One of the most intriguing parts of Grand Theft Auto Online is occasionally seeing what characters from Grand Theft Auto 5 have been up to in the eight years since that game’s story took place. There is a surprising amount of continuity involved in the game, and characters from across the story are encountered by the online protagonist. Even figures as minor as Simeon, who only appeared at the start of GTA 5 as Franklin and Lamar’s sleazy boss, manage to get some cameos.

One supporting character’s fate had a lot of players talking, and that is Lamar’s dog Chop. Chop’s role in the game was minimal unless the player had the smartphone app that allowed Franklin to train him, but since Chop is essentially the player’s pet, it was easy to get attached to him. It is easy to assume that Chop kept being taken care of by Franklin and Lamar following the events of the main story, but many players had to wonder if Chop had survived the time skip between the main story and GTA Online.


It is easy to see why one would fear for Chop considering the passage of time. Eight years have passed since the conclusion of the GTA 5 trio’s plot and Franklin’s reappearance in GTA Online’s  The Contract update. Depending on how old Chop was in his first appearance, he could either simply be an old dog, or outright frail at his current age. Either way, Chop has grown older since GTA 5, so he definitely wouldn’t be the same spry Rottweiler from before. Indeed, Chop has aged just like his owners, but by the time GTA Online rolls around, he’s still alive.

Chop Has Undoubtedly Aged, But He’s Still Around

In new cutscenes added in the update, Franklin admits that Chop isn’t as active as he used to be, like with most dogs that reach old age. However, the players can still interact with Chop. He can’t go for walks or learn new tricks anymore, but the player can still pet him when they visit Franklin. Even though Chop was never a major part of the original game, it’s still clear through subtle hints that he’s changed as he got older. Chop’s not chasing balls around anymore. He’s slower, less energetic, and more tired. Players who have watched their own pets grow old can surely relate.

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During one scene, Chop lumbers around, looking sickly, before collapsing to the ground. Franklin and Lamar panic straight away, fearing the same thing that had crossed many fans’ minds in the years before the update. Lamar examines Chop and quickly realizes that the old dog isn’t succumbing to age. He simply got into some weed that Lamar had left lying around and had gotten high as a result. The scene ends with Franklin and Lamar having to carry Chop out of the room due to the Rottweiler being too intoxicated to walk. It’s quite a piece of dark comedy, but it makes sense. Even with Franklin’s new wealth in The Contract, losing a pet is a scary thing to think about.

In GTA 5, Chop was shown to be as durable as the average series protagonist, able to come back from all sorts of apparently lethal damage. However, with Chop being a dog, it’s natural that players would be more concerned for his safety than that of the heavily armed and highly dangerous protagonist. Thankfully, despite all of the danger present in Grand Theft Auto Online, it’s nice to know that Chop is still living a long and comfortable life.

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