Doctor Whohas officially bid farewell to companion Sarah Jane Smith (Elisabeth Sladen) with a new epilogue scene written by former Who showrunner, Russell T. Davies. The new scene debuted during a recent event where former cast and crew joined fans in live-tweeting along with the Doctor Who season 4 two-part finale, “The Stolen Earth” and “Journey’s End”. The 2008 episodes are among Sladen’s final appearances on Doctor Who as the actress would sadly pass away from cancer in 2011.

Sladen first portrayed Sarah Jane Smith alongside the Third (Jon Pertwee) and Fourth Doctors (Tom Baker) in the mid-1970s, but she returned to film a pilot for Doctor Who‘s first attempt at a spinoff series, K-9 and Company, as well as later multi-Doctor specials. In 2006, Sladen would reprise Sarah Jane again in the revival of Doctor Who, first appearing alongside the Tenth Doctor (David Tennant) in the season 2 episode, “School Reunion”, before returning again in the season 4 finale. In the interim, Sladen would star in yet another Doctor Who spinoff series, The Sarah Jane Adventures, in where she again teams with her trusty robot dog sidekick, K-9, as well as a new cast of youngsters to solve strange mysteries. The Sarah Jane Adventures would run until Sladen’s death in 2011, and now thanks to a short scene written by Davies, the show has proper farewell for its leading lady.


Titled simply “Farewell, Sarah Jane”, Davies wrote the short epilogue scene to honor Sladen and her contributions to Doctor Who. The script was then sent along to Sladen’s Sarah Jane Adventures co-stars who all reprise their roles for the epilogue. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the entire scene had to be recorded remotely, but Tommy Knight, Daniel Anthony, Anjli Mohindra, and Mina Anwar all filmed segments. The scene, which is set following Sarah Jane’s funeral, is narrated by Jacob Dudman and even includes appearances from fellow companions of The Doctor, Jo Grant (Katy Manning) and Ace (Sophie Aldred). Watch the new epilogue scene in its entirety, below.

Davies’ epilogue scene is a touching tribute to one of The Doctor’s most stalwart companions, celebrating not just her own courageous spirit but the lasting effect she had on those who knew her. Given her involvement in Doctor Who for over 40 years, Sladen’s Sarah Jane is one of the show’s most popular companions, and her passing was deeply felt by the entire Doctor Who community. As such, it’s wholly appropriate for Sladen to receive such a beautiful sendoff from the show. Sarah Jane may be gone, but her many years of adventures both with and without The Doctor will live on for years to come.

Source: BBC

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