The first part of Doctor Who’s new six-part serial “Flux”, entitled “The Halloween Apocalypse,” has raised many questions for fans of the show. The action-packed opener has introduced a number of new plot threads, with viewers left wondering how the Doctor’s latest adventure will be resolved.

Naturally, these unresolved mysteries have led to many new fan theories and rumors, regarding the contents of the next five installments. Some of these speculative ideas go in some spectacularly weird directions, which feel reflective of the wild concepts audiences have come to expect from the sci-fi series.

10 Dan’s Friend Is The Master

“The Halloween Apocalypse” features the debut of new companion Dan Lewis, portrayed by John Bishop. The brave Liverpullidian impresses from the very start, displaying a warm and humorous personality. According to Twitter user @Laura_Shannon_, however, there could be more to Dan than meets the eye, as she poses the idea that Dan is friends with the Master. The idea stems from a line uttered by Dan, as he  claims his friend also has a TARDIS, which is “a bit bigger.”

Whilst the notion of a companion secretly being the Master’s ally is a neat concept, Dan having formed a friendship with him seems somewhat unlikely. Team TARDIS’s newest member appears somewhat surprised by his otherworldly experiences in this episode, which wouldn’t be the case if the Liverpullidan was best buddies with the Master.

9 Claire Is A Clara Splinter

Considered one of the most intelligent companions, Clara Oswald is a character who continues to prove popular within the fan base.  “Flux’s” first episode has sparked rumors that the “Impossible Girl” may return, albeit with a new appearance. A Reddit user believes the mysterious Claire, who seems to know the Doctor and Yaz, could be a Clara splinter.

Claire’s introduction sees the enigmatic individual directly quote Clara’s own words from “Hell Bent.” She also demonstrates a clear understanding of the rules regarding the Weeping Angels, a race Clara encountered in “The Time Of The Doctor.” This adds a considerable amount of weight to the Reddit user’s fun proposition, which could mean this former companion’s story may not be over.


8 The Lupari Species’ Origins

A particularly standout character during “The Halloween Apocalypse” is Kavanista, an extra-terrestrial pooch who the Doctor and Yaz encounter on their travels. Kavanista hails from a dog-like species known as the Lupari, although how they come to look like Earth dogs is unclear. A Reddit user has posted their own theory on their furry appearance, however, and suggests they hail from the planet Barcelona.

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First referenced in the two-part story “Bad Wolf/The Parting Of The Ways,” Barcelona is said to be home to the “dogs with no noses.” It’s possible, therefore, that the Lupari evolved from these pooches, developing their own sets of nostrils in the process. This would provide a neat connection to the new series’ early beginnings. With Chibnall’s era containing various nods to Russell T Davies’ time as showrunner, Barcelona being referenced in this manner seems highly likely.

7 The Weeping Angels Are The Heroes

Considered one of Doctor Who‘s best monsters, the Weeping Angels first appeared in the episode “Blink” and have provided some of the show’s scariest scenes. Many viewers are expecting them to fulfill a similar antagonistic role in “Flux,” however one Reddit user theorizes that they will actually be the heroes of this six-part adventure.

If this theory is correct, it could mean that the Angels transported Claire to the past because she is instrumental in saving the universe from the Flux. This twist would therefore not only offer a unique take on the menacing stone statues but it would also allow Claire to fulfill an important narrative role. Chibnall’s stories are particularly known for their strange developments, so this theory seems a strong possibility.

6 Suranne Jones’ Return

Starring in fan-favorite episode “The Doctor’s Wife,” Suranne Jones gave a particularly memorable guest turn in the sci-fi program when she portrayed the Doctor’s iconic blue box in human form. She also may have made a surprise appearance in “The Halloween Apocalypse,” according to a poster on Reddit.

With the TARDIS currently experiencing problems throughout “Flux’s” first episode, it’s possible that this could cause the blue box to take Idris’s form once more. However, whilst it would be cool to see Suranne Jones reprise her role, it is perhaps a tad unlikely. The body which the TARDIS inhabited burned to ashes at the end of “The Doctor’s Wife,” which makes a return hard to envisage.

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5 The Doctor Was Once A Villain

One of the most intriguing aspects of “The Halloween Apocalypse” involves the series’ new race the Ravagers. When one of these creatures, known as “Swarm”, makes contact with the Doctor, it is implied that they share a past history. This has sparked many fan theories, but arguably the most interesting comes from YouTuber William Who, who questions whether the Doctor was originally a villain.

This would offer the show a great way to recontextualize some of the Doctor’s darkest moments, as it would provide a new perspective on the character as a reformed villain. The current creative team have also shown the Thirteenth Doctor commit some of the worst things, which makes it highly probable that Chibnall could be pursuing this direction.

4 Diane Is A Time Lord

In her brief appearance in the Series 13 opener, Diane strikes a likable presence as Dan’s love interest.  Some fans, however, believe that she may be hiding something significant from her lover. As the tour guide is beckoned into a rather creepy house by the Ravager known as Azure, one Reddit user spotted her necklace glow in an unusual manner, which the poster believes could mean that Diane is a disguised Time Lord.

With the Time Lords being one of the Doctor Who universe’s most powerful races, this would give Azure a reason to show interest in the poor woman. The theory could also mean that Dan was being truthful when he remarked about his friend’s TARDIS, as he may have been referring to Diane. This proposition, therefore, has a high probability of being accurate, as it resolves many questions from the opener.

3 A Multiversal Davros

First seen in 1975’s “Genesis Of The Daleks,” Davros has provided some particularly menacing quotes. He also may be about to make a secret return appearance in Series 13. One poster’s theory on Reddit is that a Davros from another universe could be responsible for the creation of the Flux.

This wouldn’t be the first time that the show has featured multiversal takes on various characters. The two-part story “Rise Of The Cybermen/The Age Of Steel” sees the Tenth Doctor, Rose and Mickey visit Pete’s World where they meet alternate versions of Rose’s parents. Meanwhile, 1970’s “Inferno” transports the Third Doctor to a parallel universe where the Brigadier is a bullying figure. In this context, a multiversal Davros is not only a tantalizing prospect but also one that’s highly likely to occur.

2 Vinder Is The Flux

With the briefest of debuts in episode one, Vinder still remains something of a mystery. Viewers are eager to piece together who this newcomer is, with many ideas populating the internet. One particularly interesting possibility comes from Twitter user @OricorioYT, who suggests Vinder may be the Flux itself.

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Whilst Vinder being a physical embodiment of this temporal natural disaster would make for an exciting twist, it is perhaps unlikely to be the case. The observation officer is shown fleeing the space station in an emergency shuttle, which would seem an odd course of action for somebody who happens to be the Flux’s physical form.

1 The TARDIS Is Dying

As Doctors and companions come and go, the TARDIS is the one element that constantly remains throughout the Time Lord’s adventures. However, one rumor suggests the Doctor’s trusty ship may be about to meet her demise. This comes from Twitter user @Connor_1313_, who goes on to claim that the Doctor and her friends will have to travel to Ancient Gallifrey in order to fix the space and time machine.

“The Halloween Apocalypse” features plenty of scenes within its narrative to support this leak. The episode shows the TARDIS experiencing a mysterious illness, with the ship leaking a strange black goop and doors appearing in odd locations. If true, this rumor would also add an extra degree of peril to proceedings, with the usually secure machine becoming considerably unsafe.

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