy made the decision to approach the two doors which bid entrance to the planet and enter one of them–without telling Rory and The Doctor which one she chose.

She blames the Doctor for not taking care of her. While he is at fault to an extent, she was also amazingly careless with her own safety, making it unfair and strange for her to lump all the blame on the Doctor.

5 Amy Blamed The Doctor For Melody’s Kidnapping

Amy knew the risks of traveling with the Doctor from the start. If she didn’t take them seriously at first, she had enough risky experiences at the start to learn from it and know what she was walking into by continuing to travel with him.

Yet somehow, when she is captured and ultimately gets her baby stole from her, she finds a way to blame the Doctor for this.

4 Amy Left Rory Guessing

Amy will periodically get herself wound up into a performance of passionate dedication to Rory. But in between these moments, she gives him reason to doubt her feelings for him and then when he asks her, she makes him feel like he’s crazy.

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Other times, she will display signs of affection and romantic interest in The Doctor. During moments when Rory isn’t there, the viewer can see Amy pining for The Doctor.

3 Amy Never Showed Much Feeling For Melody

Once fans realized that (spoiler) Amy and Rory’s child is River Song,  it becomes clear that the two never get to properly raise their own child.

No remorse is shown for this fact. Amy is upset that Melody is taken as a baby, but after the fact she goes on acting as normal whenever they run into River as an adult. The two don’t even have so much as a heart-to-heart about it.

2 Amy Romanticizes The Doctor

Amy is referred to as “the girl who waited.” She’s supposed to have thought that she imagined the evening where the Doctor crashed in her childhood garden. If she genuinely was convinced that this was just her active childhood imagination or a fantastical dream, she shouldn’t be so obsessed.

The fact that she is incredibly obsessed serves as somewhat of an implication that the Doctor threw Amy into mental disarray for the years she waited for him, wondering if he was real or if she was crazy.

1 Amy’s Not Phased By The Crack In The Wall

Audiences first meet Amy when she still refers to herself as Amelia, a little girl praying to Santa Claus to send someone to come and inspect the crack in her wall. She’s afraid of the crack in the wall because she can hear voices speaking through it – expressing all of this as if it’s normal.

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Amelia is supposed to be a fearless young girl, but her instant acceptance of the supernatural doesn’t make much sense.

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