The Doctor Who season 13 trailer might’ve been light on details, but the Find The Doctor viral marketing campaign that followed could reveal more about Jodie Whittaker’s upcoming season. Doctor Who season 13 will be groundbreaking for a number of reasons. For starters, Chris Chibnall needs to answer the many, many questions raised by his shocking Timeless Child revelation, which punctuated season 12’s finale and completely altered The Doctor’s species, history and purpose. Doctor Who season 13 also marks the final full run for both Chibnall as showrunner and Whittaker as lead actor, with both departures happening after a series of specials in 2022.


Doctor Who season 13’s first trailer offered precious little – an early look at John Bishop’s Dan the most noteworthy inclusion. The trailer did, however, trigger a viral campaign called “Find The Doctor,” which led fans through an elaborate treasure hunt incorporating braille, museums, and conspicuously placed caPital lEttErs. The innovative marketing trail has now concluded, but the Find The Doctor message continues, with Jodie Whittaker popping up between BBC shows, seemingly trapped and desperately trying to get a message to the audience.

Find The Doctor has engaged Doctor Who viewers in a unique way, and helped build anticipation for the upcoming season 13. With details still thin on the ground, however, what did the viral campaign actually reveal about The Doctor’s next set of adventures?

Doctor Who’s Find The Doctor Treasure Hunt Explained

The lack of enticing details in Doctor Who season 13’s first trailer was so conspicuous, some immediately suspected some hidden clue might’ve been overlooked – and they were right. The final frame included a barely-visible “/mystery” website link that directed fans toward a voice message featuring Mandip Gill’s Yaz, who was supposed to meet The Doctor at the Hanging Gardens, only for the Time Lord to stand her up. The treasure hunt then took Doctor Who‘s online detectives to Yaz’s Sheffield apartment building, where the message “Find M… could be seen scrawled onto the TARDIS doors. That clue led to a painting at the Liverpool Walker Art Gallery called La Boîte Bleue, and a sonic screwdriver display at the London Science Museum.

Awkwardly, fans then had to sign up for Doctor Who‘s newsletter to discover a mysterious piece of amber, download the WhatThreeWords app, buy the November issue of Doctor Who Magazine, and use the Shazam app on yet another voice message from The Doctor, Yaz and Dan. The final piece of the puzzle proved to be a reply to Yaz’s initial recording, where the Thirteenth Doctor dramatically reveals she’s… running 6 minutes late.

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Find The Doctor’s Hidden Doctor Who Season 13 Story Hints

Find The Doctor’s prizes arguably weren’t worth the effort required to complete the augmented reality experience, but did the clues themselves contain any season 13 story hints along the way?

In Yaz’s very first message, for example, she’s meeting The Doctor at the “Hanging Gardens” – very likely the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Could this mythical location serve as a setting in Doctor Who season 13? Find The Doctor’s La Boîte Bleue painting features an anachronistic late 1960s Black Arrow rocket in an 1860s environment, and though the image was designed to lead toward the next clue at London’s Science Museum, the artwork could tease a crossing over of time in Doctor Who season 13, where significant events in history start playing out in the wrong eras, threatening the very fabric of reality – the “Flux” perhaps? Doctor Who season 13 could even explain how La Boîte Bleue came to be painted, and who the “anonymous author” might’ve been.

The London Science Museum’s broken sonic screwdriver is a fairly ominous clue – especially taking Jodie Whittaker’s impending regeneration into account. Though The Doctor has been known to lose their trusty sonic from time to time, the damaged, worn gadget could allude toward whatever major battle triggers the Thirteenth Doctor’s demise, since it’s safe to assume her successor will be afforded a brand new design of their own. Similarly concerning, the metal item trapped in the Natural History Museum’s chunk of amber is one of the Thirteenth Doctor’s earrings…

Mary Shelley’s presence in the Find The Doctor ARG is intriguing, as the iconic author joined the Thirteenth Doctor during Doctor Who season 12’s “The Haunting of Villa Diodati.” Whittaker’s Time Lord has encountered various inspiring females during her reign, including Shelley, Rosa Parks and Noor Inayat Khan, and some of those historic figures returning to aid The Doctor in her final season might make for a poignant farewell.

The WhatThreeWords app clue of “Reach. Librarian. Doctor” might remind some of River Song, whose story ended with her becoming a permanent resident of a library. However, the suspiciously cohesive phrase might also point toward a season 13 plot point, possibly involving The Doctor meeting a librarian who knows something about her pre-First Doctor years.

What Monster Was At The End Of Find The Doctor?

The real treasure waiting at the end of Doctor Who‘s Find The Doctor hunt was a brief glimpse at an alien monster who will obviously play a significant role in season 13. Initially, some Doctor Who fans suspected the creature was a Sontaran, and there’s certainly a visual similarity in the sunken eye sockets and narrow mouth (though this guy’s dental hygiene isn’t quite as rigorous). The Sontarans are heavily rumored to feature in Doctor Who season 13, but the war-faring potatoes are hardly worthy of their own viral marketing campaign, with all due respect to Strax and the gang. Other suggestions include Zygons, a Sycorax, or the Stenza but, more likely, this is a brand new monster never seen previously in Doctor Who.

In the Thirteenth Doctor’s message at the end of Find The Doctor, she describes being chased by a “Baldurian fleet.” That name doesn’t match any existing race in Doctor Who mythology, so might secretly confirm the species of our sunken-eyed, sharp-toothed friend at the end of Find The Doctor’s rainbow.

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Chris Chibnall and others have teased “Swarm” as a key buzzword in Doctor Who season 13, the meaning of which is proving elusive. Probably not a reference to the forgotten Tom Baker villain, the Swarm could be primary antagonists in Doctor Who season 13, and Find The Doctor might’ve been our first look at their hideous faces. Somewhat more likely is that these are the Ravages referenced by the Thirteenth Doctor in a brand new clip that also confirmed Sontarans and Weeping Angels for Doctor Who season 13.

Why The Doctor Is Missing In Season 13 – New Clue Explained

Most assumed Find The Doctor ended after the password was cracked, but new BBC promos suggest otherwise. Between shows, the BBC has recently been playing random clips of The Doctor, struggling to make a connection, and saying something along the lines of “can you hear me?” Shortly after the crackling promos started appearing, Doctor Who‘s social media also went offline.

The Doctor could be trapped somewhere, trying to send out a distress signal to her companions, or warn Earth of an incoming threat. Even more telling, the colorful TV static effect that accompanies these clips is very similar to the interference during the unidentified monster reveal in Find The Doctor’s final clip. Does this recurring theme indicate that wherever The Doctor is located, she’s in the same place at season 13’s unfriendly-looking new villains?

It wouldn’t be much of a Doctor Who season if The Doctor herself went missing for the entire run, and audiences can safely expect the Time Lord and her companions to unite in season 13’s premiere. But Doctor Who‘s Find The Doctor viral marketing suggests Thirteen went AWOL in the gap between seasons – and without a word to her companions. Since the events of Doctor Who‘s New Year’s special earlier this year, it’s possible The Doctor has been trying to crack the mystery of where she comes from and how to get there, pushing the TARDIS to its limits in pursuit of answers. Poking into the dark corners of her past, The Doctor is sure to disturb a Swarm of some kind (with Gallifrey’s villainous Division still on her back), and this could be where the mysterious distress calls and ominous Find The Doctor clues are heading.

The Doctor’s Phone Number & Flux Reveal

The most recent development in the ongoing Find The Doctor campaign came when a mysterious spaceship appeared in the middle of Liverpool, the hometown of John Bishop. After a few days to let fans ponder, adverts also began popping up throughout the city, all containing a phone number. When called, fans would be connected to the Thirteenth Doctor’s voicemail, and warned of an incoming threat called “the Flux” – a gathering of various Doctor Who villains including Weeping Angels, Sontarans and the brand new Ravages. The phone number would suggest Earth is under imminent threat from a slew of different enemies, though why these threats are coming all at once remains to be seen. Doctor Who season 13 is now officially titled Doctor Who: Flux, and a premiere date of October 31 confirmed.

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