Many viewers were left surprised during the first episode of the new season of Doctor Who: Fluxwhen new companion Dan Lewis mentions a friend with a TARDIS, leaving nothing but speculation on what he could be referring to. Doctor Who: Flux is the newest season of the beloved series starring Jodie Whittaker, the 13th doctor, accompanied by Mandip Gil as Yasmin Khan and John Bishop as Dan Lewis. The first episode, which aired on October 31st, already had the group see a ton of action.

Immediately, characters are met with the dangers of canine Karvanista and Weeping Angels, but none are as dangerous as the villain who is the focus of this one-story season. Titular “character” the Flux, Doctor Who’s new powerful villain, makes its way through space, slowly destroying the universe by breaking the laws of space and time. It seems to be on a mission to get to Earth, and at the end of the episode, it swallows the TARDIS whole with our crew inside, setting the stage for the next five episodes of the season. 


In this first episode, Dan mentions that his friend owned a TARDIS – one bigger than the Doctor’s at that. This single line of dialogue has viewers theorizing about Dan’s past. Who is this mysterious friend, and what was Dan’s relationship with them? For many, this line suggested that Dan has met the 14th Doctor, and that Claire and Dan might be their companions in later seasons. After all, this doctor only has six short episodes before she regenerates into number 14, and the show may be looking for a radical change after Jodie Whittaker leaves. As of now, Dan has revealed little about his past, and it might be because he’s holding other clues. Other viewers speculate he’s met the Master and might have ulterior motives for joining 13th’s team. 

However, not everyone buys that this one line of dialogue reveals all. Many people have pointed out that Dan comes from Northern England, specifically Liverpool, and that his jokes might be lost on viewers who aren’t familiar. It’s possible Dan was sarcastically responding to the overwhelming moment of learning something like the TARDIS exists. Instead of subtly revealing information about who he knows, the line may have been a moment of characterization, making Dan down-to-Earth and a bit sardonic. 

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Regardless of its meaning, Dan’s quick line has gotten viewers talking about what’s to come. The first episode of Doctor Who: Flux received overall positive reviews, boding well for the six-episode stint and end to Chibnall’s era of running the show. Only time will tell if Dan’s line was a one-off or a clue of bigger mysteries to come.

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